Hotel greetings-ish

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Authors note: inspired by     

Months had passed since that day and the two friends had traveled to lots of places, too many to count actually. Johnny however had been able to keep track of all the trips the two have been too. Of course the two have learned a lot of things as well. 

Right now they were following guys who were on literally fire to a strange castle.

The two stopped and looked at the castle for a short time.Johnny took a quick picture and Y/n took his phone away. Thunder suddenly sprung out of nowhere and Y/n freaked out.

 Y/n grabbed his backpack handles as she walked off "nope, were leaving-ah Johnny!" Johnny had managed to stop the girl and grabbed her shoulders as he pushed/walked them closer into the hotel. 

"I would hate to be in a horror movie with you.." Y/n grumbled as she tried once more to leave his grasp. After a while she just gave up not willing to leave her best friend behind and not willing to walk all the way back.

Once inside the two looked around, Johnny was amazed while Y/n was a bit terrified but equally amazed at the sight. "these people have amazing costumes!" Johnny whispered before Y/n could answer the two got tackled back into the the door that just kept spinning.  

The person who tackled them was a guy dressed in all black and blue eyes, slicked black hair he looked the two with a sort of anger in his eyes. "Who are you and how did you find this place?" He asked as the anger in his eyes seemed to grown. 

"Oh I'm Jonathan and this is Y/n. We were just mountain climbing with some dudes" A flashback of Johnny falling while mountain climbing and Y/n yelling his name as she dived after him. 

"and heard this story about a spooky forest. " Flashback to hotel owners talking about the spooky forest with Y/n and Johnny. Johnny seemed completely unbothered by the story as he took a picture of the two owners and ate the sandwich Y/n made him, speaking of Y/n she was terrified by the story and was hiding behind Johnny's backpack. 

"Who's not gonna go into a spooky forest right?" Johnny was walking into the forest as Y/n was trying to push him out of the forest but to no avail failed. 

"Me that's who" Present Y/n said and Johnny laughed "okay anyone BUT Y/n" present Y/n rolled her eyes as Johnny continued his story.

In the flashback Johnny was now taking a picture of a huge spider he saw with Y/n right behind him. Y/n heard a strange noise and jumped making Johnny and her fall in the spider-web and rolled down until they stopped and saw a town. 

"and then we saw these goofy looking dudes on FIRE" Johnny emphasized the fire part as he did fire gestures and Y/n did fire gestures with him to make him not feel alone. 

The two stop their fire gestures and Johnny continued to tell the story "And just kind of followed them to this like amazing castle" Johnny took a picture of the castle and Y/n took his phone away which caused him to frown. 

Suddenly thunder clap and you know the rest. Y/n trying to make Johnny leave but was unsuccessful and the two somehow ended up in this non-stopping door.  

The guy suddenly looked up like he realized something and looked back at the two best friends. "How many of you are there?" he asked terrified "just us, we've been together since childhood. We're such an awesome duo!" 

Johnny causally placed his arm around Y/n's shoulder and she was internally freaking out because the man was staring at them for too long.

Johnny took his arm off of Y/n's shoulder and grabbed the man's cap. "Speaking of awesome that cap thing is killing it!" He said and Y/n grabbed his hand taking it off the man's cap ESPECIALLY since it seemed like he wanted to end them right now. 

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