6 | compatibility

179 9 1

...saiki still cant have nice things

       Teruhashi and Mikoto take their seat and begin getting settled. You feel a little awkward knowing Saiki isn't comfortable in the situation, so you try your best to fly under the radar and work. Teruhashi speaks first.

       "Y/n, I'm sorry I haven't got to proper introduce myself yet. My name is Teruhashi Kokomi, it's nice to finally meet you!"

       "Oh, hello! Nice to meet you Teruhashi! And don't worry about it, the beginning of the semester can be so busy." You smile. Mikoto rubs her hands together deviously.

       "I know how you guys could get to know each other better!" Mikoto raises her eyebrows. You and Teruhashi look at her in anticipation.

       "Let's do a compatibility test!" She cheers.

       "What?!" You both interject.

        "But I don't know.. If-" You start, feeling a little put on the spot. You were fine with it but you didn't want to pressure Teruhashi, who has kept her composure externally but you could feel she was a bit flustered. What if she thinks it's weird?

       "Don't worry it's just general compatibility, so platonic!" Mikoto smiles. You and Teruhashi are still unsure but nod, feeling like there's not much else to do. Saiki sinks into his book even further, not paying you three any attention.

       "So what do we do?" You ask. You figured whether this was just for fun or not, you liked the idea of being compatible with her. She seemed so kind and polite. A good friend to have for sure-but would she share the same sentiment? You guys are on two completely different social rankings.

       "So I'm going to put some eraser shavings in each of your hands.. Then you will mix em around a bit, and when you separate your hands I can read the results!" She explains. Before you two could say anything, she was already reaching for a hand and rubbing shavings into your palm. You could feel a sense of disapproval emit from Saiki. Mikoto begins rubbing the eraser in Teruhashi's hand. After a few seconds she relents.

       "Okay! Now press your hands together like a high five... Perfect. Then lock fingers and rub your hands around a little, okay!" Mikoto instructs. She then grabs our hands and begins inspecting the results.

       Her hands are so soft...

       "Oh wow. Even though your personalities don't clash, there's a third party that's blocking your max potential. Even so, you guys will still become friends." She concludes.

       "That's very detailed." You say, assuming this was still a bit of a joke. If she was lying, why? Was the thing about auras a joke too?

       "Maybe we should check more to see how everyone else's compare." Teruhashi adds as you feel her emotions swell a little more. What about this is flustering her? Surely none of us are her type.

       "That's a great idea! Saiki, let me see your hand." Mikoto says. He looks up from his book for the first time since they came over.

       "Forget it."

       "Aw cmon." She smiles.

       "It could be fun, right Saiki?" Teruhashi adds with a sweet smile, turning up the charm. He exhales and extends his hand.

       "Just make it quick." He says. Mikoto intently rubs the eraser over Saiki's hands as you and Teruhashi watch in interest. You could feel the heat emanating from the blue-haired beauty across from you. Her hands subconsciously get closer to the center to the table, begging for Mikoto to take hers next. Could she...?

       "Y/n, we'll do you two first." She says grabbing your hand before anybody could interject. Teruhashi deflates but patiently waits. She swipes off the old shavings and begins rubbing your hand again.

       "Alright! Just do the same thing as last time." She smiles and sits back. You felt a little nervous getting closer to his touch, in fear of what happened last time. Thankfully nothing happened. Saiki halfheartedly goes through the motions and your hands separate and Mikoto takes a look. Her eyes widen.

       "Very compatible! Guess it wasn't luck that you guys sat near each other!" She laughs, Saiki rolls his eyes. You feel a deep wave of jealousy rippling from Teruhashi. You were so taken aback, you can't stop yourself from meeting her gaze. She looked sweet as ever but you felt a sense of bitterness behind those eyes.

       She... has feelings for him!

       You felt a cocktail of emotions, surprise by the information, impressed by Mikoto's readings, scared of whether Teruhashi will perceive you as a threat if you continue to pursue a friendship with him. You felt the lump in your throat return. The world was closing in a bit as Teruhashi's jealousy and discontent invaded your senses. You swallowed to no affect.

       "That's all the time we have in here. Let's head back up, everyone." The teacher announces. You exhale in relief, but not for long. Teruhashi wasn't able to get her turn, it would be too obvious for her to ask to try again. Her opportunity is lost, stolen by you. Add malice into the mix and she all but hated you now. God wasn't on her side this time.

       Everybody loses.

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