You were right

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Marcellus went up into the roof when he was introduced to the sunrise. He was think about the times they had together from their skating, to the pool, and their first meet.

He sighed thinking that it was all for nothing. She didn't like him because he was a monster. Besides she had Johnny by her side the two would probably end up together in the end.

"Marcellus? Marcellus?" he heard his dad call but he didn't response. He felt his dad's presence beside him but he stayed silent.

"Dad? could you do me a favor?" He asked and Dracula looked at him "anything for you honey" he quickly agreed and Marcellus looked at the sky "can you erase my mind?"

Dracula shook his head "no, no , no. No I won't do that. Theres too much I want you to remember" Marcellus scoffed as he stared to cry.

"You were right Dad. The humans hate us. My own Zing hated me" He cried out as Dracula shook his head "honey there are so many-I'm sorry Zing? You zinged with..Y/n?" Marcellus nodded as he looked at his father.

Dracula's heart sunk as he realized why Marcellus had a sudden interest with love. It was because he found the one for him and he ruined his own son's chance to love.

Marcellus gave his dad a book that Dracula's previous wife had. Dracula looked at it and began to read it over. He felt more guilty as he read the book over and sighed. "This is not how things end, we will get your zing back" He said as he lifted Marcellus up.

"What? she doesn't even like me" Dracula shook his head "no she was just saying that because I would have ripped her face off if she didn't" Marcellus furrowed his eyebrows "dad!" Dracula nervously smiled "That doesn't matter now. What matter now is that we get them back!"

"Yeah!" Marcellus said but Dracula shook his head "no, no, no. When I say us I mean me and the gang not my son." he patted Marcellus head and went back into the hotel. Marcellus crossed his arms. "I'm going with him whether he likes it or not"


Dracula had managed to gather all his friends back and now Invisible man was driving them "okay, okay where am I going?"

Marcellus detransformed "to the human world before Y/n's gone forever!" Dracula looked at him shocked "HONEY! W-what are you doing here?" Marcellus laughed "you chased my Zing away its only fair I help track her back"

"What about the sun you two?" Murray said as he gestured to the sun. "I forgot about that..wait Y/n told me this thing about sunscreen, it should help us" Marcellus said "I'm down with any idea" Frank said and Dracula rolled his eyes "you only say that because it doesn't involve you"

"THERE!" Dracula yelled and the car stopped moving and Dracula got out of the car with Marcellus shortly following behind him.

"I knew something would fall out of that backpack!" Dracula sniffed the t-shirt and gagged "ugh! John"Johnny needs to burn this thing already! Work your magic" He handed the shirt to Wayne.

"wait-you want me to track the smell? No, no, no my sniffing tracking days are behind me-you know how many diapers I changed?" Marcellus crossed his arms " so you call your kids. I'm sure they haven't lost it." he said and Wayne whistled and a whole pack of children ran towards them.

"Sit, sit...smell! not me the shirt!" Dracula got down to Wayne's height "do any of your kids still respect you?" Wayne hum "Oh! Winny front and center!" he yelled and the boys stopped fighting so their sister could pass them once passed they started to fight again.

Winny spit out her pacify and started to sniff the shirt. "They got into a car at 86 p.m. I need a little transmission work but otherwise okay." she continued to sniff it "tit drove through town to the airport for 497, 8 a.m departure"

Marcellus looked terrified "thats in fifteen minutes!" he said as he shook his dad. Winny continued to sniff making Marcellus let go of his father as he watched the baby pup "seat 23a. He ordered the vegetarian meal and she ordered a coffee" (You can change the drink if you want)

Dracula got to her height "ok thank you cutie" He got up and glared at the boys "okay now all of you go back to your mother" Marcellus patted Winny's head and she smiled "I hope you find her!" he smiled watching Winny go back to her brothers.

The three got back in the car and they drove off. They kept driving until Dracula yelled out sheep making the invisible man nervous and them crash into some trees. After the trees they got back onto the road with Murray almost falling off.

"I've got you uncle Murray! Stop moving around or else you'll fall!" Marcellus yelled soon managing to get his uncle back into the seat. "This is why we wear seatbelts" Marcellus said as he put the seatbelt on his uncle.

"Highfive-done! leave me hanging!" The invisible man said and no one high fives him but instead they all yelled "lots of sheep!"

Wayne smiled as he patted invisible man's shoulders. "I've got this one" the car stopped moving as he began to devour the sheep.

Dracula covered his son's eyes and the rest watched Wayne eat the sheep in horror. Wayne climbed back into the car and burped. The others looked at him disappointed "what? now there's no sheep in the road. Let's go" They face back to the front but still with their grumpy looks.

"that was pretty sick man" Murray said and Wayne looked at him "you eat lamb chops its the same thing" Marcellus rolled his eyes as he put down his dad's hand from his face "Who cares! We don't have time for this. Let's go!"

With the best friends:

"are you sure you don't want some of my food?" Johnny 'airplanes' the food to Y/n but she didn't open her mouth and just pushed it away. "No thanks..." Johnny frowned and took out his phone and put a movie on for them.

He laid his head down on her shoulder and she glanced at him "it will be like old times" He said. Y/n chuckled "are you calling us old?" He picked his head up and laughed "you know back in my day-" Y/n shoved his vegetarian food into his mouth. Johnny laughed seeing she was back into her normal self. Cranky.

Johnny looked outside the window and nudged Y/n and pointed to the bats outside. "Marcellus? Drac?" Y/n said as the two best friends watched them trying to communicate with them.

"Huh? Guys we can't understand you" Y/n said and Marcellus looked at his father confused "he's got a rat's shoe?" Dracula shook his head "this is pointless. Let us try something us"

The flew away and the two best friends looked at them concerned. "Johnny there were smoking they can't be fine-"

"Y/N? Johnny?" She stopped talking seeing their name was called from the pilot themselves.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry for all I've done. I caused make you feel not wanted when in fact you made our lives better then ever!"

"Y/n..I know what you said before about not loving a monster....but I will always love you. I hope you find it in your heart to be able to love me back" Y/n smiled.

"Now that's done we're turning around!" people started to boo "Oh shush we're burning up here!"

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