A new friend

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Tighnari's perspective :

The teacher told me to wait outside once everyone was already inside, He told me to come in.

I walked inside and stood beside the teacher as I could already hear a lot of people talking about me.

Like how my ears look fluffy, Or if me and Nilou were dating. Which I found really strange to gossip about-

" This is the new student. Please introduce yourself "

I nod in response before speaking.

" I'm Tighnari, A forest watcher of Avidya Forest. Pleased to meet you "

I say, Giving me a small introduction for myself.

Someone raised their hand to ask a question.

" What is it Dehya? "

The teacher asks

" Are you a fennec fox by chance? Your appearance reminds me of one  "

I nod at Dehya's question.

" Yes, I am. You have a good eye, I thought I'd have to explain myself. "

Another female raises their hand and the teacher allows her to answer.

" Are you dating Nilou? "

I was stunned at the question, I didn't think anyone was actually going to ask-

" That's a foolish question, Of course we're not. We're nothing but friends "

They all seemed bummed out when they found out we weren't dating.

" That's enough questions for today, Tighnari, Please take a seat and grab some painting supplies. Are you good at art, Perhaps? "

The teacher asks.

" Uhh.. Yeah I guess so. "

I wasn't so sure. Nilou and Collei seemed to like my art but I don't exactly draw much. 

" Great, Go take a seat next to Cyno, If you need any help just ask. Cyno, Raise your hand "

The pure white haired male with red-orange eyes. His hair somewhat covering his right eye raised his hand. Although I kinda already knew who he was, I sat next to him and the teacher began the lesson.

During class cyno asked me something.

" Tighnari, Was it? "

I turned to him out of curiosity

" Yes? "

I said, Wondering what he needed.

" Wanna hear a joke? "

He asks.

" Uh.. Sure-? "

Although I dislike jokes because they aren't funny, I didn't wanna be rude about my first expression.

" How do trees go online "

He asks me

" Uhh.. How? "

I wondered

" They just, Login "

" . . . . . "

I stare at him with disgust.

" You don't get it? Here I'll explain it to you. Trees are also known to be logs right? The pick up line was- "

" No, I get it. That was a really bad joke- "

I say interrupting the punny guy. As he laughed a bit. He has a very serious face but a horrible persona, Not the bad kind-

" So you like jokes? "

I ask

" Uh- Yeah I guess you can say that. I just tell jokes so people will be at ease when they face me. "

He explains.

" I see "

The bell rang after a few minutes so we all packed up and left the classroom.

" Tighnari! "

Someone yells out my name from behind as I turn around.

" Yeah, What is it? "

I ask.

" Wanna hear another joke? "

I was a bit bummed.

" Oh, It's you- "

" Is that a bad thing? "

He asks me. He seemed upset-

" Oh, Nonono. Sorry, I didn't mean to say it like that. "

He still seemed a bit upset. He must've thought of it as a bad comment or if I didn't seem to like his presence around.

I sigh since I felt bad.

" I'm sorry, What was this joke you were talking about "

His face lit up and his mood totally changed. He still had the serious face-

" When should you go to the dentist? "

He asks me.

" When? "

" 2:30. (tooth-hurty) "

I was so confused with the joke.

" You don't understand? I can explain it to you- "

" No, I get it. Your jokes are just really bad- "

I didn't want him to explain

Cyno perspective:

' He doesn't seem to like my jokes. Nor does he seem to be at ease. Am I making him uncomfortable? '

I was a bit upset. I wanted to be friends with Tighnari but now I feel like he dislikes me for some reason. Is it because of my jokes?

" Hey what class do you have next? "

He asks.

" Mathematics. Wanna hear a math joke? "

Tighnari didn't seem so sure but I decided to say it anyways.

" Okay, What did the triangle say to the circle? "

He sighed.

" What? "

He asks me.

" You're pointless "

I giggled but Tighnari didn't seem to get it.

" Hahaha, You're so funny "

He says sarcastically. But I didn't mind.

" Thank you. "

I say

" You're so full of yourself "

He says with a smile?

We were both walking together to our next class just talking since both of our classes were next to each other. 

Once we made it to our next class we said our goodbyes.

" Tighnari "

I say to get his attention.

" What is it? "

He asks me

" Wanna hang out after second period? Bring your friend and I'll bring Candace "

I requested

" If you promise not to tell such horrible jokes, I might consider it. Nilou won't mind "

He tells me.

" No promises "

I smile and wave before entering math class.

Tighnari's perspective :

I sigh

" What did I get myself into.. "

I tell myself before entering History, Seeing Nilou.

" You're late "

The teacher tells me, This time it was a female teacher.

" My apologies I got distracted and my first class was a bit far. "

The teacher sighs.

" It's fine, Class, This is Tighnari. Please take an empty seat and we'll begin with the lesson. If you're confused please ask. "

I nod before sitting down. I couldn't sit next to Nilou since there were no empty seats next to her and the lesson began.

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