Sonic X Shadow LEMON (Sonadow)

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Shadow's POV:

   'Damn that faker! I swear when I get there he is SO DEAD' I skated my way to his chaos energy that was amplified by the Emerald. That emerald is mine and I'm gonna get it. I saw Sonic looking at it. "FAKER!" Sonic whipped his head towards me before his eyes widened and he ran away from the middle of the field. I raced after him into the forest. I shoved him and he tried to punch but he blocked it. I kept throwing punches at him but he would always block or dodge then taunt me. "Faker give me the chaos emerald!" "In your dreams Shadz" He winked at me and ran faster. I growled and tried to punch but he turned and we started fighting. "FAKER GIVE ME THE DAMN EMERALD!" "Nah, I think I'll- AAA" He narrowly dodged a kick and I took this opportunity to tackle him to the forest floor. I pinned him down, caging his between my arms as I growled lowly, sitting on his lower half. "Give it to me" He smirked, "Take it from me" He put it just out of reach and blocked my hand from grabbing it while snickering. I roared and pinned his arms above his head, held them with one hand, then reached to snatch it. "HA! I GOT-" I leaned back down to come inches from his face. I paused and looked at him as he continued to stare back then started avoiding eye contact and his face heated up. I felt something poke my thigh. "S- Faker, was that..?" He turned his head and blushed more. I froze. What the fuck? "Y-you can get off now Shadow" Sonic stammered, wiggling. I tightened the pressure on his wrists and he looked up at me scared but embarrassed. It seemed his eyes sparkled from the stray sunshine that came through the leaves. Tch, Such a bottom look. "S-Shadow?" He asked in a small voice making my attention come back to him. I looked down at him and made eye contact with him again. His eyes widened and he winced a little. WHY DO YOU LOOK SO FUCKING CUTE!? I shut my eyes before growling and smashing my lips onto his. I felt him stiffen then relax his body as he kissed back. I put the Emerald aside and buried my right hand in his quills, pulling a little making his mouth open from shock. I slipped my tongue in and shoved it down his throat. He moaned softly and I pulled back. He looked up at me with pleading eyes as I felt him poke at me more. "You little bitch" "I- S-Shadow-" His face flared. "Stop looking at me like that!" "Like what?" "So needy! I came to beat your ass but you would've liked that wouldn't you?" His eyes widened. I growled and kissed him again, rubbing his side roughly before grinding against  him. He moaned at the feeling, spreading his legs a little. I smirked against the kiss before pulling back and grabbing the chaos emerald. "CHAOS CONTROL!" In a flicker we were in my room on my bed. Sonic's eyes widened as I unzipped my pants, slipping them off. I kissed him again as I unzipped and unbuttoned his shorts, pulling them off before his underwear. I released his wrists before taking his tank top off. I don't wear shirts so- I then looked at his length. I looked up at him before letting my hand grab it. He winced as I started pumping. I released his wrists and put my hand on his cheek before rubbing faster, watching as he made lewd expressions. I kissed him and he kissed back. He moaned into the kiss as I went faster. I pulled my tongue out of his throat and looked down. He was twitching. I leaned back and moved my hand from his face to his chin with my thumb on his lips. We were watching me jack him off before he came in my hand, letting out a groan as he did so. I put it to his mouth. He reluctantly licked it all off of my hand. Once he was done I scratched behind his ear. He leaned into my hand as he purred. "Good boy" I stopped and reached over to my bedside table where I took out a collar that was black and red. I looked at Sonic who was squirming a little bit worriedly. "Do I have to wear that?" "Yes" "But-" "PUT IT ON" He flinched but took it from me and latched it. I smirked at him. "I hate you" "Sure you do. Now lift your hips for me doll~" He took a breath in before doing what I asked. I slowly entered him as he exhaled, shutting his eyes. "Go" I smiled and rolled my hips. He let out a low groan. I thrusted again, making a gentle pace. "Shadow?" "Yes love?" "Can.. Can you.. Uhm... Go faster? Please?" "Of course I can" I doubled my pace. "Mmph~" I put his legs around my waist as I bent down to him. "Ready to go faster?" "Mhm~" I let out a heh before I started railing him. He screamed before I put my hand over his mouth and went rougher. "This is what you fucking wanted bitch" His eyes rolled back as he moaned into my hand. I put my left hand on his neck and lightly choked him, the bell on the collar jingling with each thrust. His moans got louder before he came on both of us but I kept going. "Fuck faker, you feel so damn good" He let out a loud moan in response. I saw tears run down his face from the overstimulation. "Faker I'm close" I grunted, applying more pressure onto his neck. My thrusts got sloppy until I came in him, letting out a groan as I did so. I released my hand from his neck and mouth before putting my left hand on his chest and my right hand on his shaft, stroking him while thrusting softly. "Ah- Shadow-" He let out little moans and grunts as I continued. "Mmh~ Shadow I'm gonna cum-" He grunted. I stroked faster. "Mm Shadow~ Please~" I thrusted faster and he let out a loud moan before cumming in my hand as I filled him up again. I licked his cum off of my hand before crawling down and starting to lick up the mess. He let out breathy moans. "Sh-Shadow~" I finished cleaning him up then grabbed my phone. "What type pizza you want?" His ears perked up and he sat up in bed, the collar dinging. "Pepperoni and sausage" He beamed with happiness. I smiled and ordered the pizza while getting dressed. It was delivered and I took it back to my room where Sonic was mostly clothed except his tank top. I noticed the collar was still on him and I smirked. He followed my gaze. "It's comfortable and looks good, okay?" He huffed. I sat next to him and opened the box where there was the pizza and a chili dog. His eyes lit up and he grabbed it and took a bite before looking at me with a small smile. "I'd figured I'd surprise you and get you something special" I said calmly. He hugged me. "Thank you Shadow" I hugged him back before pulling away and turning on a movie. We ate the pizza and snuggled next to each other since it was night now. Sonic's communicator went off and he accepted the call. "Hey bu-" "SONIC WHERE ARE YOU IT'S 9 O' CLOCK" Tails yelled through the speaker. "Heh, sorry buddy. I'm nice and safe" "I'll be the judge of that. Where are you?" He looked at me and I shrugged. "I'm at Shadow's place" "What?! Do you realize how dangerous he is!?" "I'm right here y'know" I said plainly. "Tails I'm fine alright? Shadow's been taking good care of me" "Really? Hmm... Alright but if something happens call me" "Alright bro see you tomorrow" He ended the call and looked at me. "Sorry bout that" He chuckled. "It's fine" "So... Cuddles?" I opened my arms "Cuddles" He buried his face in my neck and steadied his breathing. "How 'bout we do that again sometime, hm?" He whispered. I recoiled and looked down at him before getting really close to him. "Friday 2 o'clock?" "I'll be here" I pulled him closer to me and we fell asleep in each other's arms.

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