I care (Sonadow)

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I found Shadow by a tree; it looked like he was crying. "Shadow? Are you okay?" "What do you want faker?" He sniffled. "I heard sniffles while running.. So, I came to check up on whoever it was" "Well I don't need your sympathy" Another tear rolled down, but he brushed it away. I sat down next to him. "I would give you a hug but I know you're not one for touching" He hmphed. "It's about her, isn't it?" He let out a choked sob. I sighed. "Shadow, I've been through something similar to what you have and.. I don't wanna say I know exactly what you're going through but it does help to talk about it, trust me for once. It doesn't have to be me. Maybe Rouge, but please talk it out." His lip quivered. "It hurts so bad.. I wish it was me. I wish I was dead instead of her" I blinked in surprise and put a hand on his shoulder. "Shadow-" I start but he cuts me off. "WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS TRYING TO BOND WITH ME-" He yelled. "BECAUSE I CARE ABOUT YOU" I huffed. He looked taken aback. "You... care about me?" I realized what I said and blushed a little. "Yeah.. listen Shads, I was gonna wait til your birthday but" I pull out a small gold heart locket and offered it to him. He seemed hesitant before taking it in his hands and flipping it open. Inside was a picture of him and Maria smiling at the camera. Much to my surprise he wrapped his arms around me and sobbed. I hugged him back and told him I would be there for him if he needs me. "Can you... help me put it on?" He asked, struggling on the word help. "Sure, hold your quills." He did and I clamped it on. He held it in his hands before looking at me. "Thanks, but we're still rivals." He turned his head from me. "Yeah okay" "And we never hugged, got it?" "Mhm sure" "Son- Faker I'm serious if you say one word about this you will never see the end of it" "OOO you almost said my name" "Did not" "Did too" "Faker-" "Fine I won't say anything.. if you can beat me to Tails' house. Ready? Go!" I took off. "FAKER" I looked behind me and saw Shadow gaining on me and I went faster. I felt my hand get grabbed and I was pulled to the ground. We tumbled for a bit before I landed right on top of his.. We looked at each other for a few minutes processing, my face flaring as I felt it poke me. We made deeper eye contact before I scrambled off of him and sat, wondering what in the fuck just happened. I covered my face, an erection now on me. "Faker-" "Uwaaa! I know! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry Shadow I-" I took a few deep breaths and tried settling myself but to no avail. 'Am I gay?' I wondered. The more I thought about it the shakier my breaths became. I covered my face. "I won't say anything. You win! I- Is it hot outside or is it just me hah" "Are you gay?" "Hrk- No! Yes? I don't know! This is confusing me! I mean I like girls but with what just happened I might as well be but I just- I'm rambling I-" Then he grabbed my wrists and Shadow kissed me. SHADOW KISSED ME. He pulled back to see me red as his stripes. He smirked and did it again. This time I kissed back. He wrapped my legs around his waist and grinded. I gasped and he slipped his tongue in. After a few more minutes he pulled back again and looked at me. "Guess I found a way to defeat you" "Shut up" I rested my head on his shoulder and he just held me before I felt a nip on my neck. I squealed as my body shook under him. "Ah! Shadow!" "I guess I owe Rouge 50 rings, you are a bottom" He nibbled my ear "Hey! I'm a power bottom.." "Same difference to me because I'm a top, and I think I just found my own bottom" He whispered. I gulped before hearing a click. We turned to see Rouge with a camera. "Cough up those rings, Shadow" She teased, looking at the picture. He sighed and tossed them to her. "H-hey! Don't post that picture!" I tried getting up but Shadow stopped me and bit my neck again. "Mm not in front of her-" "She wouldn't post it without permission Sonic" My tail wagged. "You said my name!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2022 ⏰

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