4 | aftermath

310 11 4

what will ensue?

       You fiddle with your keychain trying to find the house key. Your jittery hands still don't want to cooperate. You finally get the key into the door and you twist to unlock it.


       After walking home, you had some time and space to process what had happened. But you still didn't feel right. And oddly enough, you felt exhausted. But not physically or mentally, it was something else. You can only assume you somehow tapped into the full potential of your powers.

       You lock the door behind you and scurry upstairs to your bedroom. What's supposed to be your safe haven. You guys moved in just a few weeks ago so you weren't fully unpacked or really bonded with this space yet. It still felt foreign. Some part of you still thinks that this is temporary and soon enough you'll be headed back to your old bedroom. How you miss it. You lay your bag on the ground and take a seat on the edge of the bed. A sigh escaped your mouth.

       You reveled in the fact that you still had your old bed. A slice of the previous home. You give in and lay back, melting into its comfort. Your eyelids slid closed.

       It's bliss.


       You woke up to the muffled ring of the doorbell. Soon after the smell of your mother's cooking hit your conscious. Your eyes reluctantly open and you roll out of bed. The sound of your mother's voice echoed up the stairs but you're unable to make out the exact words.

       Guess we have company... How long was I even asleep for? Ahhhhggg

       You peel yourself from the warmth of your blankets and check the mirror. The little amount of makeup you wore wasn't messed up too bad so you just ran your fingers through your hair and settled at that.

       "Y/n, someone's here to see you!" Mom yelled from downstairs.

       God, just kill me.

        You meekly walk downstairs and see your mom multitasking on the stove. Whatever she's making smells divine. She speaks to you without looking up.

       "It's been quiet, were you asleep up there?"

       "Yeah, I wasn't feeling that well. Who's at the door?" You yawn. Your hands idly slip into your pockets and you feel the cash and the piece of paper you stuffed in there this morning.

       "I think it's a friend from school, sounds like you forgot something. They're waiting outside for you."


       "...Alright, thanks mom." You mumble as you head towards the door. You fear that this will be a confrontation. You gently open the door and step out.

       "Heyy Saiki." You manage a smile, but anxiety was eating you alive. How the hell was he able to gather all of that information on you? If you could turn off your power at this moment you would, you were too scared to know what he's feeling after all of that. He holds your eye contact, lifting his left hand. He had a carryout bag.

        "You forgot this." He says holding it out towards you. You were hesitant to grab it but accepted the bag. Lucky for you, he harbored no malice and seemed pretty calm at the moment. It hits you that you left them with the bill, your eyes widen and you reach out to grab it.

       "Thank you- Oh my god I didn't even leave money to pay! I promise I'll pay back every cent. Hold on, I think I have.." You begin to dig in your pockets. He shakes his head.

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