{-Chapter Twelve-}

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The two were inside the Garrison, Tommy teaching Seraphina how to play poker, she was quite good at it

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The two were inside the Garrison, Tommy teaching Seraphina how to play poker, she was quite good at it. It startled Tommy how quickly she got the hang of poker, she had been a fast leaner, would she admit that she had learned due to being her father's personal poker dealer when his friends would come over to play. No, she wouldn't because she was beginning to forget it all, forget the pain she had been through, forget the nights where she lay awake in fear that he would come to hurt her, forgot the times she was forced to clean and clean and clean until her hands were blistered. She was forgetting, but she knew the memories would always be there. For now, she was living.

"I win!" She cheered as she placed her cards down, a grin on her face as Tommy laughed at her enthusiasm.

"Alright, alright, you win, what did you want as your prize?" He asked her, Seraphina tilted her head in thought she knew exactly what she wanted.

"Chocolate!" She cheered in excitement. Tommy shook his head but packed the cards away before placing his coat back on, Seraphina right behind him with her cobalt blue coat. He wrapped an arm around her waist as they left the Garrison, Tommy directing her to the sweets shop.

Seraphina was smiling brightly as they stepped inside. She was a ball of energy as she walked around the sweet shop, Tommy holding her basket as she chose her choice of sweet. The two stopped as Seraphina turned to face Tommy. "Did you want one?" She asked her gently tilting her head. 

Tommy smirked and said to her gently, "I'm alright baby, I'm not in the mood for sweets at this moment."

Seraphina nodded her head before continuing with her shopping, she chose mostly chocolate, and a small number of lollies that she could suck on something that was a little torturous for Tommy, especially as they walked along the street, and she had a lollypop in her mouth. "Tommy? Look." Seraphina whispered pointing to a group of boys surrounding Finn, the young boy looked terrified. Instead of waiting for Tommy, Seraphina made her way over to the group, shoving them aside before squatting in front of Finn. "You okay, Finn?" She asked the boy, her eyes glossy, at seeing the bruise on his little face, she hated seeing him in pain.

"Sera," he whimpered as he curled into her, the boys surrounding them were utterly confused as to who this woman was, but when they heard a throat clear, they turned and saw standing there before them, Thomas Shelby, the older brother of Finn Shelby. 

"You want to explain, or should I get the rest of my boys down here, and have them beat the fuck out of all of you?" He asked them. He was calm, and it scares them all, when he was calm a storm was brewing, but what none of them realised, was Seraphina with a bat in her hands, turning to the boys with pure rage in her eyes. 

"You piece of shits!" She shouted as she swung at one of them, knocking him to the floor, she didn't hit him in the head of course, she actually swung at his knee, breaking it. "I'm going to shove a spoonful of sugar down all your throats!" She screeched as they stared at her more scared then of Tommy, the group bolted as Seraphina forgot all about being kind and ran after them, screaming about how she was going to murder them all in their sleep. 

Finn sniffled before giggling at the sight of Seraphina in a rage, Tommy just shook his head, he knew there was something about her, something in her, a rage. Puff a bit of smoke out he helped Finn up and the two walked after Seraphina, to find her yelling at the group, they were sat on the ground crying with their heads bowed. "I will hurt you all if you hurt Finn again and I may be 100 pounds of tan skin and fragile bones! But I will hurt you!" She finished before turning on her heel and walking away, and over to Tommy. 

Tommy and Finn were a little frightened when she smiled innocently at them both, and both of them agreed to never, ever make her mad. "Let's get home, baby. We need to get Finn all better," Tommy whispered as they walked back to Watery Lane.

When they were inside the house, Polly gasped seeing Finn all bruised and bleeding. "I hope you hurt whoever hurt him, Tommy." Polly muttered as she started cleaning Finn's wounds. 

"I didn't do anything, Seraphina here, did all of it on her own," Tommy stated. "She hurt them and then scolded them, then left them crying the streets." 

Polly stared at Tommy in surprise as she turned to Seraphina the girl now having a piece of chocolate in her mouth, her eyes wide as she noticed them looking at her. "What?" She asked as they stared at her. "Okay, I got angry, they hurt Finn, and I didn't like it, and anyway, I don't want to be scared anymore, so I needed to protect him." She stated before continuing to eat her chocolate not in slightest bit worried by all of them.

Polly turned to Tommy with a raised eyebrow as he just smirks. "She is a brave woman, who doesn't stand aside when there is a fight anymore." He stated. 

Seraphina smiled as she then said, "also I wanted to get home to help Finn and then eat my chocolate."

"Are you going to share your chocolate with anyone?" Polly asked wondering how much Seraphina loved her chocolate. The three watched as Seraphina looked at them all, before point blank saying to Polly with a blank look on her face.


And with that she ran out of the room and to her room with her sweets, hiding the sweet around the room. She would never share, she loves the Shelby's, but this is hers, and only hers. 

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