Lost between death and life

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My hope was to escape the torture and I did but I arrived to a place where am considered dead but my heart was beating...I was in a hospital bed for I dont even know how much...I can hear people..hear noises but I cant move or say a thing.

I must be thankful that I'm alive but I dont even know if i'll ever wake up or no..Could I be dead and my soul is trapped inside me ?? or Im just in coma?? Im hoping for the best but am expecting the worse..

The best part is that I survived a jigsaw game but the worst is that I might not even be alive or even wake up from this. I hear people crying..people talking ..people screaming..and my heart beating and then SUDDENLY someone talking..but the source of the voice wasnt the same as the people..it seemed much closer and clearer..

It said, "Hey,I know you can hear me but am in your mind..You know me and you know me very well" My heart suddenly started beating so much faster ..I could actually feel it..

This sound,this accent; I can never forget. It was him, My biggest fear, the one who turned my life into a living hell...did you know him? Its him..SAW!!..

.At this point, I realized that my chance of survival was less than zero... I should consider myself dead! but I escaped SAW and now am in a hospital..How am I able to hear him?

He continued,"Remember me? Its been a long time since I've talked to you."   wait..WHAT?! what does he mean by long time..??!! since when AM I HERE?!

"oh...you probably dont know that you've been in this hospital for more than 3 months."  I was paralyzed by his speech.... 3 months?! how didnt I feel that?...a billion thoughts were on mind but I had to listen to him ; maybe he has information that might help me..

I yelled"Help!! How can I wake up from this coma?" He said,"I can't help you..You chose to go on the last round and that is what you get. THAT IS WHAT YOU DESERVE! Do you think am that foolish to make you pass the last round and just let you go. No No No...you'll have to help your own..All you wanted was to escape and You did ...but I made you escape into a life which is inbetween death and life."

" YOU CANT BE HUMAN..JUST FOR ONCE THINK OF WHAT YOU'RE DOING! This isnt fair to me or anyone..what have I done to you?

He said"You havent done anyting to me but you dont deserve to live..Just remember your life before getting trapped and you'll see why you dont deserve the life you were living and thats why I gave you another life. Im fair enough" 

His speech seemed legit and I had to think about it. I asked "How are we communicating?"  he replied, " You can hear me the same way you heard in the game and I can hear you by reading your mind.."

The paranormal mode has turned on again.. I just didnt understand or actually couldnt understand what is going on ..My life didnt  make sense! I got trapped in a jigsaw game and I survived then I found myself half alive...Its something that cannot even be imagined..

BOOM! A huge electric shock just went through my body,and a huge amount of hair rushed through my lungs and bright white light covered my vision..WHAT IS HAPENNING?! I slowly opened my eyes and I was in the hospital but awaken.

I woke up!!! I definetly didnt see that coming..But the  weird thing was that the room was empty & I could hear no noise..where have they gone..then all of a sudden SAW appeared infront of me,I was shocked enough so I couldnt make any sound He said , " I'll ask you just one question and this question will decide whether you will  live or not...are you wondering what the question was? It was a live or die question...

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