Death has Two Faces

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"I'm still alive", my brain whispered. Being dead is just a hundred times better than staying here. My heart is still beating but I'm paralyzed and numb. I just wish I had a time machine to either skip the time to my death or go back in time before all this happens.

I've stayed strong for too much and I think I cant take it anymore...Shall I just give up or end this game? Atleast giving up was much less pain that completing the game. ..But i just thought in myself "One more round wont really make a difference since I'm already hurt"

I was quite sure that I can only handle one more round and then I would give up so I will give it a try. At the moment , I didnt let my brain tell me where to go ; I just let my feet lead me to where ever my destiny is....But this time it wasnt a room ..It was a hallway that ends with a door that had the number 3 on it...

"This isnt gonna end good" I was mumbling. A door with number 3 on it wasnt quite a good beginning. To be honest , I was worried ,and I didn't know whether to open the door or not. Turns out it wasnt optional because the door suddenly opened by itself..

.My heart just fell right in the moment and my nerves started snapping one after the other..I couldnt clearly see whats behind the door since it was very dark.

I was terrified ,and I knew this was gonna be the day I die. But guess who came out of the door?..It was him. He was wearing a long black robe covering all his body and his head and he was wearing a mask...a mask I can never mistaken.

Who was he? He was SAW. For All the horrendous possibilities I expected to happen,  I have  never ever put in mind that I would meet him face to face

He said " Still planning to continue? Aren't you sick of this yet? Well if you're not planning to give up then I will make you do it" His words were like knives in my heart.  Suddenly! He got a bloody axe and started swinging left & right trying to chop me into pieces. All what was on mind was "Its time for my death and nothing can change that" I felt like I would soon see the flashback of my life.

I knew I can never change fate so I realized that resisting was gonna be worthless but it was worth a try... I tried to resist but he tried to choke with a rope  that my neck started to bleed... I didnt die and I kept on resisting until I hit the axe and it fell from his hand.

It was my only chance to survive so I dragged myself on the floor and I grabbed the axe and I swung it and I let karma decide whats gonna happen and FORTUNATELY IT HIT HIM...He fell to the floor with a puddle of blood around him and tears of joy in my eyes.

Finally?? I survived death!! My happiness couldnt be described in words; the last thing I would've ever thought of was surviving. What really made me happy is that he was dead and no more people will be tortured anymore  so I rushed to the door so I can get out . For one second I thought I survived until I looked back and seems I wasn't the only survivor...He wasn't dead....

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