New Friend, Another Mess

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After having introduced both of you, you grab your things and walk down the street, heading back home. Lucas starts breaking the silence by asking you the following.

"So, you're a new student, huh?" he says, curious.

"Yeah. I went back home to Louisiana after the rent went way too high, and I couldn't afford it," you explain while taking a deep breath. Lucas looks at your worried expression and tries to soothe you.

"Damn money," he whines. You chuckle as Lucas speaks your mind. You both look at each other and giggle again. The two of you almost forget about the fight, but Lucas brings it up again.

"That idiot ain' forgetting about today. He's always like that. " Lucas starts telling you about how he bullied him from an early age.

Recalling painful memories is sad, but sometimes feels good to vent. It seems Lucas had health issues, so he was teased about it by Oliver, that guy from earlier. He told you how even after school, Oliver still picked on him quite frequently. Things almost escalated, and they prepared some gruesome prank. They threw some blood-like liquid, wrote harsh words on his desk, insults, etc. Always making fun of his looks, of him being skinny. Upon hearing all that, you don't know what to say, so you only say the following.

"Must have been a living hell. Did your parents know? " you ask, curious without wanting to dig too much into his past. He doesn't look annoyed at your inquiry. While he hesitates, he responds to your question after staying silent for a brief moment, perhaps thinking about whether to tell you about it.

"Well, they didn't. They don't. Uhm... I don't want them to know of it." I understand, don't worry. Huh... changing the topic, where do you live?"

"I live near the bayou, though it's quite a long way from here. " you think about where it's the bayou and realize how far from your home is. The thought of making your parents worried isn't appealing, so you tell him about you living the other way.

"Oh, well, then we split here. I live in the opposite direction," you state hesitantly. Although Lucas wants to talk some more, he understands why you mention it, nods at you, then says.

"Oh, 'kay. See ya, then. " Lucas says in a low tone. His posture shrinks, somewhat bending his shoulders over, but he waves his hand. Before leaving, you walk to him, giving him a little hug to comfort him as a goodbye.

"Tomorrow, I'll be eating at the cafeteria. Are you coming? " you ask softly. You could see a faint smile on Lucas's face. He didn't look like someone who would have that many friends, taking into account what happened back there, so the invitation is of help to begin creating a nice friendship. On your way back, you think about how nice it feels to meet someone. He struck you as chill, quirky, but funny. It was a great feeling. Finally, a new friend met in a mess.

_ A few days later _

It is morning, and sun rays hit your face fiercely as your father swipes open the blinds. Just like every day, waking up feels like torture...You slowly sit on your bed, half asleep. Get up and go downstairs as usual. Walk into the kitchen, grab a snack and quickly dress up. A new day is beginning, and you are euphoric about spending time with Lucas. After some time, Lucas gradually opened up, demonstrating his genius jokes and expertise in electronics. You dash like a clap of thunder through the door, running almost to reach college as fast as you can. Of course, your parents notice your euphoria and suspect something must have happened. At university, you do your routine: go to classes, go to the laboratory and get easily bored. Subsequently, you get to the cafeteria, where you have decided to meet with Lucas. There he is. Lucas bent over the table, fiddling with his phone. You go to him.

"Sorry, did you wait long? " he looks at you and shakes his head slightly so as not to worry you.

"No, I just got here. " Lucas says, moving the backpack aside to make space for you. You sit down next to him.

"Ya coming to grab lunch? Imma head to the buffet now. " Lucas nods and puts his phone in his pocket. The conversation feels awkward, mainly silence while you grab some lunch.

"I was wondering, do ya like engines? " Lucas asks, taking some salad from the buffet while making eye contact with you. Machines of the sort have always fascinated you since you were little. Even though you aren't as skillful as others, you still try to fix simple things: washing machines, computers, etc. That became a hobby gradually, and now it's your passion, which also relieves your stress.

"I love them! But how did you know, tho? " you query, almost dropping the nugget.

"You give off those vibes. And also because I saw a stain of black oil on your pack.

"Oh, sheesh. You shoulda told me that! That ain' easy to clean. And what about you? Do you like 'em?" you ask.

"Hell yeah. Unlike these shitheads, machines are easy to understand and can do wonders." Lucas expresses honestly. 'Well, he ain't wrong tho.' you think, eyeing the pudding inside the fridge.

"So, I was thinking, do you wanna come to my house? I have a project goin' on, and a little help would come in handy. " Lucas says, making a subtle invitation. At first, you waver since you don't want to give an intrusive impression. He realizes your uncertainty and reassures you. Lucas, in the meantime, takes a look at the desserts, giving you some time to think. To try to encourage you a bit, he says.

"Y'know, I told my mother about how special you are, and she said you could come anytime you want," he winks at you, knowing what he meant by it. 'Oh, dang, his mother sure misunderstood,' you think.

"Oh, well, then I accept! But, seriously, you should've told her that we aren't anything special. That'll be problematic, y'know. " you say, chuckling, both of you leaving the lunch trays on the table.

"We aren't... Yet " Lucas adds naughty, bursting into silent laughter.


Later that day, when tasty lunch with him ended, Lucas headed home while you went to your last class. On your way to the lecture, a group of people passes by. You recognize some of them from that fight. Then, following the crowd, a guy on the back looks at you almost mockingly.

"You are that new transfer, aren't you? " he asks rudely. He comes closer to you with bad vibes, his footsteps resonating across the corridor, intimidating. " Lucas is quite a weirdo, ain't he?" he says as he stops before you with a mug face.

"What do you mean? " you ask, distrustful of his intentions. He leans and pats your shoulder, and the other guys giggle. Your figure slouches more as he whispers in your ear.

"He has some serious mental issues, y'know. I hope he doesn't go crazy with ya, or you are fucked. He truly is a psycho, mumbling to himself and the like. I bet he is a pervert too", he spouts, shameless. Upon hearing such foul things, you push him aside and give him a death stare. He giggles, ridiculing your intentions of protecting Lucas.

"Shut your damn mouth. As if you were any better, asshole. " you then look at the other guys, who gathered behind their leader. Their curious, disgusting gazes are fixed on you.

"Move," you order coldly, ignoring the petty intimidation strategy. The clutter divides, letting you walk through the crowd stomping on the ground, all gazing at you. You set aside those dubious thoughts, only thinking about what's ahead.

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