8 | lucky charm

112 5 6

how unlucky

(Quick A/N before the chapter)

       So in true me fashion, I went back and rewrote most of the fic. In my personal opinion it's much better. The changes adjustments to Y/n's personality (less mopey and annoying lol) and tweaking some dialogue and removing unnecessary detail. If it's been a while since you read, I suggest you go back and refresh yourself!

       In any case, i'm looking forward to continue working on the fic (had trouble writing this specific chapter for whatever reason). But now that it's done I'm full of ideas that i'm excited to get on paper! Enjoy!

       PS please leave feedback, criticism is welcomed!


       You're running earlier than usual to school today. A cloudy day, but still a nice one. As you leisurely approach PK, your attention is caught but the jingling from the charm on your house keys. It's a colorful charm of your favorite anime character, made by your best friend back at your old school. You treasured it, so much so that you felt a little bad leaving it in your locker for the day.

       You got to school right on time and classes start and end. Uneventful.

       Except you've noticed that Saiki is a little less cold with you after sharing lunch on the roof. Much to your disappointment, you haven't caught him up there since. You doubted this change of heart could have anything to do with the compatibility test, but that thought (embarrassingly) floated by your mind every once in a while.

       The entire class stands and begins packing up to go home for the day. Talking ensues but you were zoned out, your situation with Saiki still weighing on your mind.

       The biggest change in your interactions was that you felt much less doubt and apprehension coming from him. Before you got the idea he saw you as bad news, but now.. Maybe he's come to terms with your abilities. You couldn't stop a sigh escape from your lips.

       I need to talk to Saiki about.. That soon. Maybe I could just completely come clean? I mean, I'm pretty sure he hasn't told anyone else. I don't know how much he knows, so it's still risky. Maybe he's forgotten by now~

       "Hey L/n- wanna get ramen with us?!" Nendo shouts, pulling you from your thoughts. A distraction? Your ears perk up and you turn to face their desks.

       "Ooh, ramen? Whose all going?" You inquire. As much as you'd *love* a solo putting with Nendou...

       "Me, Kaido and Saiki. Sounds fun right?" He grins. You enthusiastically nod your head yes, swinging your bag over your shoulder.

       "Wait- you haven't asked Saiki yet, he might be busy." Kaido chimes in.

      Why get my hopes up?

       "But maybe if you ask him, L/n-" Kaido continues.

       "HEY BUDDY, WANNA GET SOME RAMEN?" Nendo bellows as Saiki returns from the bathroom. He doesn't look amused, debating whether or not to turn around and leave.

       "Aw come on, it'll be fun! Don't leave us hangin!" Nendo continues, walking over to hand Saiki his bag. Saiki takes the bag and walks away. 

       "Wait up buddy-"



Saiki's POV

       I can't believe I got sucked into going out with these idiots..

       As we walked to the ramen shop, Nendou began on one of his weird tangents.

       "So then, I just threw the kid up the tree to scare the cat down!"

       "WHAT!? You could've seriously hurt that kid Nendou!" Kaidou interjects.

       "What? No! He squealed the whole way up, he couldn't have been happier."

       Those were screams of terror.

       "With your boarish strength, you could've killed the kid and the cat in one fell swoop!" Kaidou says.

       That might be taking it too far.

       "Yeah, or I could've taken the whole tree down with them!!" Nendou dramatically adds. Y/n lets out a laugh.

       That's definitely too far.

       "Woah, what is he, an excavator?" Y/n chimes in.

        "Don't encourage them."

         "Oh Y/n, you haven't been around long enough to see it but Nendou is... a rare species." Kaidou states. The images that proceed to pop into their head vary vastly.

        "Hey what's that suppose to mean?" Nendou asks.

       We finally arrive at the ramen place. The food was about what I expected, decent ramen at a good price. Everyone seemed pretty satisfied as we left. As we walk past a little street side arcade, Kaidou insists we stay to play a few games. Y/n politely declines.

       "Sorry guys, i have some homework I want to catch up on so i'll see you guys on Monday! It was really fun, thanks for inviting me~" She smiles. The other two smile and wave her off.

      My intuition alerts me and my eyes fall to a strange object on the ground. A homemade anime charm. I walk over, pick it up off the pavement with telepathy and remove my thin gloves to use psychometry.

       With this ability I can touch an object and gather varying amounts of information on it and those around it.

       Hm. I see why this was important.

       I exhale, a slight smile curving my lips, carefully lay it in my pocket. It seems that Kaidou and Nendou didn't notice anything. Good.

       This was a valued object of Y/n's, I'll lay it in her desk later so she can find it later, thinking she forgot it. No point in giving it to her personally, the less she likes me the better.

       After hanging out with Nendou and Kaidou a little longer, I excuse myself and do as I said with Y/n's charm, then teleport home for the night.


        On Monday, we arrive in class and the charm is sitting on Y/n's desk.

       "Oh thank god! I thought I lost this forever! I guess it just fell off my keys or something.." Y/n beams, relief in her voice. Nendou looks over her shoulder to see what she's talking about.

       "Hey buddy, isnt that the keychain you found at the arcade?" Nendou blurts. My face drops. How could he have noticed? This is bad. Y/n's gaze tries to meet mine, but I continue facing forward, my face returning to neutral before she could see.

       "How did he know it was mine?" Y/n thinks to herself.

        The better question is how did Nendou know. Good grief. I knew this girl would be troublesome.

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