#3: Kise Ryouta

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KnB x Reader

Kise Ryota

just a fangirl?

You were just a fangirl.

You knew he wouldn't notice you.

 You watched him from afar as he chatted with his friends.

 You admired his good looks, his luscious blond hair, his voice, but most of all, his smile.

 You giggled as you saw Kasamatsu hit him, knowing that it was something that happened usually.

What you didn't know though was that he has actually noticed you long ago. He just didn't know how to ask you out!

Approaching his teammates, he asked them some tips.

Kasamatsu blushed and hit him in the head. "You know that I can't talk to girls so why ask me?!" He skipped Moriyama, knowing that he would say something stupid. When he asked Hayakawa, he didn't even understand what he said. His last hope was Kobori who answered something reasonable and actually helpful.

"You should just be honest with your feelings, Kise, and ask her out. If she refuses you then you either move on or try again. It depends on you."

"Thank you, Kobori-senpai!"


Classes ended and you were packing your things when you noticed something in your bag.

It was a piece of crumpled paper.

You popped an anime vein, thinking that it was someone's trash and threw it in the trash can.

Meanwhile, Kise who was sitting near you got his heartbroken because you didn't even bother to read it so he decided to try again.

The next day, you got another paper. You got annoyed but decided to open it since you got curious.

So it was a letter for me you thought, feeling kind of embarrassed that you mistook it for trash.

"Please go out with me, (Your last name)cchi!!

——Kise Ryouta"

You blushed lightly and turned to him who realized that you have read it. Smiling, you threw it at him and it hit him on the head.

"Yes, Kise-kun!

—(Your name)"

 You have been noticed.

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