Don't get tricked by empty rooms

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Wow! Its already sixth round. I really can't believe I survived six rounds of challenging death. Every round that passes makes me stronger and stronger and my desire to lose hope gets less too.  But I still dont know how much more I can  stay strong.

so I was thinking "What have I done bad in my life so that he chooses to torture me?" Maybe if I fix what I've done ; I can get out of here. SAW said, "Its either escape or Game Over ...Theres nothing inbetween"

I knew I should finish this game but the problem is that I didnt know how! so I was off to the next round. I was groping my way through the stairs trying to grasp some air into my lungs.

I slowly opened the door and carefully stepped into the room expecting the worst of possibilities. what?? but how??! It was an emty room , But how could there be any harm in an emty room??

but even if there was no harm in an emty room. I had to find clues to escape the room. I wandered in the spooky room with my eyes wide open for any clue. I tried to zoom in with my eyes until I found something at the corner of the room.

I headed there with curiosity about what could the clue be! It was a small bloody envelope. I rushed to open it and as soon as I did a needle did a deep scratch in my wrist. I screamed OUCH! but wheres the clue?? SAW started talking

" The needle that just cut you contains a very rare kind of posion which only I have its cure ....The cure is found in this room. If you didnt find the cure in time, the poison will soon spread into all your blood and you will die" I screamed in pain!! I felt the poison screaching through my veins. The pain is stopping me from trying to find the cure.

I dragged my body on the floor trying to look for clues. I felt the poison killing a part of me every second. after a few minutes of observing the room , I found a small x on the wall.  I bet if i dug a whole behind the sign I would find the cure but there was nothing to dig the wall with and thats when I had to use my hands as weapons.

The poison is taking my power minute by minute so i had to rush by breaking this wall. I started punching the wall and kicking it with my foot. After all this, Only a small crack in the wall opened and droplets of water were falling off so i colloected each droplet and I placed them in my mouth. Blood was flowing off my wrists.

I felt the pain of the poison fade away but the pain of my hands passed me out. Half an hour later......I woke up and all I saw was black..I thought I was dead but unfortunately I wasnt....Miraculously I was still alive which I wasnt planning for....

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