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"Baby, I'm just soggy from the chemo, but countin' down the days to go..."


"H-hey Kacchan..." The greenette said as he saw Katsuki walk through the door. He had been hoping he'd come today.

Katsuki's nose burned with the slight alcoholic scent dousing the room, something he thought he'd be used to by now. At this point his trips were so frequent a few of the nurses nicknamed him the Lover Boy (secretly, of course) and he could enter without a pass unless told otherwise.

But each trip always caused him more heartbreak and heart-mend.

Upon this visit on a Friday afternoon, almost evening, Katsuki noticed Izuku had more wires that were almost crawling out of him, hidden behind the thin blank sheets that covered him so familiarly. His hair was no longer existent, and if it was it was hidden well under a crochet beanie.

But yet, Izuku tried not to pay attention to that; it made him feel a bit insecure.

"How ya holdin' up, nerd?" The blonde said, taking a seat at the edge of the bed so he could take Izuku's cold, almost lifeless hand into his own, rubbing it gingerly.

"I just got done with chemo... I feel lightheaded..." Izuku answered. He looked exhausted.

Instead of replying and assuming of saying something stupid, Katsuki opted for laying down besides his love, letting Izuku's head rest on his chest, holding him close as a silent promise to never let go.

But one day he'd have to.

"Kacchan... I heard them talking while I pretended to be asleep... Mom was here... They uhm... T-they have the date..." Izuku said, almost choking on his words.

Katsuki didn't need to think twice about the "date" he was talking about.

"Don't think about it... Your safe, okay? I'm here, you're here, and you just have to keep fighting, alright?" Katsuki said, looking into those green eyes he treasured and wiping the tears from them.

"O-okay..." Izuku snuggled closer to the blonde, breathing in his caramel scent and relaxing in his warmth. With a quirk like Katsuki's, he was basically a human heater that smelled naturally like a sweet shop. Izuku smiled to himself and he thought it was absolutely perfect and exactly what he needed.

After thought, Izuku realized Katsuki is different from most, but not because he's brash or cocky, but just the way he's so sure of things. Or maybe he isn't. There really isn't any telling.

Whatever it was, Izuku felt the need to keep going because of the blonde, and gave him the title of his hero.

Katsuki could honestly say the same thing.

"...Hey Kacchan..."


"Can uh... Can you help me out with something?"

"Sure nerd, what is it?"

"Can you uhm... Can you shave my hair?"


Izuku braced himself for what was to come next as he looked in his personal bathroom mirror, seeing his own reflection and Katsuki's.

"I was going to have my mom do it, but she broke down and I couldn't have her do it in pain, that would make me feel bad, so uhm... I-I hope you don't mind..."

"Course I don't. I just don't wanna fuck this up." Katsuki admitted.

"How are you nervous? I'm panicking!"

"You asked me ya damn nerd!"


Without a word, Katsuki flicked the switch on the razor, the buzzing noise making Izuku realize this was the fate that remained for the rest of his once luscious green hair.

'It's just hair, right? It's not- Oh god it's bad, it's so bad. There is no way in-'

"Done. Honestly there wasn't a lot to do but..." Katsuki paused seeing the confused yet panicked expression Izuku had.

"I-it's just hair, r-right? I-I mean, it'll just grow back, right? It's fine..."

"That's the spirit..." Katsuki answered dryly and quietly. The small room had a thick air of awkwardness circling through it.

Amidst the silence, Izuku broke down.

"D-dammit this just... This just means I'm closer t-to dying doesn't it? Oh god I was not prepared for t-this..." He stammered while trying to calm his nerves, proving unsuccessful.

"It's not as bad as you think, calm down. I could've done much worse." Katsuki said, trying to neutralize the environment.

"Kacchan, it's not about how you did it or anything... But seriously just look at me! I'm bald!" Izuku cried out, and the blonde didn't exactly know how to diffuse this one.

"So? You said yourself it's just hair." Katsuki  cupped his hands over Izuku's shoulders, rubbing them slowly in attempts to calm him down.

"Y-yeah I just didn't... I really didn't expect this... I-I just-" Izuku was interrupted by a quiet sob and a little hiccup, one that made the blondes heart very close to snapping in two.

"Izu..." The blonde turned Izuku's wheelchair from the mirror, scooping the smaller teen into his arms. Using his foot to drag the IV back with them, he pushed it close to the wall next to the bed, and laid Izuku down towards one side, leaving enough room to climb in beside him.

"K-kacchan... Why won't it stop? Why did I curse myself by saying... By s-saying I wanted t-to go?" Izuku thought out loud, now unable to stop the tears that flowed down his freckled cheeks like small salty rivers.

"Don't fuckin' say shit like that, there's nothing to worry about I told you." Katsuki confirmed, turning to face his love and kissing away his small tears, one by one.

"I love you Kacchan. Thank you."

"Love you too Deku."

There was a small silence before the immense warmth Izuku felt was slowly slipping away. It made him panic a little until he realized it was Katsuki.

"Sorry Deku, I've been keeping myself busy recently and as much I would fucking love to cuddling the rest of the evening I think the nurses would kick my ass out... Also hero work and shit." Katsuki felt a major pang of guilt, but Izuku would be fine in the meantime, right?

"There is no rest for the heroes," Izuku said in an accent, one he giggled to himself hearing. "It's okay, Kacchan, go ahead. Just don't be busy... You know when."

Izuku's joke caught the blonde a little off guard. Izuku never said stuff like that. He seemed unusually happy too.

Whatever it was, the blonde wasn't going to keep questioning it.

"I won't, see ya nerd." He said, blowing A kiss towards the freckled male and closing the door.

"Don't worry, Kacchan... I think that I might be okay after all..."

Wow. Lots of fluff. You guys still with me?

Im not sure if this chapter was relieving or depressing... Maybe both?

Eh I don't care, this chapter WASNT EVEN SUPPOSED TO EXIST.

Yeah, the original notes I have don't include anything about this.


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