Chapter 7: Camp Lakeview

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I was sitting in the psychiatrist office waiting to go home. I've been coming here since I left Camp Lakeview. I don't know why they continue to force me to come I will never speak. Talking about what happened to a stranger isn't going to help me. "La'Rayna would you like to speak to me on what happened when you were younger?" Dr. Lawson asked. She ask me the same question every time and I say nothing every time. She writes something down on her pad like always and then I sit there until it's time for me to leave. She wasn't my first psychiatrist. I have went through five because they get fed up with me and felt they could no longer help me. My first psychiatrist had it the worst. When we first got back from Camp Lakeview I couldn't trust anybody but Shawn. I was almost put in a psych ward from the way I was acting. They couldn't control me. This lady though she was determined to "help" me.

"When I was younger I went to camp too" she said looking up from her pad. She pulled her glasses from her face and set them on her desk I front of her. I just sat there not giving any type of emotion. Am I supposed to care if this lady went to camp. Does she really think this is going to get me to talk about what happened at Camp Lakeview. "I had a lot of fun we went hiking, canoeing," She put her pad down on her desk. "Told scary ghost stories." I laughed inside my head and just stared at her. This lady must be crazy. We had fun we told scary ghost stories. Telling me you had fun when you went to camp isn't going to help the girl who was almost murder. Telling me you told ghost stories isn't going to get me to tell you want happened. I glanced up at the clock it was almost time to leave. She noticed because her eyes flickered at her wrist. She signed and said that I could leave early if I wanted to. I got up and went outside Shawn was waiting for me in his car.

"Have fun." He joked. I wasn't amused. I glared at him and he laughed. I was still mad at him for not telling me he and his dad was trying to reopen Camp Lakeview. I guess he noticed. "So your still made at me?" "No, Shawn I like the fact that you are trying to reopen camp murder and not tell me." "Look La'Rayna it wasn't my idea and I was against it at first too but when my dad explained what he wanted to do I agreed." "What could you possibly agree to that would make this the best thing to do" I began yelling. I didn't mean to. If you will listen to me and let me explain I'll tell you" He yelled back. I was taken back a little. He has never yelled at me. He pulled the car over on the side of the rode. "La'Rayna look at me." I just kept looking out the window. "La'Rayna please look at me I'm sorry for yelling at you but you won't let me explain." I looked up at him. "I, sorry it's just..." I trailed off and looked down. He grabbed my chin pulled my head up with his hand and made me look at him. "I know I was there." He took a deep breath and began. "My dad is reopening Camp Lakeview because he wants to honor everyone who died there. He's trying to shed some light on the tragedy that occurred there. He has a very solid plan and I'm going to help him. Reopening the camp is going to help us move on and stop morning the loss and to start celebrating their lives. It will be good for all of us. It will help us." "I miss her." He wiped the tears that I didn't even know have fallen from my face. In fact most of the time I don't even know when I'm crying anymore. "I miss her too."

We pulled up to this huge building where Shawn's father works. I haven't been here since we were kids. We would play hide n go seek in the office when his dad had a meeting that we obviously couldn't go in. His dad had this big Ol' black chair that we used to spin each other in. I miss those days. Nothing to worry about. To be a kid again. "Why are we here?" I asked while we walked to the elevator. "I have to pick up some things from my office. When we got back from camp we both had to see a therapist for awhile. Later we got older; Shawn got better went to college and began working for his fathers company. Me however did not. I can't function in reality sometimes so it's hard for me to do anything. Hence why I'm still seeing a psychiatrist. I do remember when I was a little girl I wanted to be doctor so that I could help people. Blood frightens me now. If I cut myself or anything I start to have flash backs. It sucks I know. I'm trying to get better.

We walked into Shawn's office and I heard kids laughing. I turned around and seen three kids; two little girls and a boy shooting water guns at each other. They looked just like us when we were younger. It made me smile. "La'Rayna are you okay?" Shawn asked. I turned back around. "Yes why?" "Because you were smiling into space." "Uh what there was..." I turned back to were the kids were supposed to be but they were gone. "Never mind," I said. He walked behind his desk and grabbed some blueprints. "What are those?" "Blueprints of the camp. Do you want to see?" I shook my head no. "Okay let's go." We were headed out his office until we bumped into his dad." "La'Rayna it's so good to see you how have you've been." "Fine Mr. Weiss." I said moving behind Shawn. Trust issues, I hate it. It's not as bad as it used to be. "Well that's nice to hear. Shawn can I speak with you for a moment?" Shawn turn to look at me. I nodded letting him know it was okay to leave me for a while. He walked back into his office with his dad and closed the door.

"Danielle you can't get me." "I bet I can." "Shawn look out slow poke is coming." I heard laughter. I walked over towards the window in the lobby and peaked out of the curtain. My eyes widen. Those kids again. They looked up at me and waved and smiled. They mouthed to me to come play with them. I know why they looked like us before they are us. I felt a hand grabbed my shoulder so I jumped and turned around. "Sorry, Shawn said. "Don't do that you almost gave me a heart attack. "What are you looking at anyways there's nothing out there." "Nothing." "Are you ready to go?" "Yes."

When we walked in the house my mother was standing at the door. "La'Rayna can I speak to you for a moment." Shawn looked at me. "Well I have some work to do so il let you guys talk." He went upstairs. We walked into the living room and sat down on the couch. I already know where this is going. After all of my sessions with my psychiatrist she always wants to know how they went and if they made a "break" through. "I'm kind of tired of having this talk. But you need to start talking about what's going on with you." I raised my eye brows at her. "La'Rayna why don't you ever talk to your therapist she is there to help you." "I'm tired of talking about this too." I started to get up and walk away. "La'Rayna sit down now!" She yelled at me. Yelling at me doesn't help it only frightens me. I sat down afraid of what might happened. "It's been about 15 years you have to try and move on I want my little girl back." "Your little girl died at Camp Lakeview."

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