The party

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Authors Note: I felt so single writing this☃︎

The party was going great monsters were dancing the music was great and the tables were high up in the air as people were dancing or sitting on them. 

Y/n was in the crowd as she listened to the band playing. A blue smoke suddenly made its way towards her and a hand was on her shoulder. She looked at the monster and it was Marcellus. 

Marcellus was dressed in a black suit with a red collar and black cape. "wow you mean you look good" he chuckled and awkward silence was placed over them. 

"I'm glad you were able to make it" Marcellus said as he leaned closer to her. Y/n who didn't seem to notice the guys all of a sudden closeness just nodded.

"yeah um do you like our touches?" a few fireflies flew past them and made an airplane that flew across different places like Paris, New York, Moscow, and other sites. 

He looks at the places with awe "it's amazing" he smirked and did a trust fall. Y/n was quick to move not wanting him to fall but instead Marcellus turned into a bat and used his cape to push Y/n back and detransformed. 

The two started to dance with each other as laughter filled the air. Marcellus stopped dancing and Y/n noticed this and looked at him confused. It seemed as if the world was going in slow-mo as the two stared in each others eyes. 

Marcellus moved towards Y/n. He stared down at her and he kissed her and she stared at him shocked before melting into the kiss. 

"Y/n? Y/n-oh" Johnny said as he watched his best friend kiss Marcellus. He smiled as the two continued to enjoy their moment together. 

The two pulled apart and stared into each others eyes as a smile was present on their faces. 

Blue smoke was suddenly in front of Y/n and Dracula appeared in front of her. "How could you! After I shared my pain with you!" he whispered yelled.

 "Dracu-" Y/n started but Marcellus spoke up. "Dad it was just a kiss" Dracula looked back at him with an angry expression. "No you're not allowed to kiss" he said and Marcellus looked at him annoyed 

"Dad I'm allowed to do things. I'm  not 83 anymore. I'm allowed to like people or go see the world again." He said smiling but Dracula was freaking out "what? y-you saw it, you said you didn't like it!" he gripped his sons shoulders as he said every passing word. 

"Maybe I just need to give the village a chance. You know just kind of roll with it like Y/n and Johnny" Dracula shook his head "No, no, no you can't go to the village again." 

"Maybe you can make them see that we can be friends" Marcellus tried to reason with his father but Dracula shook his head "no that isn't possible!" Marcellus furrowed his eyebrows "well you can't be sure. It's all in how you present yourself"

 Dracula frowned "that wont make a difference" Mareculls crossed his arms "how do you know?" "it just wont!" Dracula yelled "why wont it?" Marcellus yelled back "Because that village doesn't really exist!" the music died down and everyone heard them. 

"..what do you mean doesn't exist?" Marcellus said as his friends walked toward them. "What did you do?" Frank said and Dracula looked at them "I did what I had to do"  He said as he turned away from them. 

Marcellus glared at his father sightly "what was it?" his tone was more harsher than before."what exactly did you HAVE to do? Tell me." He asked again his tone sounding more harsh with every word, even Dracula seemed to freeze at this. 

"I...I built the town...the staff put it all together..the Zombies dressed up as the townspeople" Marcellus was shocked at his words and began to walk away from his father "p-please if you really went out there and something happened to you..I- I just couldn't live with myself" 

Marcellus stopped walking and turned to his dad. "But you can live with this? Lying to me, tricking me? keeping me here forever when you knew my dream was to go" Dracula was about to say something before the frozen chief came back. 

"Oil?" Murray asked. Johnny grabbed Y/n's hand and ran off with her to the door but it was closed by the mouse before the could reach it. The mouse glared at them and Y/n glared back at it. 

Monsters gasped as the two friends before Frank laughed "Their not humans. Johnny's my right arm cousin a Stein and Y/n's a vampire" Frank glared at the frozen chief as he leaned into his face. "He's lying" the invisible man agreed "yeah and why's he's picking his nose" 

Johnny turned to Y/n "we have to leave" he said but before they could even move the mouse jumped on Johnny. "Hey! Get off of him!" Y/n yelled as Johnny kept moving and the mouse kept taking off his blue makeup and fixing his hair back to its original form.

 "yeah get off of me!" He yelled and the mouse stopped went to Y/n. "Oh come on!" she yelled as Johnny was now trying to get the mouse off of her. 

The mouse jumped off Y/n and the chief pointed to them. "Behold the humans" the fly said(he was translating for him)

Monsters started to scream as they tried to get away from the two. "Y/n!" Johnny yelled as the two were getting separated "Johnny!" she yelled as they tried to grab the other one's hand but to no avail they were separated. 

Y/n looked at the sea of panic monsters with discomfort as she was completely lost from her best friend and ruined everything for Dracula and Marcellus.

 "is it true?" Marcellus asked as Y/n turned to his direction. "Yes...I'm sorry for not telling you"  He shook his head "I still wanna make this work." He grabbed Y/n's hand and kissed the top of it. 

He gave her a small and Y/n smiled back before she saw Dracula's heart-broken expression from a far. 

She sighed and released her hands from his. "I don't think we can" Marcellus stared at her shocked as a few tears threatened to spill from his eyes. " don't?"

 She pushed him back as gently as she could "You're a monster. I don't ever want to see you again" Y/n ran off towards the door and opened it. "Y/N!" Johnny called out as he ran towards his best friend. 

Marcellus stood from his spot as he watched the love of his life walk away from him. A few tears spilled from his face. Dracula placed a hand on his shoulder.

Marcellus shoved it off and glared at him "this is all your fault!" he yelled as he transformed into a bat and flew away from everyone. 

He flew to is room where he looked outside the window and saw the two best friends hugging. He glared at Johnny and used his sight seeing to get a closer look at the two. Y/n had seem to be crying and Johnny was comforting her. 

"Did she not mean those words...?" He said but shook the thought off as him just trying to trick himself into thinking she actually liked him. 

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