1 | something familiar

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I can't put my finger on it...

       You can't help but notice your heart racing as you trench closer to your new school. Being the new kid is never easy, despite your experience in the category. As you take another turn in this monotonous suburban neighborhood, you couldn't help but feel a little, anxious optimism. You gently kick the small rock in front of you, grasping for any outlet or distraction. Your thoughts trudged on.

       It's a small town, final year... Everyone will already know each other.

       A long sigh is released as you exhale. Again, you send the rock tumbling forward.

        But that doesn't mean it's too late to make new ones. In order to make the most of my senior year, I'll have to make a good first impression. Happy thoughts from here on out.

       Your eyes snap up to the path in front of you. As you round the corner on the last residential street you see the white concrete gates. The entrance sign reads PK Academy. You perk up as you take in the atmosphere, so many new faces; new experiences. You continue moving in the crowd of returning students.

       "Oh! Let's see.."  You mumble to yourself as you dig in your pocket. You pull out a small, crumbled piece of paper and unfolded it.


       It only took one time of walking into the wrong classroom for you to take any precaution necessary to avoid that. You shove the paper back in your pocket, confident you won't need it again. You could always hope. Your gaze explores the courtyard as you approach the front doors.

       The students here have a weird energy. Honestly, I wasn't expecting something so nice for a small town! It's pretty big..

       You arrive at the locker area and slip into your school shoes, lock up your other belongings, and head off to find your classroom. Something catches your eye.

J O I N   A   C L U B !

       Upon seeing the brightly colored bulletin board, you stopped out of curiosity and browsed. You'd certainly have the extra time and it could be a good opportunity to meet other students.

       "Hey, are you looking to join a club?" Someone loudly asks. You immediately jump back, startled. You look towards the interruption and there was a guy standing two inches from you. How did you not notice? He lets out a chuckle, turning to face you.

       "Are you new around here?" He grins. His movements are sporadic but decisive, and he seems like a nice guy. This guy was pumped, especially for 7:45 in the morning. You nod.

       "Yup, I'm a transfer. What gave it away?" You relax a bit.

       "Well as the captain of the sports club I basically know everyone here at PK. So what's your name new girl?" He spouts gleefully.

       "Oh- Y/n L/n. What about you?" You ask.

       "L/n huh? My name is Hairo Kieshi, class rep of 3-1." He says proudly. Without fail, someone will wave to him or say hi every few sentences. Looks like you stumbled into a pretty popular guy.

       "3-1? Funny you say that, it looks like that's my homeroom." You say feeling some of the lingering anxiety fade. You've already managed to meet one of your classmates, even better the class rep. He all but exploded with energy, you only jolt back a little this time, welcoming his excitement.

       "Really? I didn't know you were a third-year; that's amazing! You'll love our class. You know, we won the past three school-wide competitions! Would've been five if class 3-2 didn't have so many baseball players... Say, how good are you at sports, L/n?"

       "I'm not the worst, but I've always been more of an arts and crafts gal myself." You joke as you feel the his fire dissipate slightly at your response. He quickly recovers.

       "Hey, nothing wrong with knowing your strengths and weaknesses! Say if you ever wanna pick up a trick or two, we welcome beginners in the sports club. Improvement is what's important after all." He smiles infectiously.

       His demeanor and pitch alone kind of has you wanting to see what it's all about, but you kind of lied to him. You were the worst at sports.

       "Hey Hairo, wanna help me take these water canisters to the cafeteria?" A student waves, interrupting the conversation.

       "You got it, give me one second!" He shouts and turns back to you.

       "It was awesome meeting you, L/n! Homeroom is up the staircase to the left. It'll be the first door on the right." As he's finishing the sentence he is already bouncing his weight between his feet, antsy to carry those heavy metal jugs.

       "Of course, oh- he's already going." You trail off as the man sets off towards those jugs as if it were a relay race.

       Strange, but nice.

       You turn and head up the first staircase to the left. The school layout is very easy to understand, basically a big square with the library and cafeteria in the center with the classrooms placed along the perimeter.


       You arrive at the door, giving your best attempt at calming your nerves before entering. Breathe in, breathe out. You slide the door open and see that there are already a few people in the class. Most of them look pretty normal, sitting at their desk reading, or scrolling on their phones. A few groups are talking amongst themselves. Since it's the first day of school, you assume that all the empty desks are free to choose from. You pick a desk one row from the window, about mid-way through the aisle. About as average as you can get. You take a seat.

       As you pull out your things for class, you try to avoid eavesdropping in on the conversation going on behind you. It was between a larger guy with a yellow mohawk of all things, and a smaller mousey boy with faded blue hair. Based on their tone and the trivial argument, you hold back on introducing yourself. As the absentmindedness seeped in you're dragged back into your thoughts.

       That guy Hairo was really nice. If he's class rep I can't imagine the people here are bad. I just need to find a nice group of people and slip into the background. What I always do. This time I just can't tell anyone.

       Saiki's POV

       Tell anyone what?

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