9 | confrontation

107 5 2

it's that time

Y/n's POV

       As you sat in lecture, you didn't absorb a word from your teacher's mouth. Your mind was occupied. The more you thought about it, the weirder it got. You don't know how you didn't piece it together before, but there's been many weird instances involving Saiki.

       Thinking about it further, you're absolutely sure that you locked up your keys in your locker before going to class. And there was no way Saiki could've seen the charm before because it was previously on your coin purse. If he saw you drop it in the arcade, right when it happened, he would've given it to you then. So how did he know?

       Not to mention he knew my secret AND THE ORGIN without me letting on any kind of hint.. UGH this is so frustrating! Could he have some kind of- jesus he is emitting doom like crazy!

       Y/n sat up in her seat slightly, her eyes staying glued to the board but completely absorbed in her thoughts. She swallowed, resisting the urge to steal a glance at Saiki next to her.

       Oh... My god... How did he know where to bring the cake?

       As she felt Saiki's mood continue to sour, she couldn't resist but look over at him. His face was blank. He wasn't taking notes either. You place your attention back forward.

       Bottom line is, you need answers. You decide then and there that you'd confront Kusuo Saiki.

       Weirdly enough, the rest of the day he avoided you like the plague. No matter what lengths you went to find him, and ask him if he would meet with you to talk privately, he mysteriously disappeared. If anything, it just adds to the narrative in your head. He's like you. But to what extent? You were still unsure.

       The day ended and your mission failed. Not discouraged, you went into the new day determined to talk to Saiki. You eagerly waited for him to arrive to class. Absent.

       It's okay, three times the- Absent.

       There's no way he's just never coming back to school, right?

       You sigh, frustrated that this almost feels personal. If this was really the case, you wouldn't be deterred by his weak (effective) attempts at avoiding you. If you can't corner him at school you'll just get a little more creative.

       Time to take advantage of one of my strengths!

       "Daaad can you tell me about how you cornered that guy in the train to interrogate him again?~"


       Day number four. I have a plan.

       Y/n stands at the southbound train station, waiting for the train to come. It's actually the least busy train that runs all day, and with the help of my dad, we found out from public records that Saiki's name is in the system for riding it at this time everyday. Is it unethical, maybe, but legal? Yes.

       Sorry Saiki, but you play dirty.

       The train finally approaches the stop and as planned, almost all passengers exit the train to enter the shopping district. The final passenger sighs, then turns to meet your gaze.

       "You're persistent, aren't you?" He states. You step onto the train and the doors slide closed behind you. You both stand facing one another, your hands locking onto the metal handle next to you. Silence falls between the two of you.

       As the train begins moving, your body sways to counteract the motion. You can't help but notice he doesn't move an inch, despite not holding onto anything. It was inhuman. You finally address him.

       "Saiki, what's the deal with you?" You state, using a matter of fact tone but keeping a warm, earnest look in your eyes.

       "I don't know what you're talking about." He says monotoned. Your brows furrow and you become slightly more animated, moving a hand as you speak.

       "You knew it was my charm, you knew where to bring the cake, you.."

       You pause, saving the more difficult one to say for last. You still don't know if you can muster up the courage.

       "How did you know those things?" You chicken out. His eyebrow raises, and his tone takes one of subtle taunting.

       "What is it that you really want to talk about?"

        Silence fell between the two of you besides the swishing of the tunnel you guys just entered. The dim fluorescent lights took over where sunlight once was. You exhale.

       "How did you know about.. Me?" You say, cringing at yourself. But you really didn't want to elaborate until he tells you what he knows.

       "Why should I tell you?" He asks, taking a seat, still not swaying whatsoever. His tone indicated he was taking pleasure in giving you a hard time. Playfully taunting you. This frustrated you further.

       "Wha- You should tell me because it's really weird that you knew where I lived after meeting me once!" You state the obvious, feeling more riled up by his aloofness.

       "I think it's weird that your dad is running an investigation on a high schooler for his daughter." He states.

       ...Well he has a point.

       "I only showed up here like you wanted because I didn't want him becoming further involved. That and it didn't seem like you were giving up anytime soon." Saiki look back at you. You think for a moment before responding.

       "I'm- not going to apologize for that. You know why this is important. So tell me how you knew that stuff about me. And.. About what you remember from the cafe.. When I grabbed the plate." You trail off. Saiki seems almost amused by her tenacity, but he turns to face away again.

      You feel his emotions, although there is an underlying sense of annoyance he seems like he's accepting of the situation. Like it was a long time coming. A sigh escapes from his lips.

        "You're trouble, you know that?"

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