7 | curry rice for two

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       The school day continued like normal as you tried to ignore the bad impression that you left on Teruhashi. You weren't sure you'd be able to make it past this "third party", but only time will tell.

       Lunch period finally came so you pack your things and head up to the roof of the building. You haven't found a lunch spot that you've stuck with yet, but something tells you this could be the one. After all, it's the same place you ate with your friends at the other school. You trudged up the stairs and swung the metals doors open. Not a person in sight. Sweet relief. You choose a nearby bench, take a seat and reach into your bag.

       ...Where is my lunch?

       You scowl to yourself, stomach growling in protest. Bad day to skip breakfast. Not only were you starving but that pestering anxious feeling still lingered. This day sucks. Just as frustration started welling in you, the door to the stairwell carefully open. You lock eyes with the entrant.

       "Saiki?" Escapes your mouth. You almost laugh to yourself.

       Don't let Teruhashi see us here.

        He acknowledges you with a nod, guiding the door closed behind him. It's silent for a moment. He begins walking past you, but against his better judgement, he turns and asks.

       "Are you not having anything for lunch?" Saiki takes a seat on the opposing end of the bench. It was a long bench, so there was still distance. He brings his bag to his lap.

       "I was in a rush this morning and forgot it I guess." You shrug, your attention grabbed by a gentle breeze dancing across your skin. You turn back to him.

       "So... Do you come here often?" You joke. He looks over at you, putting on an annoyed face but you feel his gaze soften a bit. His eyes reverts back to the view with a nod.

       "It's usually quiet up here. Very few students know this area is accessible." He shares.

       You nod back. There was a comfortable silence between you for a few moments, allowing you both to soak up the peaceful atmosphere. Saiki reaches into his bag and pulls out a container of food. You feel apprehension from him, but it doesn't last for long.

       "Do you want some?" He asks. You looked at him in surprise, noticing his gaze remained on his hands. You were unsure whether it was appropriate to accept the offer; you didn't want him to go hungry because he felt bad for you. Ultimately these thoughts were fighting a losing battle, as you were too hungry to decline.

       "What is it?" You go against your better judgement.

       "Homemade curry rice. My mom always makes too much, so I don't mind sharing." He said, meeting your gaze once again, more assured than ever. You felt your stomach growl, insisting you take the offer. Yet you hesitated.

       "I wouldn't offer if I wasn't sure." He says. You exhale, accepting his generosity. He began placing your bowl of curry rice into a separate container, setting it on the bench and sliding it over to you. Your cheeks heat up, the coffee shop incident intruding your mind. You try your best to shoo it away.

       "Thank you, Saiki." You smile graciously. As you prepare your first bite the wind carries the scent your way. It smelled divine. You couldn't bare to wait another moment so you take a bite. Warmth. Flavor. Chew, chew, swallow.

       "Oh my god- is your mom a sous chef or something?" You ask. Saiki was amused by this.

       "No, she's a good cook though. She'd be really happy to hear someone say that." He takes a bite, you quickly follow.

       The two of you continued eating in silence for a few minutes, and then the boy spoke up again.

       "I'm sorry about Mikoto. She can get carried away sometimes."

       You were enjoying yourself so much you almost forgot about that debacle.

       "Oh don't apologize- it's not your fault at all. I- uh. I'm sorry you got put in that situation. I knew you didn't want them to sit with us but I had no idea it would turn into something like that." You say, feeling a little guilty for saying yes in the first place.

       "You don't have to apologize either. Despite being someone who tried to avoid unnecessary commotion, it seems to follow me." He states, taking another bite.

       "Hm.. Ironic isn't it?" You ask rhetorically with a chuckle. He curtly nods.

       You take another bite, wondering whether now is a good time to bring up the psychic stuff. You know he knows, but it feels like nothing needs to change about this moment. You didn't need to be on a mission right now. Him conversing and sharing a meal with you was a simple gesture, but it made you feel a little more connected to him.

       Maybe this is a good day after all.

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