Beginning of the End

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10,9,8 the seconds were passing and I was ready for my death ,but I had to resist even if it wont work...At least I tried. I start cutting my skin trying to get the key out ..Blood was filling the water and I had only 2 seconds left..

I got the key out but was it too late?...7 minutes of my life's flash back but there was nothing really good to see. It was full of bad memories.... Blood, Killing , and torture. Well at least I would rest in peace and not live in torture. I admit it. Death is a relief.

My body was supposedly dead but my brain still didn't die. I had all these voices in my head saying You'll Never Escape. That freaked me out but nothing matters anymore since My soul was resting in peace.

The hour of departure has arrived, and we go our separate ways, I die but you live. Everything's over now but didn't you wonder how I died but my memories were still going in my head?

I was hearing voices but they weren't clear. I heard people saying " No .. Please " I knew something wasn't right. Could I be dead but still hear voices and be able to think?? I couldn't move or see but I could still think and hear. Paranormal just got real. 

BOOM! I felt like a huge electric shock in my body and I started to open my eyes. Could it be??!! Am alive?! I was confused and I felt my life was an illusion.

I tried to look beside me but I couldn't quite open my eyes but I heard beeping noises and people crying. All what matters is that I survived. But where am I? and How did I get there? and who got me there?

I didn't want to put my hopes up and think am alive until I become sure because it could one of SAW's tricks. I opened my eyes but my vision was blurred. I saw people all around me and some sort of stuff connected to my arms.

I was alive but I couldn't speak a word or even move. The beeping noise was getting faster and I really wanted to know where it came from. Oh wait! could I be in hospital?

Things just started getting creepier and creepier. I heard someone saying "we found her soaked in water and covered in blood in this weird old place that was horrifying" I can never mistake this voice. It was my Mom..

I just couldn't understand what was going on. so I squeezed my brain and I thought about My Parents found me soaked in water and blood in an old haunted place. That definitely made that means I escaped SAW! but I couldn't exactly remember how..

I didn't know if I was dreaming or in coma or what.. But it all made sense to me so it definitely wasn't a dream.

I wish they knew I was alive but they're probably thinking I wont survive.. My heart was beating I could detect that from the beeping noise and that electric shock I had was something used in the hospital to make my heart pump again I could think and hear but I couldn't interact...This isn't the end. Nor the beginning ..This is the beginning of the end. How? You'll find out later.

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