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Hi! I just want to clarify this is probably not accurate at all, but for story purposes please bare with me. 

Also PLEASE remember to get tissues this time... And don't read while wearing mascara
(Luv u Manda this is your warning :> )



The day had arrived. 

The day a few people dreaded. 

Izuku Midoriya's death date. 

Katsuki raced down the correct hallway as he usually would, almost ready to use his quirk this time. It hadn't set in for these past few weeks, but it had now, and god it hurt. 

But instead of seeing an empty hallway, he noticed a short, plump woman at Izuku's door, looking hesitant to enter. Katsuki took that this was Izuku's mother because of the green hair. She looked over hearing the skid of his shoes as he stopped running.

"Oh! You must be Katsuki, hm? I'm Inko, Inko Midoriya." She asked, smiling just as sweetly as her younger male doppelganger.

"Uh, yeah..." He said, out of breath.

"Izuku told me a lot about you. I wished we could've met sooner when the time isn't so bittersweet, but Izuku doesn't really want me to see him. Honestly, I think he thinks his old lady is too sensitive." She chuckled, trying to brighten the mood even in the slightest.

"Sensitive, huh? I don't know about that... You should see him sometimes..." Katsuki replied, now contemplating if he should enter the room.

"Izuku says you see him often. He told me about... Your relationship and all that."

Katsuki almost died inside.


"Goodness, calm down young man! I may not understand very well but I'm not going to stop you from being with my son. He cares very much about you, y'know? Talking about you is the happiest I've seen him in a very long time. I trust you." Inko smiled sadly. If only happiness could be converted into time.

"...Why does he have to go?" Katsuki asked, his voice cracking as he tried to contain the swelling lump in his throat.

"Izuku's condition is too much on his heart. You see, the disease breaks down his muscles, and eventually ends when it... Stops his heart completely. The paychecks for chemotherapy just came in too late... I-if I could've gotten it done sooner I would've. I promise you that..." The greenette explained, feeling a bit choked up herself.

The hospital felt darker even though it was morning.

Katsuki didn't know how to answer. This was a mother who had a healthy relationship with her only son, who was now being taken away by a curse any parent would want to die hearing. What could he say?

Upon looking through the small window on the door, which the blonde hesitated to do, he saw a couple of nurses checking the patient. Izuku looked dead, to be honest. His skin was making close competition with his bedsheets, and his eyes were closed softly.

But suddenly, to the nurses' surprise, their patient had started shaking violently, unable to get any air. It hurt to see Izuku suffering, pretty much suffocating when he seemed as fine as he could be days ago. Things just happen too fast.

Katsuki backed away from the window with a strong feeling of internal pain.

"Katsuki?" Inko said, almost ready to approach the gateway to the tragic scene herself until a warm hand was placed on her shoulder.

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