10 | the truth

140 10 3

always comes out

Saiki's POV

My eyes fall to the floor of the empty train. After my idiotic carelessness, there's no point in trying to hide it.

It's my fault. I've been irresponsible.

       "Saiki, I just want the truth. Surely you know enough about me by now to know that I have no reason to tell anyone." Y/n says, taking a seat across from me. She's alluding to the dirt I have on her having no idea how capable I am of just reading her character- or mind for that matter. My eyes narrow.

       "I know enough to see you're telling the truth, but your behavior is... Unpredictable. Even with my abilities, I have trouble reading you." I state vaguely. I watch her eyes flicker around the room as she tries to decipher the meaning behind my wording. Her thoughts quickly go, 

       "His abilities.. Could it be a prediction ability? No, it suits him more to be annoyingly cryptic, besides that doesn't match what's been happening.. Ugh he's staring at me with that same cold, neutral stare- at least his mood hasn't changed much." She thinks. 

       While I possess that ability it hasn't had anything to do with you yet. I don't think she's getting anywhere. I guess I'll say it now.

       "Tell me about your powers first."

       "Hey, I asked first." She says sternly. 


       "You have no idea who you're bargaining with." I say, finding myself holding in an amused laugh at the thought of her being in charge here. She didn't like my answer but was apt to believe it, her demeanor deflating slightly.

       "...It's not like you don't already know." Her brows furrow.

       "I'll be more specific." I start, leaning forward, with my elbows on my knees.

        "How did you read my mind that day, in the cafe without fulfilling the requirements?" I ask. She was silent, her thoughts too jumbled for me to keep up with. I wait for her answer.

        "To be honest, I have no idea. I'm really sorry that I saw all of that." She frowned, referring to her glimpse into my mental state. Ugh. I internally cringe, feeling uncomfortable with the vulnerability. My face stays mostly straight as I sit up.

       "I'm sorry, that's probably not the answer you wanted." She adds. I shake my head.

        "Don't worry about apologies. I was just curious about your thoughts on it. You seem to have a bad habit of not thinking about things that bother you." I say. Her eyes widen slightly as she straightens her back.

       "So.. You're a mind reader?" Y/n finally asks.


       Here it goes. 

      "That, as well as telekinesis, teleportation, astral projection, pyrokinesis, clairvoyance, hypnosis, invisibility-"

       "WAIT WAIT, hold on- you can't possibly be serious?"

       I raise my brow, giving her a deadpan look. She returns the look before shuddering.

       "Please don't kill my dad and I for investigating you..."

       I sigh. So dramatic.

       "I'm not going to kill anyone. I just want to live a quiet peaceful life, which is difficult when rowdy people like you start getting involved." I say with closed lids. Her fear seemed to have mostly subsided after this. Her thoughts seemed to dance around the giddy glee in knowing that someone else was like her- slightly overpowered by the shock of how much stronger mine are. As usual, her conversation completely steered clear of her thoughts.

       "But- well, no offense, but I'm surprised more people don't know. With you showing up to stranger's houses and all." Y/n says, a smug smile finding it's way onto her face. Was she seriously teasing me right now? As my eyes narrowed, annoyance leaking through, it submisses.

"....Now that you mention it, a list might not be a bad idea." I say, leaning back as I watch her reaction. She nervously laughs, thinking, "He's joking- right?"

       "You know, I could've figured out an explanation for that if you hadn't read my mind that day."

       Silence fell among the two. Y/n seemed to still feel guilty about it. I am forced to invade people's privacy everyday, so it hasn't affected me on an emotional level much past annoyance. Seeing her feel so bad made me feel-

       She stood up, locking eyes with me. 

       "Well, at the very least I want you to know that I promise I won't tell. This will stay between us." Y/n says. 

       I nod, thinking for a moment.

       Should tell her about how touching her mutes my powers? Hm..

       "Can I expect the same from you?" She asks. I sigh with a slight smile. She's still worried about that. 

       "I won't tell a soul."

       Y/n stands up as the train begins to slow down, approaching the next stop. She exhales in relief. 

       "Oh wait, except for Aiura. She knows." I add, dropping an allegorical anvil on her head. 


       "Settle down, she found out at the same time I did. Don't worry about her, she hasn't told anyone else." 

       Y/n begrudgingly accepts the answer. She can't be too upset, she figured she might already know as well. She thinks, "Besides, she's said she has powers before so maybe they really are the real deal."

       The train comes to a stop. This was a busier station, multiple people waited outside to be let in. I stand up, bringing the conversation to a close.

       "One more thing. Do me a favor and don't tell any of our classmates about this train route. You knowing about this endangers my peace enough." I say. Surprisingly, she laughed.

       "Endangers? Haha. You try really hard to avoid those guys, huh?" She smiles. I nod my head.

       You included.

       I leave the train without acknowledgement as she waves me off. Looks like I didn't get many answers for myself. Oh well.

       It's better if we just leave it at that. Even if somehow she possess the ability to mute my powers, the journey there will likely be more trouble than it's worth. I look over my shoulder, her gaze meeting mine through the now closed train doors. It's busy enough for me to not be able to pick out her chaotic jumble of thoughts. Her eyes quickly avert. I sigh.

       I don't even want to know.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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