Chapter 12: Cabin Six

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Never go over the hill...soon your soul will end...the cabin is at a dead end...cabin six that is...searching through the wasteland that is...they never found his he's hunting'll be next...he's coming for you with an at Camp Lakeview...gotta sleep with one eye open...or he's gonna get you." 

"So what do you plan on doing with cabin six?" "What do you mean?" "What do you guys plan on doing with that cabin. You know what that place was." "Oh that, well I wanted to knock it down but." he trailed off looking elsewhere. I stood in front of him and grabbed his face forcing him to look at me. "But what?" "But my father wants to leave it as it is." "What." I yelled at him. "Well not excatly how it is. He wants to polish it up a bit and turn it into the merchinse store." "What is wrong with that man. How could he? Reopening the camp was one thing now this." "I know, I tried to talk him out of this but he shut me down. He said if I wanted to do whatever I wanted for the camp that would be his only say so." "Still doesn't make it right." 

I woke up to the bright sun shining in my face. We have officaily been at camp for a full two weeks now. Nothing too strange has happened, so I guess it's safe to say that what Kirk told us was a lie. My ankle is still a little banged up but at least the swollen has gone down. I still can't walk on it for too long. Shawn has made me this really cool crutch out of a stick. Today, we were going swimming which I'm glad because I love to swim, also, it will help with my sore ankle. 

"Hey, La'Rayna are you ready to go?" Danielle asked. "Yes, I'm just have to put my shoes on then we can go." "Is your ankle alright?" "Yeah it should be fine for swimming." We headed out the door and down to the lake. "I'm so glad that you are okay. I was getting real sick and tired of flipping a coin to see who I had to hang out with. Kirk and his crew are so annoying. Susie H is a little strange. And you know how I feel about Melissa." Suise H can't be that bad." "Oh shes the worst. Something isn't right about her. I don't really trust her. She's always going off by herself and not telling anybody where. Who knows what she could be doing." "Now who's paranoid." "Hey, maybe you were right about this place." I stopped in my tracks. Nothing strange has been going on since we went on that stupid hike. "Danielle what do you mean?" "I mean the person that nobody believes is always right. Then everyone else ends up dead right." "Danielle this isn't a horror movie." "Could be. I'm just sick of this place already. With these creepy campers, creepy staff, and that stupid creepy cabin six." "You got that right. I guess we are just ready to go home." "Ohh look at you." "What?" "Growing into your big girl panties I like this new La'Rayna." "Oh whatever." I laughed at her. 

We finally made it to the lake. The lake was so beautiful. I think it's the best part about the camp. The only downside about the lake is that cabin six sits right on the other side. If you don't pay attention to that the lake is really nice. 

"Took you guys long enough." Shawn yelled at us. He was starting to get out of the water. "Hey La'Rayna was trying to get cute." "Shut up no I wasn't." I pushed her. "Yeah you were." "For who." "Shawn." My eyes grew big. "Shut up I do not like Shawn." I don't know what would make her think that. "It's okay if you do." "Danielle that's not funny." "What's not funny?" Shawn asked once he reached us. "Nothing." I pushed Danielle again as she poked me in my side. "Are you guys getting in or what? The water's nice." "Yeah." We both said. 

Get got in the water inch by inch. You know how you have to ease your way into water because it's so cold because your not use to it. "Man, come in guys." "It's cold." "It's not cold." "That's because you've been in there for a while." Shawn swammed over by me putting his hand out. "Come on, grab my hand." I gave him a look. "You trust me right?" I reached out and grabbed his hand. He pulled me right in getting me all wet. "Ugh its so cold. I hate you." "But you love me." He smiled. "Whatever." I splashed him with water. and so the war began. "Okay I give up." I swam back over to the dock. I look over and Danielle was just smiling. "What?" "I told you." "I do not like Shawn." "Sure you don't." "Why are you saying this all of a sudden?" "It's not really all of a sudden. You guys would be cute together." "We are just friends." "Whatever you say La'Rayna whatever you say." 

It was bright and warms. The fire crackling on the wood. The air was warm but it was still nice. We sat out by the campfire singing songs, playing games, and roasting marsh mellows. It was nice. I felt like we were finally enjoying camp. Kirk and them were still annoying but at least the stupid killer stoires stopped. However, after what Danielle told me this morning, those feelings about camp were starting to come back. Not only that, but I did find an id bracelat in cabin six. What if that belonged to Melissa missing brother. I want to tell Shawn and Danielle about it but I don't want to ruin anything. Not when we just started having fun. 

"Are you okay?" "Yeah I was just thinking." "About what?" "About all the fun that we have been having. I'm really starting to enjoy camp." "See I told you didn't I?" Shawn said as he nedge my arm with his elbow. I smiled at him. "Yeah you did." I look over at Danielle and she mouths "I told you." I shook my head at her. "Shawn you need to get your friend." "Who?" "Danielle, she has this crazy idea that we would look cute together." I said putting air quotes around cute together." "Ah maybe." He put his arm around me. "What does that mean?" "It means what you want it to mean." "You two make me sick." "But you love us." That I do. I lean into him. "Shawn I have something to tell you." "What is it?" "Well, uh it's about cabin six." 

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