Part 14

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I wake up to my alarm blaring. I struggled to get on some clothes while simultaneously walking towards the bathroom to brush my teeth. I had a strange dream last night about court but it's now slipped my mind.

I get myself a cup and some cereal, pouring the cereal inside the cup. I then filled it with milk while continuing to be lost in my thoughts.
Soon enough my phone lit up showing Ronnie's name. 'Hey cunt, be faster. I'm outside waiting for you!' He wrote. 'Hmm, I might just take my sweet time.' I retorted. He's clearly being antsy due to the weather being cold as hell, it's almost snowing too.

My brother came by late at night but I didn't catch him, must've had something with dad. Oh well, I scratched and cuddled Onnie for a bit before going out the door with my backpack on my shoulder. He loves belly slaps and he lets me drum on him.

I saw Ronnie and went right past him to his car even though he was waiting for a hug outside of it. He rolled his eyes and I laughed at him, telling him to hurry up. He started the car and I started my detective work.

"Soooo, how are you?" I asked him. He looks at me suspiciously noticing my tone. "I'm fine, you?" He asked back. "I'm cool. And how's Joanne?" I asked with a comical twinkle in my eye. Ron groaned awkwardly. "I'm not talking about this!" He said.
"Yes you are, because I'm interested." I insisted.

"Fine. There's not much to say but some kissing might have been involved..." Ron hesitated. I laughed manically, I finally caught them! I knew they were meant to be!
"I knew something would happen between you two! I'm so happy, my little one..." I wiped a tear from my eye half-playfully half-serious. He groaned in protest and I decided to let it go for the rest of the car ride.

I watched as the scenery went by until we reached our destination at last. We hopped out of the car and he locked it after we got all of our stuff. We walked towards the main entrance of the school until we came across a certain intimidating woman, walking not too far from us. She glanced at us and Ron gave her a shy smile. That bitch however, didn't return it. Clearly she's regretting whatever happened, or maybe she can't show anything at school?

A damn smile isn't even suspicious though, teachers smile at students all the time! Ron looked at the ground as she kept walking and looking forward. I put my hand on Ron's shoulder to comfort him.
"Don't even worry about that George Washington ass bitch there. We'll get some hoes on ya dick if you want." I suggested, trying to be funny and attempting to light up the mood. He laughed a little but didn't say anything. I just held my hand on him until we had to split up for class.

I have biology and he has physics, I have better luck than him I guess. I went through the doorway and made my way to my assigned seat. Luckily, Jackson and I sit next to each other here so we can gossip all class long.
Speak of the devil, there he is walking into class right now. He smiled and waved while walking over. He placed his backpack on the back of the chair and sat down.

"Hey bestie." I greeted Jackie. "Heeey." He dragged it out. "You will not believe half the shit I heard today girl." He looked around and rolled his eyes. "Elizabeth and Ethan were caught smoking in the school bathroom yesterday, right when you were absent." He laughed. Stuff always happens when you miss a day of school but every other day is the same. How awesome...

"Wow, I know from Ron that someone was dealing again, but I didn't know so many people were indulging." I said thoughtfully. "Yeah, well. It's been a while since it has been so easily accessible in this school." He clicks his mouth in disappointment.
"Rumor is that someone deals right outside of school from a passing car" He laughs a little. That is ridiculous, just begging to get caught, no?

The rest of biology went by fast, talking about more and more rumors. None as interesting as the new dealer though.
I have four more classes today, so that's going to be fun. We saw Ron coming out of physics and joined him. We talked for a bit before we all had to separate completely this time. I walked to chemistry, my next class. I sat down in my seat near the window and decided to stare outside instead of listening today.

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