What's this feeling?

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[ So sorry for not continuing the fanfic even though I said I wouldn't discontinue it lmao... WELL I'M BACK WITH A BIT OF MOTIVATION SO YEAH<3 ]

Tignari's Perspective :

As per usual, I finished my classes and got ready for the hangout that Cyno planned out.

I changed into just an ordinary sweater and black jeans.

After that I just waited for Cyno to text me where we should meet, Cyno finished his classes just before me so I believe that hes ready by now.

After a few minutes he texted me to see if I was finished my classes.

Cyno Today At 3:40 PM
Tighnari, Are you finished your last class?

Tighnari Today At 3:42 PM
Yeah I am

Cyno Today At 3:45 PM
meet me at the front of the university.

Tighnari Today At 3:45 PM
Will do

I put my phone in my crossbody bag and wrapped it around my shoulder before leaving the dorm and locking it before I left.

I made it to the front of the university to see Cyno waiting for me.

He noticed me walking to him and put his phone away as he waved at me.

" So, Where to? "

I ask curiously

" We're going to the mall today, My treat. "

He tells me, Already walking off as I caught up.

" Is there a reason you invited me? "

I ask because I was unsure why I had to come with him.

" Just some company, Nothing much "

I shrugged, Not giving it much of a thought, Walking with him to the mall.

Ofc Cyno had to tell me a few jokes on our was there which bugged me, But I didn't mind the company.

Once we got to the mall we stopped by a few stores and Cyno bought me some new clothes, Which I was grateful for.

But while we were shopping I felt kinda hungry-

" Cyno, Can we stop by a food place? "

Cyno looked at me before nodding.

" Sure, Where do you wanna go? "

I thought for a moment before maybe just heading to a McDonald's restaurant.

Cyno got me what I wanted which was just a simple veggie burger.

And Cyno got himself a drink.

After my meal I for some reason felt tired, so we sat down and just took a break.

" I'm exhausted.. "

I say tiredly.

" Reasonable, it is 5PM after all. "

I was too tired to even listen that I just rested on whatever was close to me, Which was... Cyno shoulder-..

I didn't even care, I just wanted sleep. I woke up early as hell in the morning too.

" Tighnari? "

Just the tone of Cyno's voice got me annoyed.

" Shut it, I'm tired so keep your mouth shut. " (Tighnari decided to choose violence today)

Narrator :

Just the sound of that coming out of Tighnari's voice threatened Cyno-

Just a few minutes passed and Tighnari was out like a light, Cyno made sure to keep his mouth shut but Cynos silence wasn't enough to satisfy his needs.

So Cyno got them an Uber to send them back to the university as soon as possible and take Tighnari to bed- 

Cyno picked up Tighnari, Along with the bags full of clothes and went inside the Uber which eventually, Somewhat woke up Tighnari. So he was annoyed the entire ride but fell back asleep when they got back to the university.

Cyno payed the driving and picked up Tighnari, Luckily he didn't wake up.

He had trouble opening the door though since he was carrying Tighnari and didn't wanna wake him up, But-

He managed<3

He put Tighnari to bed and grabbed the bag full of Tighnari's new clothes that Cyno got him and put it on his desk before closing the door.

Cyno's Perspective :

" What's wrong with me..? "

I say to myself. For some reason throughout the entire time Tighnari was sleeping on my shoulder or me having to carry him in and out of the taxi, I felt strange..

My heart was beating, Fast and I wasn't sure why. I didn't feel this way with him or anyone before, But. Maybe this situation was different?

I wasn't sure what to think of it so tried not to. But no matter how much I tried not to. I did, I thought of his beautiful face, Seeing it really up close for once made my heart flutter.

I didnt know why I was feeling these things but something told me it was a good thing.

I tried to get that off of my mind by sorting out my new clothes like folding them and putting them in my drawer. I also made myself dinner despite me eating not that long ago.

After I ate I watched something and luckily Tighnari was still asleep.

However, throughout the movie I fell asleep myself, Falling asleep on the couch with the TV still on.

. . . . . . . . .

[ aa, Sorry it's not much, I tried 🤧idk when the next chapter will be but it'll probably be in a while so don't expect it to be soon<3 ]

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