wELcome BaCK

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The morning began with a patrolling session around Racoon City after another "incident" happened. There were no signs of danger, and things stabilized thanks to Chris, but the rumors wouldn't end there.

Deep in thought, you looked at the recent reports.

— C'mon, AGAIN!? Sheesh, you're no fun, y/sn. — a masculine voice shouts as he pats your back with such force that almost makes you drop the files.
— And you should be more careful, if one of these gets lost it would be troublesome.
Officer Warren, previously served the country at Afganistán but "retired" to a less demanding charge. He is one of the most humble people in the department, yet he is strict when needed.

— Today we have the reassignment. I think you'll like your next destination!
— W-wait... Am I gonna be moving? Why? — you ask with a clear annoyed face.
— Dunno, I think it has to be related to backup or something.
— Again... Fuck...
— Don't look so grim! — as he pats you aggressively your back, smiling and laughing dramatically, the sergeant softly says — you know you can ask them to get back, right? Graduating in the Blue Umbrella is difficult, so don't be too hasty and return whenever you feel saturated. These are all tests.

You nod as if you understand and smile back at him, — Thanks, Ser-, Officer! I'll get you a souvenir for you and your wife. — he laughs again, cheerily as always,

— Of course! We'll be waiting impatiently!

Soon after you are called inside, at the office of the head of the police department,
a Blue Umbrella soldier waiting for you there, a muscular tank that stands out. The old officer steps aside and nods then proceeds to turn around and head out.

— Morning, sir! — you said with energy.
— Morning, y/sn. You know why you're here, right?
— Yes, sir. The reassignment, am I right? — Chris smiles softly.
— That's correct. Your destination is Louisiana, back to your hometown.

Louisiana? What could've happened there for them to need backup?
Your worrisome face unchains the so-needed explanation from Chris's mouth. As he prepares mentally, the sheriff stands up and says, 

— I'll be out, if you need anything, Mr. Redfield, don't hesitate to call me. — shutting the door behind him, twisting the doorknob lightly, he leaves you two alone in the room. The atmosphere becomes sort of grim, gloomy, and cold. Chris clears his throat and then he begins explaining.

— We ask you to come to Louisiana because of an outbreak. We don't have enough information, so we need someone who knows the area well. Don't worry, this isn't too dangerous, and you are qualified to exercise this type of protocol. 

This whole situation begins to flood your mind with past thoughts, but you quickly make those fade away and focus on the present. You nod in agreement and just casually accept the offer. After all, it's a good opportunity to take a step in Blue Umbrella. Chris gently pats your shoulder and grins softly, saying the following:

— If it's too much, just say it. You don't need to worry about being overwhelmed, it isn't something you should feel ashamed of.


A few days later, you find yourself in a helicopter heading to a Louisiana research camp. In the distance, two silhouettes near the H sign. With a loud rumble, the helicopter landed, with a gust of air hitting everything in the radius. Their stiff clothes puff up, and with heavy boots and advanced helmets, one of them approaches as you step out of the chopper. He nods and begins explaining in detail: 

— Good morning. I am Sergeant Esposito. We are glad to have someone as notable as you, y/sn.

— Morning, sergeant. So, what's going on here? I heard there's been an outbreak of some sort. — you answer while he points the way. Pacing to the building.

— Yeah, to be specific, it's a virus outbreak. We have a hunch that the disappearance of the Baker family has something to do with this, though w- — As soon as hearing that name, you freeze in place, making your hair stand on end. Your mind rushed through several reasons, yet you can't figure out why, so you ask with fear and confusion.

— Wait... Did you say the Bakers? W-what happened to them? — the sergeant notices your great confusion, however, he ignores it, knowing you are a key element to this operation. He continues the explanation with a calm tone.

— As far as we know, they suddenly disappeared. What made us worry is it happened sometime after a heavy storm. We have information about a shipwreck, yet we couldn't find much. So, we suspect whatever the problem is, is inside their house. — he pauses for a moment, frowning with a heavy sigh, then proceeds to talk about your role in this situation — YOU are a vital piece in this operation. We don't have enough information, so we will have to rely on you and whatever you can find inside there. IF you find them or something, act natural, blend in with them, and find out what is going on. Otherwise, if you see it's getting out of hand, flee immediately.

What boggles your mind is the "act natural" thing. You thought maybe they are sick, but THAT sick as to change in personality or whatever? You nod, with great bravery coming from the old friendship with them you decide to not let them down and find out what happened to them.

It didn't take long for the rest of the unit to mobilize, giving you some special equipment along with clothes with micros embedded in them. So, after the quick prep, they threw you right in front of where the path to hell starts.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2023 ⏰

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