{-Chapter Seven-}

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Seraphina had now been with the Shelby family for a week, and today Polly would be taking her shopping to get some new clothes

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Seraphina had now been with the Shelby family for a week, and today Polly would be taking her shopping to get some new clothes. She was excited to be with the older woman, she had been wanting a little time off, the children were wonderful don't get her wrong. But some days she just needs to be away from the excitement, she was a girl who had been abused for years and solitude was her safety net.

Stepping outside with Polly by her side, the girl and older woman linked arms and made their way down the streets. Polly was quiet as she noticed that Seraphina was very quiet, so she didn't want to force the girl to talk. She did stop though to point at a lovely store she had a feeling Seraphina would love. She was right, Seraphina was instantly inside the store, looking over the dresses. She found many beautiful white blouses with pretty neck ties, plenty of long skirts, some dresses here and there, and she found some button up shoes.

Polly made her try it all on, all of it fitting her perfectly. They were just about to leave when Seraphina's eyes landed on a beautiful cobalt blue coat. She was besotted with the coat, Polly nodded to the coat, the shopkeeper instantly got it down for the young brunette. Seraphina tried it on, and it fit wonderfully, Polly paid for it straight away before pushing the girl out.

The pair soon started talking, Seraphina feeling much better. It was when they turned the corner that something changed in Seraphina again, a tune she hadn't heard in such a long time, she broke away from Polly, the older woman frowning as she followed her towards a street performer. Polly rolled her eyes at the sight of the street performer, he was one of the many people that wasn't afraid of her boys, she knew it was brave and he was, but it was utterly stupid. "Seraphina." Polly said softly only to notice that she was not beside her, but right at the front of the performance.

Bert was a notorious man around Small Heath and even London. He was energetic and fun, he loved performing and laughing, he had been in the war, but he always kept the smile on his face, his thought process was that if he let the horror stop him from living then what was the point of being free, he didn't want anyone to have a hold over who he is. When Bert turned, he saw Seraphina first and he was startled, "hello." He greeted her.

"Hello." She answered back smiling gently. "I'm Seraphina," she introduces holding her hand out to him.

Bert takes her hand and shakes it with a brilliant smile on his face. "I'm Bert, it's lovely to meet you milady." He said making Seraphina giggle.

"I really liked your song." Seraphina said as people handed money to Bert, the man thanking them and nodding to them.

"Why thank you, I love when someone appreciates my songs." Bert says with a bright smile on his face. "Do you like music?" He asked continuing their discussion.

"I love music, I love singing and dancing, after all there's the whole world at your feet. And who gets to see it but the birds, the stars, and the chimney sweeps." She said smiling brightly before walking away from Bert humming the song to herself as she walked beside Polly, the older woman looking back and forth from Seraphina and Bert. Polly shook her head as she turned and faced Seraphina, watching as she skipped humming the song, she was happy that the girl was smiling, and enjoying her time with the family.

"So, what else do we need to do Polly?" Seraphina asked as she looked at the little trinkets.

"Dinner, that it what is next little angel." Polly said looking over her list. Nodding her head, Polly took Seraphina's hand and dragged her to the butchers, where they selected some food for dinner. "Hopefully those boys will actually join us for once." Polly muttered as they left the butcher. Seraphina smiled humming in agreement.

She looked around the street spotting Thomas Shelby. Grinning she nudged Polly; the older woman looked and saw Tommy. "Okay off you go." She said with a grin. Seraphina squeaked before running over to Tommy. Polly watched as Seraphina hugged Tommy tightly the man still keeping his cold behaviour, but she could see the warmth in his eyes as he gave Seraphina a one-sided hug.

Seraphina grinned as she stepped back. "I've missed you." She pouted to the older man.

"Have you now." He smirked as he looked over some jewelry.

"Yeah, I haven't seen you for almost a week Tommy," she stated. She watched as Tommy frowned in thought, before realizing she was right, he hadn't been to see her for a week, he came home late, and then left early, she was stuck with John's children, which she didn't mind, so they hadn't seen each other. "You can make it up to me." She said with a smirk.

"Oh, I can, can I?" He questioned tilting his head at the young girl. Seraphina hummed. "And what is it that I have to do?" He asked her.

"Come to dinner tonight, Polly's making a big feast pretty much and we aren't going to be able to eat it all." Seraphina giggled. "It would be nice if everyone was there, it gets lonely, even with the kids, they aren't exactly up to having grown up chats." She stated with a shrug.

Tommy licked his lip as he thought over what he and his brothers were doing that night, and all they would be doing is having drinks at the Garrison. So, he looked down at Seraphina. "Make sure my plate is next to you." He said to her.

Seraphina's smile brightened his day as she giggled hugging him again and kissing his cheek. "See you tonight." She laughed as she ran back to Polly, her excitement drifting to Polly as the young woman told her what Tommy had promised. Now he really wasn't going to miss dinner as he saw his aunt smile brightly.

Now all he had to do was drag his brothers to dinner.

When the two women got back to the house, they instantly begun to cook dinner, John's children and Finn were cheering as they played in the playroom, something they all wished they had beforehand, it was then that the three older Shelby brothers walked into the house smelling an amazing dinner, it was quite heavenly. They greeted Seraphina and Polly, both having brilliant smiles on their faces at the sight of them, Polly especially was happy to see them, she had missed her nephews dearly.

Ada was next to come in, she was still a little nervous, but she came to really enjoy having Seraphina around, the two girls always gossiped about something, it gave Ada a need to just be herself around her, she had even taken to learning the piano just to impress her brothers and aunt. She was glad Seraphina didn't hold what she had done to her against her. The two were best friends.

"Dinner is ready!" Polly called out, footsteps came thundering, Seraphina had kept her promise of leaving the space next to her for Tommy, the man smirked as he sat beside her, her smile making a small one grow on his own.

Once everyone was seated Polly ushered everyone to hold hands as she prayed. Seraphina closed her eyes as she listened to Polly. "Bless us, O God. Bless our food and our drink. Since you redeemed us so dearly and delivered us from evil, as you gave us a share in this food so may you give us a share in eternal life. Amen." When Polly finished everyone begun to talk to one another. Seraphina whispered to Tommy, telling him about her day and about the beautiful coat Polly had gotten her.

"I have never had something so nice for the winter before." She said absently, Tommy's hand clenched tightly over his fork, but quickly calmed himself. He continued to listen to her, smiling when she would slightly exaggerate her little adventure, but he didn't mind.

What none of them saw were the slight tears in Polly's eyes, she had finally gotten to see everyone smiling at the dinner table, and it was all because of the angel that sat beside the devil himself. She smiled before wiping the tears away and continued to eat her dinner.

This was her little family.

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