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"Call my Aunt Marie... Help her gather all my things, and bury me in all my favorite colors..."


Aizawa decided to take the class on another trip to the hospital again, just because only a few of them had their driver's licenses and he wanted to give them a little break. Of course, he wasn't going to tell them all that; it's supposed to be an assignment. 

Izuku and Katsuki were actually quite eager to see each other again, and without realizing it the two grew a liking for each other just by first glance and first conversation. However, the next time they see each other, the story was only going to get darker. 

Only Izuku knew that part at the time though. 


"Hey, Kacchan..." Izuku said groggily but tried his best to show enthusiasm. With one look, Katsuki could tell he was doing a lot worse than last week. Nonetheless, he sat down in the same chair as last week. 

"How ya doin', All Might nerd?" He asked, smirking. Izuku rolled his eyes and smiled. 

"I have a name y'know, although, I guess it's only fair that you can have a nickname for me too. Just don't call me All Might nerd or-"

"OOoooooo you think it's embarrassing or somethin'? He was the number one hero, who wouldn't be a fan?" 

Izuku had a faint blush of embarrassment and muttered something under his breath before turning to the red-eyed hero again. Those eyes were so entrancing...

"How about Deku? It kinda rhymes with your name but after a week I kind of..." The two locked eyes, lost in each other's orbs, and Katsuki was out of the trance enough to finish his sentence. "...forgot..."

"U-uhm, h-hey do you think we could go outside?" Izuku stuttered, a full blush taking over his pale complexion.

"Eh fuck it as long as you're allowed to." Katsuki said, cursing himself internally for acting like a mother.

"Yeah, but you have to push me!" Izuku smiled, and Katsuki just silently accepted. 


"They started clearing my room yesterday..." Izuku told Katsuki while they made their way through the pathway next to the hospital that was flourishing with pink cherry blossoms. It was very different from what Izuku was used to seeing, and he'd be lying if he said it wasn't refreshing. 

Katsuki, yet again, didn't exactly know how to reply. "Does it scare you?"

"Honestly, I'm not sure... People try to sugarcoat everything they say to me, but they always forget the walls are thin. I knew this was coming, and I think I'm just ready to-"

"Don't you dare say give up." The blonde interrupted, stopping them both. The wind swayed the cherry blossoms, making the frail petals fall around them. 

"Kacchan you don't understand, it's just-" 

"You're telling me you want  to die? After everything you had to tell me yesterday, you're going to tell me you're giving up?" Katsuki's voice raised a little, and Izuku was silent. What could he say? The truth? A lie? It would all lead to the same place in the end. 

"You don't understand, this was bound to happen. I knew, my mom knew, everyone knew. I'm dying, Kacchan, and that's the way it is. I fought but... this battle is ending soon." 

"Well if it's ending so soon, why not make it come out a victory?" Katsuki said, lowering his voice. Izuku was getting slightly irritated by the hero's questions.

"Because why sugarcoat it for myself?"

"What if it's... something I want?"  


"Did you really mean it, what you said outside?" Katsuki asked Izuku upon returning to room 715. 

"Yes... Yes, I did," the greenette admitted, looking down and fiddling with his hands. "I'm sorry..."

"Don't, I just... God I know we've only known each other for like two days but... I really don't want you to go." The blonde also admitted, a rare sight to see. 

"It's just too much... maybe it would be better, y'know? I'm just so tired and I can't do anything or contribute anything to this world... Nothing would change." 

"Don't be like that, it could-"

"Stop. What happened to that brash blondie I heard yesterday? This is not him, and I can't stand the sugarcoating. Stop. You really just don't get it, hero, do you? I'm fucking dying, and there's nothing you nor I can do. Besides, we've met twice, how could you possibly care that much?" Izuku asked, folding his arms in annoyance. Katsuki just wouldn't give up.

"I... Don't know actually, something's just telling me I should." 

Izuku looked into Katsuki's eyes, which read that he really meant it. Izuku smiled. 

"It's almost 12, I think you have to go soon." Izuku said, not trying to be rude, but just because he needed a minute to think about it. 

"Alright Deku, I'm going. See ya later, nerd." Katsuki said, returning the greenette's smile with his signature smirk. "See ya, Kacchan..."

Katsuki took one last look around Izuku's blank and sterile-looking room, then left. 

"I love you..." Izuku whispered after he left. 

'Oh. Shit. 


That's not supposed to happen.

I can't possibly...

No, I just admitted it to myself.

There is no way though. 

There is never a way.

Oh god why does it have to hurt this bad...

Is it real? 

Do I mean it?

Yeah... I think I mean it. 

I'll never tell a living soul.'


Dedicated to MandaLink for making me laugh my ass off at the comment they left on chapter 1. I swear I was literally dying 🤣

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