#11: Hayama Kotaro

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KnB x Reader

#11: Hayama Kotaro


"Hey, that fucking hurt!" you yelled as a blonde guy carelessly crashed into you while on his skateboard.

His skateboard skidded to the side as his body flew to you.

You were just walking around the park since it was a nice day, but he just had to hit a rock while skateboarding, did he!

You then realized the position the two of you were in.

Him on top of you.

It was like those cliché movies wherein the hero's and the heroine's lips accidentally crash into each other when one of them trip except the two of you hadn't kissed (yet).

You pushed him off of you, blushing madly. "You ought to be more careful when you skateboard, y'know!"

He sat up from the position the two of you were in after you pushed him away and laughed. "Right. Sorry 'bout that! And thanks, you cushioned my fall—"

He was cut off when he saw you wince as you attempted to get up, and he felt guilt and worry surge through him. "H-hey, you okay there? I'm really sorry about crashing into you!" he said sincerely, getting ahold of how serious it was.

"Don't worry. It's just a sprain," you insisted.

"A sprain?!" He gasped. "Get on my back. I'll get you treated and send you home!"

"Eh?! But—"

He smiled at you. "It's alright. Consider it a sorry for the injury."

You smiled back. "Alright...Thank you, uh..."

"Hayama, Hayama Kotaro," he introduced.

"(Last name) (First name). Nice to meet you, Hayama-kun," you said as you got on his back.

"Now, let's go," he said, walking in the direction of a clinic.

~**extended ending...a bit?**~

"And so we meet again, skateboard dude!"


Apparently, Hayama skateboards in his free time.

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