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[ Sorry, I'm lazy as hell so it's already tomorrow aka the day where Nilou and Nari decide to move into the dorms<3 ]

Tighnari's perspective :

' Nilou and Tighnari, Please come to the principal's office '

" Hm? I wonder what it's about. "

Nilou says considering she was next to me.

" Well, Let's go find out "

I say as we both walk to the principal's office

" You wanted to see us, Sir? "

I ask, Curious on what the principal wanted.

" Ah, Yes. You both are required to move into the dorms. Pack your things the second you go home and you'll move into the dorms tomorrow (insert explaining where the dorms are lol) "

" Here's your keys and you'll find out who your dorm mate is the second you get there " 

He hands us our dorm keys.

" Don't lose them, However. If you do please tell me and I'll give you a new one "

He tells us.

" Will do, Thank you sir "

Nilou smiles and bows as a thanks as I just nod in response.

We both leave the office and continue our classes until all of them are finished. Both me and Nilou went home to pack our things.

However I didn't seem so sure about moving into the dorms because of my sister, Collei.

" Collei, I'm home. "

I say, Unsure of what I should do.

" Welcome back Master Tighnari! "

I laugh slightly

" You don't need to call me that, Collei. How was school? "

I ask

" It was fun! I made a champion steak in cooking class!! Oh and after school me and Amber decided to hang out in the forest! "

She says to me with a grin on her face. Amber is her first and best friend ....

' THAT'S IT!! '

I think to myself

" Collei, I know how this may sound but is it okay for you to be able to stay with Amber for a while? "

I ask. I know it was hard but Amber's the only one I have in mind. Amber's heading back to Mondtsadt soon so I won't mind if Collei tags along.

" What!? Why?? I'm not complaining but what about you..? "

She seemed upset.

" I know this is all of a sudden but I have to live in the dorms in Sumeru Akademiya. Amber's going back to Mondstadt so you can stay there for the time being. Only when I'm able to move out of campus, Is that okay? If you don't like the idea then I can try to convince the principal. "

I wanted to get Collei's consent first.

" Uhh... Sure, I'll stay with Amber! Until you can live outside of campus I can stay in Mondstadt with Amber, I'll have to ask her first.. Hopefully she'll say yes "

I smile, However I'm a bit worried.

" If you need me, You have my number. I'm gonna have to move in by tomorrow so are you gonna be okay? "

Collei nodded.

" Mhm! "

She says with a smile

" Your medicine and whatever you need is all in my office, Take them daily, Okay? I trust that you can manage yourself. However, Because of this you might have to tell Amber about your sickness "

Thinking of her sickness made me way more unsure if I should leave her in Amber's care.. I trust Amber, I do. It's just that I have a feeling that Amber won't be capable of taking care of Collei by herself because of her conditions.

" I- I will! If I need to I promise! "

I sigh in both worrisome and relief before placing my hand on Collei

" Alright, Take care of yourself. If Amber isn't able to look after you I'll come back immediately. "

Collei nodded in response.

" Now go pack! "

She says before pushing me to my room to pack my stuff.

" Okay, Okay, Okay- "

I say repeatedly as Collei leaves to call Amber as I started to pack my stuff.

Probably a few minutes went by and Collei came into my room.

" She said yes!! "

Collei seemed excited, She cant hang out with Amber often since Amber lives in Mondstadt and we live in Sumeru so this'll be a good opportunity

" Thank god- When are you guys leaving to Mondstadt? "

I ask

" In another week "

She grins, Standing in an alpha pose.

" I'll discuss this with your Principal "

She nods before leaving the room. After an hour or so I finished packing my things in boxes and stuff.

. . . . . .

The next day : 

My stuff had been taken to the dorms not too long ago, It was a day off so that me and Nilou could move our stuff into the dorms so after I dropped Collei off to school I told her Principal that she'll be living in Mondstadt for some time until I'm able to live off of campus.

After that conversation I went to Sumeru Akademiya to check out my new dorms.

I was taking a suitcase with me while trying to find my dorm.

" 69.. 69... "

I looked up and found my dorm.

" Aha, 69. "

I opened the door using a key, Unlocking the door before instantly sensing a familiar scent- It reminded me of Cyno's? No it can't be a coincidence-

I put my suitcase in the living room and left the dorm to get my supplies

( I'm so sorry, I'm so lazy rn )

After moving into the dorm :

The guy must've left since I couldn't hear anyone. But jesus christ, What colon does he use.. 

I stretch my arms since I had to unpack my stuff into my room since we have separate rooms.

" Finally now that's aside, I can rest.. "

I yawn before resting on my bed and falling asleep, Cuddling my tail. I still couldn't help but think about Collei.. Will she really be okay?

[ 962 words, Sorry I'm tryna do the chapters every 1 - 3 days ]

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