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because saiki can't have nice things

Y/n's POV

       You followed the rest of the class head down to the library to begin your project. Your eyes couldn't help but drift to the window as you trailed the others. Your mind began wandering.

       I cant help but feel a little guilty.. It was on accident but I feel like I know too much now. You know, maybe now that I understand him more, it will give me a chance to get to know him organically. Maybe then I can figure out what's happened for him to kno-

       "Y/nie! You really lucked out in your group huh?" Mikoto approaches you.

       "Hey Mikot- Aiura I mean. Yup, this way I can get chummy with my desk neighbor so he can give me all the answers."

       "Not happening." Saiki adds. You turn around. Has he been behind you this whole time? He's like a ghost. Now that you're looking at the rest of the class, you notice a lot of the guys giving Airua dirty looks.

       "Oh.. Did you piss someone off or what?" You ask under your breath. She laughs.

       "Side effect of being paired with the school's beloved goddess."

       "Oh, I guess everyone does like her huh." You say bashfully, completely aware of her draw. Everything you've heard only speaks highly of her character and her beauty was undeniable. It makes sense, how could somebody resist someone like her? A part of you hoped you could become acquainted but you couldn't help but get the feeling you'd be inadequate.

        "Like is an understatement. I'm not sweating it though, the only real thing I'm worried about is getting a headache from having to look at her aura so close."

        "Her aura?" You ask. You turn to Saiki to see his reaction but it seems he was gone.

       "Yeah, I see people's auras." Aiura smiles nonchalantly. A psychic ability? You held off from getting too excited, reminding yourself that she might be overblowing it.

       "Really? Well- what do they look like? Can you see everyone's in the class?" You beamed. You couldn't help but bounce a little while walking, allowing some of your excitement to leak through. The class arrives at the library before she could explain.

       "Okay class, break into your groups and find a table to work at QUIETLY." She emphasizes. You look back at Mikoto who had a smug look plastered on her face. Before you had a chance to press her she cuts in.

       "Guess I'll have to tell you a little later, good luck with your project, byeee!~" Aiura chimed and heads off to find her partner. For a moment you question whether she was telling the truth. You redirect yourself and scan the room for Saiki. He's already sat at one of the tables in the corner of the library, reading the back of a book.

       Wasn't he behind us though?

       You shrug and walk over to take a seat. You pick the one on the side next to him so both of you were facing the rest of the library.

       "Perfect spot. I like being able to see everything." You comment as you hang your tote bag over the back of the chair. Saiki nods and continues reading.


       You're reminded how convenient it is to have powers like yours when dealing with his type. You sensed Saiki's feelings were a carousel of contradicting emotions.

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