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Authors Note: Inspired by

Just so were clear I'm watching shorts of the movie on YouTube because the full movie cost money so- their might be sections of the movie left out I think I have no idea.

The three of them were walking to some catacombs as the two friends were asking Dracula question.

"Is it true you hate garlic?" Y/n asked and Dracula nodded "I can't have it swells my throat."

"Wooden stake to the heart?" Johnny asked "yeah well who wouldn't that kill?" he said in an annoyed tone as he kept walking ahead of them.

Dracula looked behind him to see if the two were following him but he ended up bumping into a wall as a result. He held his hands up in angry as he walked the other way.

Johnny and Y/n following shortly behind him. Dracula pulled a lever and a select door opened. It revealed a bed with some ants sitting on the bed.

"Oh-I'm sorry about that I'm a little lost-yes I know its your honey moon..I apologize..go back to doing what you were doing" Dracula said as the hidden door closed.

"I'm not down her much. It's meant to be an exit if humans ever invaded." Dracula said as he walked through another hallway only to end up going out and going into another hallway.

"So we're like the first humans here..huh" Johnny said staying behind a bit. Y/n noticed this and grabbed his had "Johnny, pay attention" "Thats really cool though" He said with a smile on his face.

"oh boy I think this is it" Dracula said as he pulled another lever to reveal the same skeleton from before.

"Whats happing?" The skeleton asked and Y/n and Johnny gasped and Johnny hid under Dracula's cloak. "Terrible sorry my mistake" Dracula apologized as the skeletons husband opened the door and an angry expression was on his face. "What is wrong with you people"

Y/n ran to the lever "why won't this thing close! close you dumb door!" Y/n called out as she tried to pull the lever up not wanting to deal with the skeleton's husband.

The bath rub the wife was using was thrown at Dracula and the door finally closed.

The three were now walking in a close type as that anyone would fear but not Johnny. "this place is amazing!" Dracula sighed "ok I could really use some silence right now"

The tight space hallway lead them to some stairs. They kept walking but Dracula stopped walking and Y/n noticed this but Johnny kept walking and Y/n grabbed his coat preventing him from falling.

"Seriously Johnny-" she said as Johnny was now dangling in the air. "hehe sorry" Y/n rolled her eyes as she pulled him back up. It got dark and they both noticed that Dracula was walking up the stairs so they ran after him.

They made it to another hallway and Dracula looked at the lever annoyed "alright third times the charm-" he stopped talking noticing the monsters who were making a mess of everything. Frank stein threw a Zombie and it got electrocuted and a werewolf teeth was on a Zombie as it growled at it.

Dracula tried to close the lever but to no avail Frank stein already saw them "Drac?" Dracula pushed Y/n and Johnny away from sight. "yes Frankie?"

Johnny landed on the floor and Y/n landed on top of him "does this remind you of something?" Johnny whispered and Y/n rolled her eyes "those times where you would always jump on me whenever you would come over. How could I forget?" Johnny let out a small laugh as Y/n shuffled herself off of him.

"Hey buddy what you been doing?" Frank stein asked and Dracula told the two friends not to move. "never mind that. What have you been doing?" He asked as he went inside. "we wanted to practice our big number for Marcellus party but these two losers wouldn't get off-" Dracula interrupted him "okay put down Zombie Mozart, Bark, and Beethoven this instant"

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