3 | a psychic interrogation

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...with coffee and cake

       You guys arrive at the supposedly award-winning coffee shop and visually- it's underwhelming. Nothing wrong with that though, little hole-in-wall businesses are hidden gems for a reason. You couldn't wait to savor that delicious cake. The smell of fresh coffee welcomed its way to your senses.

       As you and Mikoto surveyed the area to pick a table, she noticed one of our classmates sitting alone at a booth. She excitedly waves at him and we approach.

       What was his name again? Saito... Saeko.. Why is he suddenly feeling annoyed again?

       "Oh, I'm sure you met this guy, with you two sitting next to each other and all. Mind if we hang with you, Saiki?" She asks. He nods his head yes.

       Saiki's the name! Saved!

       "It's cool with you too, right L/n?" Mikoto looks back at you gleefully. You're brought back to Earth. Eagerly you chime in.

       "Of course, the more the merrier." You both slide into the booth on the opposing side. Right around that time the waiter comes and welcomes us and drop off an order of coffee jelly. Mikoto orders a slice of their finest cake for you and a coffee with cream for herself. Off he goes.

       "Wow, quick service." You comment. Saiki couldn't have gotten here much earlier than us.

        "No kidding! You must've walked pretty fast to get here too Saiki." Mikoto brings back her smug smile. You weren't sure what she was implying, but his emotions said he didn't take kindly to it.

       It's kind of appalling this guy has so many friends despite being pissed off all the time.

       "You could say that." He shrugs with indifference, in response to the comment about the speedy service. As he began unraveling his spoon from the cloth napkin, Mikoto looked over at Saiki in an odd way. The moment of silence was a bit awkward but you stay cool.

       "So Y/n- can I call you that?" She starts. You smile.

       "Of course! I'm glad you said it, both of you feel free to call me by my first name." You say. You preferred it that way, as that's the norm in your culture. Although your well spoken Japanese usually lead people to think you were born here.

       "Sweet! I heard you were supposed to go to that big school in the city district. Are you guys moving for any specific reason or did you just want a change of scenery?" She asks. Saiki digs into his dessert but is still paying attention.

       Wow, he actually looks happy for once.

       "It's a pretty boring story, we just needed to move for my dad's work. To be honest I don't know a lot of the details myself." You reply, keeping it as vague as possible.

       "Ooh, what does your dad do?" She continues.

       "Well- I guess you could say he works with the government." Spare the details, make it sound more boring. "I'm told it's not as cool as it sounds though." You move the hair off the back of your neck.

       Not as cool as it sounds? Godd, you can come up with something better than that... Did they buy it?

       Suddenly you're feeling a little less comfortable. You glance at their faces but can't get a solid read. You hope the cake will be here soon. Mikoto looks over at Saiki for a second too long again and replies. Again? Why is she keep looking over at him before talking? You brush it off as you don't see any signs of nonverbal communication.

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