{-Chapter Twenty-}

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Finn may be the youngest of his brothers and the oldest of his nieces and nephews, but he was smart, he knew that the barmaid, Grace, was bad news for his family

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Finn may be the youngest of his brothers and the oldest of his nieces and nephews, but he was smart, he knew that the barmaid, Grace, was bad news for his family... especially to Seraphina. He didn't know why the blonde hated their best friend, their confidant, their Seraphina. But something about her was bad news, even when Seraphina measured her something was off. "Finn, you look like your thinking real hard there," said Katie, plopping herself beside him, Collin, George and Hazel all nodding in agreement.

Finn sighed, "that new barmaid, she basically attacked Seraphina, in public, saying nasty stuff to her, I had to hold myself back from shoving her out of the window."

Katie tilted her head. "Could we do anything to make her life worse in Small Heath?" Katie said, an idea forming in her little brain. "And anyway, we always are told that we are up to no good," she stated smiling brightly.

"We solemnly swear that we are up to no good." They all say before going up to John, telling him they were going to go run around, the man not even seeing the mischief in their eyes. The five children grabbed what they needed, before leaving their home, running through the streets everyone got out of their way, something about their smiles made them feel unnerved.

The five stopped around a corner, seeing the blonde barmaid walking through the market, Finn grinned, "okay, Hazel, you know what to do?" Finn asked the youngest girl.

Hazel grinned brightly, nodding her head. She quickly walked out, making her way through the crowd weaving in and out, she was brilliant at it, being so small she could see where she needed to go. Hazel's target was in her sight, she did not like how the blonde looked, she reminded her of the witches in her story books, she knew Seraphina was a Princess though. But soon she would be her Uncle Tommy's Queen, and she would have her as her auntie... and no one was taking that dream from her.

So, Hazel continued on, before long she was in position, the blonde barmaid didn't see her, as she walked right into Hazel, sending her tumbling to the ground, she knew she was going to be hurt. So, the tears came on as her hands were cut up by the cobblestone. Hazel's sobs were loud as she looked at her little hands, the blood slipping down.

"Oh, look where you are going, you silly little girl." Grace hissed, about to walk away from the child.

"Hazel!" The group of four shouted coming to Hazel's side. Grace saw Finn first, her eyes wide. She knew he was the youngest Shelby brother. So, who were these kids.

"Hazel, are you okay, should I go get daddy?" Katie asked her little sister, pulling her into a hug.

Finn turned his eyes onto Grace, they were deadly as he glared at her. "What is wrong with you, are you not going to apologize to my niece!" Finn shouted.

"N-niece?" Grace questioned.

"Yes, you moron, she's Hazel Shelby, my older brother John's daughter!" Finn shouted. As Collin and George continued to help Katie look after Hazel who was in a lot of pain, she knew the plan, but it really hurt, now she wanted her daddy and Seraphina. "God, first you attack Seraphina, someone we all care about and is practically family, and now you've hurt my niece, you're horrible!" Finn shouted, everyone around them shook their heads in disbelief of the barmaid, they were cautious when John's children were around, the man was overprotective.

It wasn't long before two men with Peaky caps came over to the group, seeing the tearful face of Hazel and her worried siblings. "Finn! What's happened?" The man asked, as the other grabbed Graces arm holding her in place.

Finn turned and explained what happened to the two men, the two glared at Grace, as he pulled another Peaky boy over. "Go get the Shelby's they'll want to know what's happened, and Hazel needs her dad." He ordered.

The young boy nodded before running to Watery Lane.

It wasn't long before Tommy, Arthur, and John came down the street, but it was surprising to see Seraphina ahead of them, the girl basically bolted over to the children seeing the crying, Hazel. "Oh, lovely, it's okay, we'll get you home and fix this all up, and daddies going to read you your favourite book, okay lovely." Seraphina stated, as John kneeled down nodding his head in agreement.

"And daddies going to get you your favourite treats, alright." John said picking his little girl up into his arms holding her tightly.

What no one noticed though was the way Serphina's fist tightened, until she flung around smashing her fist into Graces nose, a loud resound crack filled the street. Grace fell back onto her back, her eyes unfocused as Seraphina stood over her, her eyes blazing brightly. She hated when people hurt the kids, or any child for that matter, it pissed her off. "You bitch!" Seraphina shouted. "I can take you attacking me but hurting those kids or any and you've crossed the line!" She continued. Tommy took a hold of his girl, pulling her back from the blonde barmaid.

The five kids hid their smirks, watching the blonde flinch from Seraphina was the highlight of their lives, "Sera," Hazel's wobbly voice called. Seraphina's emotions changed swiftly as she went over to the little girl cooing gentle words of reassurance to her.

"Come on Sera, let's get my kids and Finn home, they've been through enough." John said, and Seraphina nodded, walking beside John, the children surrounding Seraphina. What none of the adults except Grace, saw was the mischievous smirks on their faces, Finn winked at the barmaid just for good measure, but they changed their faces to concern so quick that Grace knew, she knew she could not prove that she was innocent.

She had been played by the Shelby children.

The future of the Peaky Blinders.

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