{-Chapter Two-}

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Seraphina was confused, as she looked around the home of the family that had helped her, she wasn't sure what to do

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Seraphina was confused, as she looked around the home of the family that had helped her, she wasn't sure what to do. She wasn't in her own home, she wasn't in her own town, she wasn't even, well from what she had seen not even in her own time frame. Polly Gray was a wonderful lady, helping her with understanding what was happening around her, Seraphina of course kept quiet about what her thoughts were about being sent from the future to the past.

Tommy went outside seeing his brothers making their way back to the house, a bag in their hands. "We found her bag. We believe it's her bag." Arthur said holding out a leather bag. Tommy opened it to see if it truly was her bag. Looking in he found Bram Stocker's novel 'Dracula' opening the book he found written in cursive 'Seraphina Harper Whitlock.'

"This is hers." Tommy stated placing the book back inside the bag.

"You sure Tommy?" John asked softly as he placed a cigarette into his mouth, lighting it at the same time.

Tommy nodded. "She's awake and she's been telling us a little about herself." Tommy explained to his brothers, as he let Seraphina's bag full to his side. "She's with Polly right now, both talking together, she seems a bit better around Polly." Tommy stated as he walked into the house, with his brothers behind him, as they stepped into the room Seraphina's eyes locked onto the bag in Tommy's hand.

"Is that my bag?" She asked softly, confused. Tommy nodded placing the bag beside her on the table. She instantly opened the bag seeing, her book, a photo album, and her mother's necklace. She quickly placed the beautiful pendant on, holding it tightly in her hand as she rubbed her finger over the metal heart.

The Shelby's watched the girl as she continued to search through the bag, before pulling a chain of crystals out. They watched the smile on her face grow bigger, as she hummed softly as the crystals shimmer under the light, patterns of blues making her eyes shine bright. "Seraphina, are you feeling better?" Tommy asked her as he sat beside her.

Seraphina smiled as she let the chain glide over her hand. "Mm, I feel better now." She said softly. "Thank you for finding my bag." She said to the two brothers who stood watching. She was happy to have her treasured items in reach, the chain, necklace, and book had all belonged to her mother, and she would be crushed if she never found these ever again. They were the last bits of her mother, she didn't even know what she looked like, and she never would it seemed.

"It's alright darling." Arthur said with a gentle smile. "I'm Arthur Shelby." The eldest brother introduced nodding to Seraphina."

"It's lovely to meet you, Arthur." Seraphina said back, smiling.

"I'm John Shelby, nice to meet you sweetheart." John said next with a nod.

"Nice to meet you as well John."

Tommy smirked as the young girl went back to the crystal chain, the colour's drawing her attention to them. "Seraphina?" Tommy asked gently, the young girl turning her head to Tommy, her doe eyes were quizzical. "How old are you?" He asked her.

Seraphina smiled. "I'm twenty." She said happily. Tommy smirked as she narrowed her eyes on him. "How old are you?" She asked.

"I'm twenty-nine." He answered. "Well next year I will be." He stated. They had only recently gotten back from the war, Christmas was fast approaching, he and his brothers wasted no time in getting back into the habit of the Peaky Blinders, working in the betting den, making sure everything went smoothly. Their aunt wasn't too excited about giving up the position as she had been running it over the years while they were gone, but they needed to do something not, sit back and wait for the world to help them.

"I'll be twenty-one next year then." Seraphina stated in a matter-of-fact tone. The three men noticed the grin that grew on Polly's face as the older woman couldn't help but want to plan the young girl a birthday party.

"Oh! We need to plan a party." Polly said with her eyes sparkling. Seraphina's eyes widened in shock.

"A... party?" She questioned tilting her head. "People have parties for their birthday's?" She asked. The four people in the room clenched their hands in anger, realizing the young woman, not girl, had never had a birthday party before. How could someone refuse to give a beautiful human, any human in truth, no love, or even a bloody birthday party, it didn't seem right. "What do you do at a party?" She asked innocently, looking directly at Tommy. That look made him calm instantly, he wasn't sure why but, he, he liked it.

"You dance, you eat sweets, you drink whatever you want, you have fun, you let loose, you blow the candles on your birthday cake out, and you open presents that were gifted specifically to you." Tommy summarized; all the while Seraphina thought it over.

"That sounds, amazing." She said with a brilliant smile. "And you want to give me one." She said to Polly next.

"Of course, darling." Polly said with a smile.

"Can I have a little one, I don't know a lot of people." Seraphina whispered afraid she might offend Polly in some way.

"We will have a little one darling, then when you are comfortable, we can have a bigger party. Now what are some of your favourite things?" Polly asked, while Seraphina's hand went to Tommy's wanting to fiddle with something. Tommy didn't mind, her hands were quite soft, gentle. He watched as she thought over some of her favourite things, he watched the way she blinked more than normal, bit her bottom lip gently.

"I like the woods, the openness of land, it's spacious and I don't feel closed in." Seraphina explained. "I like the sound of crackling fire, we had a fireplace in our home, when he wasn't there, I would light it just to listen to the crackles, watch the colour's." She whispered her mind drifting. The Shelby's didn't stop her, letting her drift into her own comfort. "I like the sounds of the wind when it goes through the really long grass, gentle sounds of the violin, I love the stars and the way they sparkle," she whispered leaning against Tommy unconsciously, as she started to drift off to sleep. "I love singing too." She finished before she slumped against Tommy, his warm body causing her to nuzzle into his neck, fast asleep.

"We'll keep those in mind." Tommy whispered, as he picked Seraphina up, and carried her up to the guest room, just in time for John's kids, Ada, and Finn to storm inside.

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