Past memories

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Dracula opened the door and the three walked inside and Johnny let out a cough. "Wow..." Y/n spoke out as she looked around the room.

 "are we at a funeral right now? Oh, wait, no it's just your bed" He chuckled as he touched the coffin. "so creepy and cool" 

"Johnny get away from there" Y/n said as Johnny looked up at her and gasped. She was confused and turned around to see a familiar face the two always saw. "We know her! We've seen that picture at the ruins of Lubov. Thats our favorite castle." 

"Theres a whole legend around that lady" Y/n said "A legend?" Dracula said obviously confused. Y/n nodded as she grabbed the candle stick that Dracula was holding and moved closer to the picture. 

"The Lady Lubov" She smiled and Johnny moved right beside her and the two stared at the lady. "The story is that a lonely count met her by change, and they say that no two souls were ever more meant for each other." Johnny said. 

"Eventually, they settled down at Castle Lubov and had a child." Y/n said 

"But then, a horrible tragedy happened. A fire started mysteriously one night and it killed both of them" Johnny said.  "when I was at the castle, I could feel their powerful love. They say it's as if a soul is still trapped in the ruins themselves." Y/n said as she lowered down the candles. 

"The legend is wrong" Dracula said and the two looked at him with a frown present on their faces. "It was only the wife that died" He pulled down the cover that was hiding the other part of the portrait and the two gasped as they looked at Dracula.

The other half of the portrait revealed Dracula holding the lady's hand as the two looked happy together. 

"And it was no mystery who killed her. She was killed by your KIND" He looked angrily at the two as his eyes glowed blue

"Vampire!" A guy said with a pitchfork outside Draculas previous home.  The house was burning and the wife was holding her baby as Dracula tried to comfort them. 

"Honey?"  He touched her cheek "go hide. I'll take care of this" The two let go out each others hands as Dracula went to go talk to the humans. 

"Vampire!" The same guy yelled as Dracula tried to calm them down, he stopped hearing his wife scream. "Martha!" Dracula yelled.

A baby crying as Dracula stood far way from the burning house. "They are the real monsters" 

"I built this place for my love, to protect her child." He walked away from the painting and moved closer to the two friends. 

"As a father, you do everything to keep your family safe. Even if you have to break their trust" Dracula looked down and glanced at Y/n. "But now, Marcellus has feelings for you" "Really?" Y/n smiled but stopped noticing Dracula's heart-broken expression. 

"It's alright...You two are a good one. If the world was different maybe it would be possible."  Dracula said as Johnny shook his head "Drac, this is the 21st century. People aren't the same as they were back then."

Dracula looked at the two "can you tell me for certain that if we came out in the open, everyone would accept us? Everyone"  Y/n shook her head "no..." Y/n put her hand on her best friends shoulder and he looked at the portrait and back at her and Dracula. "no, you're right"

"We'll go for good this time" Y/n said  "just say we had some emergency or the gremlin lady ate me or something" Johnny said and Y/n handed back the candles and the two walked away. 

Dracula looked at the two with a frown and grabbed their shoulders "No, no, no, no, no. I don't want to ruin his birthday party. You can sneak out after it's all done" Y/n looked at Dracula "I'm sorry..I would never tried to hurt him or you." She said. 

It was all silent "I think I kind of got your hypno-eyes down."  Dracula playfully rolled his eyes. "Let me see" 

"Beware! For you are in my power. I command you to be werewolf man!" He walked up to Y/n and Dracula and looked them right in the eyes. Y/n and Dracula glanced at each other. 

"OWWWW-I have to many kids..." Dracula said but stopped seeing that Y/n wasn't doing it. Johnny looked at Y/n as he wiggled his eyebrows. "I command you to be werewolf man!" He said and Y/n furrowed her eyebrows and Dracula nudged her. 

"Owww..." She mumbled and Johnny laughed and gave her a tight hug. "someone scratch me I have fleas!" the three laugh as they walk out of the room. "Cause he's a wolf, he gets those" Johnny said still laughing "yeah don't explain it. It's not funny when you explain it"Dracula said. 

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