Some bonding time

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Y/n was sitting next to Johnny she was suppose to be watching whatever the monsters were doing but she couldn't think about anything but the kiss and the fact that Marcellus was sitting right next to her didn't help. 

Marcellus put his hand on her thigh "you okay?" he asked concerned and Y/n felt butterflies in her stomach. "Y/n here!" Johnny handed her the roller skates. "...Johnny you know I can't skate" she said as Johnny helped her put them on. 

"What are those?" Marcellus asked as he watched the two put them on Y/n's feet "there skates. Something you use to..skate" Y/n said but it was clear that Marcellus was still confused as he titled his head to show he didn't quite understand her explanation. 

"...just watch me..and hope I don't-Ah!" Johnny grabbed Y/n's hand and he laughed but immediately stopped seeing Marcellus glaring at him. 

"I regret not taking those lessons with you Johnny" Y/n said as Johnny helped her out. "I told you, you would" he winked. She rolled her eyes he would alway get cocky whenever he was right especially with her because she's never wrong a majority of the time. 

Johnny used his scooter and Y/n grabbed his coat and skated off with him. Johnny did a few moves and Y/n watched in amazement not realizing that a small monster was behind her.

 She tripped over them by accident she expected to fall straight on her butt she didn't. Marcellus was watching her the whole time and noticed she was gonna fall so he used his speed to already be behind her and grab her before she could fall. 

Y/n chuckled nervously as Marcellus helped her up "...thanks" he nodded "its nothing" he smiled and his fangs showed. "wanna help me skate?" Y/n asked and he nodded. 

He grabbed her hands interlocking them once again. "so what do I do?" "Just walk" she instructed him. He did as so and he was watching her feet as the skates started to roll as they continued. 

"Wow..." he muttered but Y/n still heard him "do you wanna try?" he looked back at her and they  made eye contact. "is that okay?" She nodded as she took them off. "I don't know if they'll find your foot thought, but its worth a shot" Y/n handed him the shoes and he put them on with no ease. 

He stood up to fast and was about to fall down but Y/n grabbed his waist before he could do so. (It looked like she was dipping him)

 His whole face turned  pink as he covered his face with his sleeves. Y/n looked at him worryingly. "maybe start slow?" he quickly nodded as Y/n helped him up on his feet. 

"ready?" she asked and he took a deep breath and looked her straight in the eyes. "with you by my side? why wouldn't I be?" Y/n chuckled as she interlocked their hands like he did in order to comfort him. 

She started walking slowly and he was grateful. Not even long after he seemed to get the hang of skating. "You're doing really amazing for a beginner" Y/n said "thank you love" Y/n let go of his hands out of shock and he frowned at this fact. 

He went back to her side and looked at her worryingly "are you okay?"  She nodded and grabbed his hands once more. "I'm perfect" she smiled but the room suddenly shook and the two were shocked. 

Marcellus laughed and Y/n was confused before seeing his Dad's facial expression at the huge hole in the room.


Y/n was sitting in the middle of Johnny and Marcellus as Johnny kept telling everyone their adventure stories

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Y/n was sitting in the middle of Johnny and Marcellus as Johnny kept telling everyone their adventure stories. Marcellus interlocked Y/n's hand with his as he scooted closer to her.

 "wow you've been to lots of places love" He said softly as Y/n nervously looked away from him not wanting to feel the butterflies she does whenever he's around her. 

 Marcellus suddenly frowned as he remembered something. "How'd you deal with the mobs?" His eyes glowed a faint red and that worried Y/n a bit but Johnny didn't seem to have the same concern as he answered the question. 

 "It does get pretty crazy in the summer but you know, you just got to roll" Johnny said as he nudged Y/n's shoulder. "They just rolls. It's cool that they roll." Werewolf dad said. Marcellus looked at Y/n worried "they didn't hurt you right?" Y/n shook her head "no there are-"

Drac got in between Y/n and Marcellus "are no need to get up! Love droppings I brought you a bagel. Your favorite scream cheese." 

Marcellus grabbed the scream cheese "holy rabies thanks dad. Y/n try some scream cheese." he handed Y/n the scream cheese and the cheese started screaming. 

Y/n and Johnny looked at each other with worry. Y/n looked back at Marcellus to see that he had a huge smile on his face.

 "Uh-thanks?" Y/n took a bite and the cheese screamed. Marcellus had a huge smile on his face as he inched closer to see her reaction. 

"Its pretty good" Y/n said as she broke a half off and handed it to Marcellus. "Great they LOVE scream cheese. You two lets go party plan for a minute." Dracula picked the two up and moved them.  

"wait are you doing? If they find out are human they'll go back-"Johnny shook his head "relax no one suspects anything."  Y/n nodded "the only thing that looks suspicious is how much whispering you're doing" Johnny chuckled as Dracula pushed them out of all the eyes that were watching them. 

"Just rap it up. You will say you are going to the pool and act excited but then you two hurt something in your bodies and you will have to leave" Johnny crossed his arms and walked off with Y/n behind him. 

"OW MY LEG!" Y/n yelled as she stopped yelling and looked at Johnny who got the memo and copied her. "OH MY BACK!" 

"I'll ride on your back!" A monster jumped onto Johnny's back and Johnny yelled chicken fight and everyone joined him in the pool trying to knock the others off of the others shoulders. 

Marcellus was in his bat form and detransformed next to Y/n. "Is your leg okay love?" Y/n was confused before she remembered her little white lie. "Uh-yeah I'm fine" Marcellus hummed and grabbed her hand. 

"Why don't we show them the true power of two?" "Wait I'm not in swimming clothes-ah!" Marcellus picked her up and placed her on his shoulders. Y/n instantly grabbed onto his head not wanting to fall off. "Don't worry love, I've got you" He softly spoke and Y/n slowly let go. 

 He went inside the water with her on his shoulders. "Y/n you're going down!" Johnny walked over to her and she smirked and grabbed the monsters hand who was sitting on Johnny's shoulders. 

"Well see about that Johnny-stein!" The two friends laughed as Dracula tried to calm everyone down "OK calm down with the fighting. Everyone stop the rough-housing!"

Y/n looked at Johnny and frowned "Johnny your makeup!" she whispered butJohnny didn't seem to notice. She sighed and got off of Marcellus as he looked at her swimming to Johnny. He frowned and swam over to his uncle Frankenstein. 

"Hey uncle..." Frank looked at him concerned "what the matter kiddo?" Marcellus sighed as he looked at Y/n "I zinged with this girl but..she seems to like Johnny more or Johnny's just always on her mind! It's so frustrating" 

Frank looked at Marcellus and at Y/n and smiled "don't worry Marcellus all your problems with all be solved before you know if you just talk to her" Marcellus looked at his uncle with a frown. 

"I...but I don't wanna seem possessive-" Frank nodded "I understand but you have to communicate with her or else your relationship wont be very healthy" Marcellus looked at Y/n and smiled thinking about a relationship with her. 

Suddenly the water went dry and Y/n was sinking to the bottom with the others who didn't have the change to get out. Marcellus saw this and transformed into his bat version and dove after her. He managed to grab onto to shirt and flew them to the top. 

He detransformed and Y/n hugged him "you always know when to save me huh?" Marcellus chuckled "just doing my job" he muttered hoping she didn't hear him. 

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