Best Friends

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Authors Note: Thats your house! Story is inspired by -   the_introvert422  



A six year was sitting on her parents bed as she was watching some ABC's that her parents left for her to watch until the Nanny gets home. 

She had short (H/c) ands (S/c) and was dressed in a peach shirt and white shorts. 

"There you are!" The nanny was a young man who's name was Dal. He was in his early 20's. "DAL!" the girl yelled as she got up form the bed and gave him a hug. 

He was Korean, was a tall man, and had an amazing style.  He was wearing a pink hoodie on and baggy black pants. He had a tattoo on his arm that said my sun. 

He squatted and started to tickle her. "did you miss me Y/n?" she started to laugh as he continued to tickle her. 

"you almost make me wanna have kids one day" he pinched Y/n's nose in a playful manner "almost " he laughed and the two went downstairs.

"do you know what on your parents list today pumpkin?" He said as Y/n looked at him with a confused stare. "well they finally agreed to let you go to the park! Isn't that amazing?"

 Y/n looked at him amazed "really?" she asked not completely convinced this was her parents who Dal was talking about.

Dal chuckled "I know right? I thought aliens took your parents over night and were pretending to be them" 

Y/n looked horrified but Dal shook his head which helped reassured the girl "I was joking..but you've got to admit it is a rare gesture so lets go get your coat" Y/n smiled and ran to her room with Dal right behind her. 

"So what is our coat of the day?" Dal asked and looked at her numerous coats and pointed to a pink one. It had a gold-like color for the pockets and had Y/n and Dal's first initials on both sleeves 

 "oh? are we matching today?" Dal said as he picked up the pink coat. Y/n nodded "Dal likes pink so I like pink!" Dal chuckled as he put on the girls coat. 

"did you eat breakfast yet?" Y/n shook her head "dads let before I woke up.." Dal frowned as he grabbed her small hands and walked them to the kitchen. 

"What does her majesty want to eat today?" Dal asked as he opened the fridge. "I want Dal's famous pancakes!" Y/n called out as she jumped up and down in excitement. 

"two servings of Dal's famous pancakes coming right up!" Dal's excitement made the girl more excited than she was before if that was even possible. 

Dal began to make the pancakes and Y/n had taken his phone and was taking pictures of herself and of Dal as he was making the pancakes. He didn't really mind the fact that she took his phone.

 He's been her nanny since she was three months old because her Dad's seem to never have time to watch her because of their Jobs as CEO of a major company. Dal considers Y/n as his own daughter and she considered him to be like her third father. 

"Aaaannnddd Done" Dal handed the girl the pancakes. The pancakes were nice and crispy as the pancake had a drawing of Y/n and Dal that said family forever.

 Y/n smiled and thanked Dal. "Eat up pumpkin we have to leave soon" Y/n nodded and began to eat her food. 

"Done?" Y/n asked and he took her plate and put them in the sink. "Last one to my car is a rotten egg!" Dal yelled as he and Y/n ran out the kitchen and ran to Dal's car. 

The two were out of breath but they were also laughing so that didn't help. "I-I won!" Y/n cheered and Dal shook his head "for now!" He chuckled as he put her in her baby seat. 

"What did I teach you about seat belts?" Y/n put her seatbelt on a did a x gesture with her arms "to always put them on or a big no-no could happen!" Dal smiled and ruffled her hair "good" 

Dal closed her door and went to his drivers seat and put on his seat belt and the two drove away. The park Dal drove too was so nice there were multiple kids who seemed around Y/n's age and the girl smiled at this fact. 

Dal unbuckled Y/n and grabbed her hand and the two walked off to the playground where all the kids were. 

"Now pumpkin try to have as much as you can okay?" Y/n nodded and let go of Dal's hand and ran off to the other kids. The other kids all ran away from her. Y/n frowned and noticed the only kid who was left was a kid who had curly orange hair and was wearing a long white t-shirt and had green shorts. 

"9, 10 ready or not here I come-oh I found you!" The boy tapped Y/n's shoulders and she was confused "you found me?" he nodded but he took a second glance at her and gave her an amazed stare

 "are you new?" Y/n shook her head "I've lived here since birth" she said a bit quiet, overwhelmed by the boys energy. "how come I've never seen you?" he asked and she started to play with her sleeves "I-I...never go outside" the boy gave her a surprised look.

 "so this is the first time you've been outside? Y/n nodded and the by gave her a sad look. "so you never had any friends?" Y/n shook her head "I have three friends! My two Dad's and my Nanny Dal" Y/n pointed to where Dal was sitting, he had been watching the two chat and waved to them once he saw Y/n pointed to him.

The boy smiled "want one more friend?" Y/n looked at him with excitement and nodded "where are they?" the boy frowned and gestured to himself. Y/n got the message and became embarrassed.

 "I would love to be your friend um"



The two hugged and Johnny remembered that he was still supposed to be looking for the other kids. "Y/n were playing Hide and seek do you wanna join?" Y/n nodded and the two went off to look for the other kids. 

They had managed to find all the kids and they all got to play with each other. Unforuntaly it was getting late and they all left.

Only Johnny and Y/n were left. The two were playing patty-cake but it seemed like it was Johnny's turn to leave. Y/n frowned and Johnny noticed and gave her a head pat.

 "Don't worry we'll see each other more. Were best friends after all" Y/n eyes lighten up with joy as she heard the words Best friends. Y/n gave Johnny a tight hug and he returned it and the two smiled at each other as they were approaching Johnny's mom who was talking with Dal. 

"It was nice talking to you Dal but we must go. Goodbye dear " Johnny's mom smiled at you and you smiled back. "Bye Y/n" Johnny waved "Bye Johnny" Y/n waved back. 

"Did you have fun pumpkin?" Dal asked as he grabbed your arm and walked you two back to his car. "yes! Johnny and me are best friends!" Dal smiled as he buckled up your seatbelt. Dal closed the door and went to his seat where he buckled his seat belt and drove back home. 

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