#5: Murasakibara Atsushi

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KnB x Reader

Murasakibara Atsushi

sushi can actually be sweet

"Sushi-kun~!" you called the purple-headed giant. "You shouldn't eat so much sweets. You'll ruin your health and you'll get cavities," you scolded.

"Eh? But (Your name)-chin, you sometimes eat with me!" he whined.

"I-I'm only worried about you," you said with a cute pout.

"(Your name)-chin, you're so cute I could crush you," he said, ruffling your hair.

Now that your hair's messed up, you frowned. "My hair!"

"C'mon, Muro-chin gave me coupons to eat sushi. You wanted to get me from eating sweets right? Then come with me," he offered with a lazy smile.

Your eyes lighted up. You have had a crush on him for a long time, and you were happy that he asked you out.

"Is it a date?"

"Sure. Whatever~"

That weekend, you decided to make yourself cuter even though you were only going out for sushi. Wearing a cute (favorite color) one piece dress, you went out of the house to your meeting place.

"Hello, (Your name)-chin..."

"Hi, Sushi-kun!"

The moment you go in the restaurant and gave your coupons though, the waiter flashed the two of you a big smile. "I see. One couple here~"

"A couple?" you said.

Murasakibara was shocked as well. It seems the restaurant was offering only couples the free sushi. "Muro-chin..."

"Well, we shouldn't waste such a wonderful opportunity given to us. It's free sushi after all!"

He stayed silent and only nodded, making you frown. 'Did I do something wrong?'

A few minutes later, the sushi arrived. It looked so delicious that your eyes began to sparkle and you drool began to fall out of your mouth, but you immediately shut it and hoped that Murakisakibara didn't see it.

You got a plate of two sushi from the machine that rotates the sushi and ate it. 'Delicious!'

When you turned to Murasakibara, you saw him pout..

"(Your name)-chin, you didn't let me taste it," he whined childishly. You giggled at his antics but got cut off when he pressed his lips on yours. Pulling away, he licked his lips. "Hm...it's delicious."

You blushed deeply. He tasted like the sweets he ate earlier.

'I guess sushi can be sweet too...'

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