New students ! !

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Cyno perspective :

I yawn, Tiredly. Awakening from my late night slumber, I rub my eyes gently as I get out of my bed. I checked the time just to be sure I wasn't late,

Only to see that it was really early so I had time to get ready.

I changed into my uniform with my blouse slightly unbuttoned from the top as I wore some shorts and wrapped my sweater around my waist,

I grabbed my watch, Putting it on my arm before grabbing my bag, Putting my shoes on and leaving my dorm to meet up with Candace.

a few minutes passed as I met up with Candace by the Cafeteria to eat breakfast. Sumeru Akademiya provides free breakfast every morning and they were amazing.

" Candace. "

I say with a somewhat serious tone as Candace looked my way.

" Good morning, Cyno. Come, Lets get breakfast. We had 2 more hours to talk before we head to class "

I nod in response before walking in line of the cafeteria with Candace. We both got what we wanted and sat at our personal table.

" Have you heard? "

Candace asks.

" Heard of what? "

I was confused so I asked her

" There are some new students. Around our age and grade, From Avidya forest and Sumeru city. "

She tells me, She seemed interested in the new students.

" I presume there's two new students? "

I asked as she nodded but didn't seem so sure.

" At least from what I've heard. It's a boy and a girl. One of them is a chimera (it's a human-animal hybrid from what I've researched so correct me if I'm wrong) "

I hum in response.

" I see, We haven't had one of those in a while. Do you know what type they are? "

she shook her head as a silent response of 'no'

" Apparently they're entering the school today, Perhaps we'll bump into them "

Candace says, She seems excited to see the new students but we don't even know what they look like besides the fact one of them is a chimera.

We both could hear females squealing from the entrance of the school so me and Candace decide to check it out, Perhaps it's the new students?




I could see a lot of people crowding the entrance, Assuming that they were talking about the new students.

" Move. "

Everyone that was in front of me who was blocking the way to the entrance all moved aside to let me and Candace through. Once we made it to the front, Noticing a female and a male. The human female had red hair in a hairstyle of two long, low pigtails. She also had these beautiful blue eyes which I admired. She looked like a pretty carefree person.

The chimera male had big long fox ears, I assumed. He had short, straight hair which just led up to his chin. His hair colour being a very dark blue along with having strands of lime-green in front of his hair.

He looked uneasy as he was holding his ears tightly, Perhaps it was the noise?

I sigh slightly before looking at the crowd.

" Leave the new students alone, Go have breakfast or get ready for your next class. Give them some space "

Was all I had to say to get them to leave as Candace introduced herself.

" Hello weary travelers from afar. I'm Candace, I'm delighted to meet you. "

" I'm Nilou from Zubayr theatre. Thank you for clearing the hallways "

She smiled slightly

" Not a problem. I'm Cyno "

She waved slightly before facing the male who was next to her.

" This is Tighnari, Because of all of the praise from everyone here, His hearing aids are bothering him "

Tighnari still seemed to be holding his ears tightly- He looked ill.

" Could you show us where the Principals office is? "

She asks as Candace volunteers 

" Of course. Cyno, Are you coming? "

I shake my head as a no response.

" I'll be in the cafeteria "

I say before walking off

Nilou perspective :

" Hm, Okay. Anywho, Follow me "

Candace says as I smile slightly, As I take Tighnari's hand insisting for him to follow us before following her to the principal's office.

" Here, I'll see you both soon. I believe that they will announce someone to give you both a tour around the school. "

I smiled, Thanking her before heading inside.

" Hello, I'm Nilou. This is Tighnari "

I greet myself and my friend as the principal gives us our schedules before announcing something on the speakers.

" Lisa Minci, Could you please come to the principal's office "

Lisa perspective :

" Oh? I wonder what it's about. "

" Did you do something-? "

My friend asks as I giggle slightly.

" No, Not that I know of. I'll be right back dear "

I smile and walk to the principal's office.

" You wanted to see me? "

I ask

" Yes actually, Would you be so kind and show the new students around the school? "

The principal asks before showing the new students.

" This is Nilou and- "

" Tighnari, It's been so long! "

I say, Accidentally interrupting the principal.

" I knew that my ears never deceived me. "

" I see you know each other? "

The principal asks.

" Why of course, We were friends in high school. I graduated before him "

I explained.

" I'd be happy to show you and your friend around, Follow me "

I smile as we exit the office.

" Could you show me your schedule "

I ask

" Here's mine "

I inspect the schedule carefully.

" You have Mathematics class for the first period, Second period you have History. After Lunch you have Science and lastly, You have P.E class. You'll be assigned into the dorms if you choose by tomorrow or so, Now. Tighnari give me yours "

He hands me his schedule and I explain to him.

" You have Art class for the first period, After that you have the same as Nilou, History. After lunch you have Language arts and you have P.E class "

I smiled before giving their schedules back and showing them around which took around an hour considering it was a big school.

" That should be it. I should be leaving now, Bye cuties! "

I wave out to them before walking off.

Tighnari's perspective :

" Bye Lisa "

Both me and Nilou wave out and head to our first class since class was about to start soon.

Once I made it to my class since me and Nilou had to separate, I noticed someone who looked somewhat familiar. Ah, It was that Cyno guy from the entrance. 

[ That's all I got for today, Sorry :') I'll try to post a new chapter everyday<3 1108 words were put into this chapter ]

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