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'Oh, my agony... Know that I will never marry...'


"He doesn't want to see you. Sorry." A nurse told Katsuki as he went to get his visitors pass the next week. 

"The hell do you mean 'he doesn't want to see me'?" The blonde asked, angry and upset at the same time, the worst combination of emotions for the hero. 

'This is about the kiss, isn't it? I fucked up, I fucked up so bad. Now I NEED to talk to him.' 

"Look, you can try knocking on the door but I highly doubt he'll let you in. Midoriya is a stubborn little sh- guy." The nurse said again, beginning to walk away to attend to other needs. Katsuki didn't waste a second traveling up the elevator and down the hall. 


Knock! Knock! Knock! 

"W-who is it?" Izuku said from the inside, tired as hell from missing sleep and chemotherapy. 

"The president, who the fuck else?" 

"*sigh* ...You can come in Kacchan." 

The blonde entered the room as per usual, but the air was quite tense. It killed the peroxide-like scent in the room easily because it was that  tense. 

"Hey Deku-" 

"We need to talk," Izuku interrupted, "Actually, I think maybe you have some explaining to do... Well so do I but- Not the point and don't tell me you don't know what I'm talking about." 

"Do you regret it?" Katsuki questioned instead of answering. He wasn't one to ponder on topics like this for too long. At least with a question like this, he'd know the truth. 

"N-no... But you will if that kiss meant anything." Izuku replied. 

"I don't have a damn regret in the world. I will if this is gonna ruin shit between us-"

"No! I-I mean, no, it won't. I don't regret it, you don't regret it, s-so... U-uhm... What does this mean?" 

"Means I wanna kiss you again nerd."  Katsuki said, sitting at the edge of the greenette's bed. 

Izuku sat up, only to wrap his arms around Katsuki's neck and pull the blonde on top of him. 

Katsuki, of course, somehow engaged a make-out session, two lips colliding again and again, sliding between each other until it finally reached their tongues. 

Izuku thought it was strange and made him slightly uncomfortable at first, but Katsuki's lips persuaded him to just melt into the touch.

After getting a bit tired and in need of breath, Izuku broke the kiss. 

"O-oh god Kacchan... There's no way... I can't do this..." Izuku said, still trying to get air into his lungs. Katsuki was out of breath as well, each time he exhaled it would tickle the greenette's nose. 

"Are you really going to fucking tell me that we just had a make-out session for you to fucking reject me?" Katsuki stood up angrily, almost ready to book it out of there. 

"No! No, that's the problem..."

"I think I really like you too, Katsuki." 

There was a silence as Izuku just tried to understand what he said, and a silence for the fact that Katsuki needed to take in this information as well. 

"I-I like you, more than I should..." Izuku said again, breaking the silence and a bit shocked what he was saying. 

"More than you should? Sorry, it's not my fucking fault that I'm so damn hot," Katsuki smirked trying to lighten the sterile environment, "But... What's wrong with that?" 

Izuku inhaled heavily. He wanted to be with Katsuki, why wasn't he reached for it?

Oh yeah. 

He didn't want to die if he was with Katsuki. 

He didn't want to stop fighting because Katsuki. 

But fate has already taken it's place in time.

Izuku Midoriya was going to die, and there was nothing stopping that...

"The chemo isn't working. The infection is too far for the doctors to keep trying."


Katsuki was speechless. 

"That's the problem, I don't feel like giving up or leaving you..." Izuku took a second to get a breath, not bothering to try and stop the tears anymore. 

"I don't wanna leave you, Kacchan," Izuku reached for the blondes hand, "I don't wanna die!"

At this point, Katsuki was almost ready to cry too, but instead of opting for the "weak" route, he pulled the greenette into a tight hug, not ever wanting to let go. 

"I don't want you to either... But I'm right here, okay? I'm not fucking letting you go." Katsuki assured. It was probably the best line of speech he had ever said to be nice to someone.

"O-okay..." Izuku spoke, finally able to talk. "Just p-please don't let go."

"I'm not, I promise." Katsuki swore, still keeping Izuku close as he lay down beside him and avoiding any cords or wires that were pierced into the greenette's hand or arm.

"...I l-love you, Kacchan..." Izuku whispered, tickling the hero's ear and making both of his ears turn red.

"I... Love you too, dammit..." Katsuki fully admitted, turning a bright shade of red which was cooled slightly by Izuku's salty tears.

The two stayed like that, and Katsuki had no intention of leaving. Besides, his boyfriend needed him.

'God, I changed my mind, don't let me leave... I can't go knowing that this is what's miss out on! What about the future? What about my hero?'

'Don't make me go... Please let me stay...'

Shorter chapter today, sorry bout that. I think the next one is longer :>

Our story continues... Haste to admit it but it gets slightly repetitive, you'll see what I mean later ;)

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