The End

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"How'd you convinced your dad to let you come?" Y/n asked and Marcellus chuckled "I snuck in when he wasn't looking." Y/n laughed and the two looked at each other "I'm glad you did" He smiled "me too" they leaned in to kiss and Dracula snarled at them but stopping seeing them looking at him with an annoyed expression "sorry I'll get used to that..." He said as he walked away from the two. 

The two smiled at him before turning to each other and sharing a kiss. 

A Few Months later: 

Marcellus groaned "Dad we've got to go-" Dracula put sunscreen on his son. Y/n chuckled as she put his bags in the trunk of the car. (The same one they used to get Y/n and Johnny back)

"Are you sure you guys don't wanna stay a little bit longer?" Dracula said as he did the puppy dogs eyes at his son. "Dad we'll be back 3 months later" He said and Y/n walked up to the two and interlocked her's and Marcellus hands together. 

"I want to see the whats outside of the hotel dad with her by my side" He kissed Y/n's hand and Dracula smiled and nodded "I..wont stop you but will you please take him?" He pointed to Johnny who was still trying to stuff his backpack into the truck as he wanted the two to have it for their journey.

Y/n tried to get him to come but he told her that he wanted to stay in the hotel to keep Dracula company and he wouldn't want to interpret the couple's time together. It would be a bit weird without by each other but they would still keep contact with each other. 

"Johnny.." Y/n walked up to her best friend and he looked at her with tears flowing down his face "Y/n!" he hugged her and she hugged him back. "I'll be can't get rid of me that easily" Y/n said as she tighten the hug. "promise to video chat every week?" he said and Y/n nodded. 

They pull away and pull out the necklaces and put them together "you are the sun" Y/n smiled "you are the moon" he said and they put down their necklaces. 

"Ready?" Marcellus asked and Y/n nodded "I'm driving" she took the keys off his hands and gave him a peck on the cheek. He shook his head and got inside the car. "Bye Johnny! Bye everyone!" Y/n yelled as she drove off and Marcellus waved everyone goodbye. 

"Wow I can't believe it." Marcellus muttered and Y/n glanced at him "believe what?" He smiled as he looked at the window. "Can't believe I'm actually get to see the world...even better its with you" He kissed her cheek and Y/n smiled as she kept driving. INTO THE SUNSET☃︎

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