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This far. 

This far. 

A young man with bright green eyes, glossy from crying, holds onto his mother's arm, while his other holds a cane for support. The walk he makes today is truly astonishing. 

...And the man at the other end of the aisle feels the same way, his usually angered, serious eyes holding sensitivity and pure amazement. 

Never did one of them think they'd get here; Who would? Nobody can know the future... 

But anyone can change it. 




The two held each other close, just like they had when they thought it was the very last time. Katsuki thought he was dreaming.

Izuku Midoriya... Was alive. If Katsuki could scream it out on top of the very facility they were in, he would. However, that wasn't exactly practical, so he'll keep that news in the hospital.

"I made it, Kacchan..." Izuku paused for a breath of shock and relief, "I made it..."

"Yeah, yeah you fuckin' did..." The blonde answered in just as much amazement.

"It's not over though..."

"Kacchan, I wanna get better, I want to live, I want to be with you forever, but... Will you still love me if it takes a long time to get out of here?"

"First of all, the fact you would question that feels threatening. Secondly, if you think I would just stop loving you because I would 'move on' after you could've died, you're very wrong, nerd, 'cause I fucking love you."

Izuku couldn't help but let the tear he was holding so well spill over and down his freckled cheeks, the ones Katsuki had grown to love so fucking much.

"Kacchan!" Izuku smiled brightly, a soft blush appearing. His skin had a rosy glow, one that looked so natural and so gorgeous.

"Hey nerd. You ready?" The blonde asked, twirling his car keys around his finger. Izuku hesitated. Finally. After what felt like an eternity, he could finally get out of the hospital and go home, well, not quite his home, but one that could become one.

The day they had discussed Izuku's release, Inko had given Katsuki permission to let Izuku stay with him. She trusted Katsuki after getting to know him more, and knew her son was in good hands with the hero.

"Yeah. I'm ready." Izuku took hold of the blonde's hand, finally ready to make his escape.


Now in the future, after a year of staying together, through every time apart, every trial, every kiss, every word that made Izuku Midoriya want to live...

He couldn't possibly say no to the ring and a life with his hero.

Before Izuku could realize it after going through each memory with every shaky step he took, he was at the front of the altar,  heart light and fluttery as he met the glistening red eyes he'd do anything for.

His mother helped him up the steps, but then let him go to Katsuki.

The moment their hands met was like an awakening, both locking eyes and never planning on letting go til they sleep. Even then, dreams usually depict the things you see during the day.


"Do you, Katsuki Bakugo, take this man to be your husband? Through life and death? Through perils and misfortune? To love and care for him for all eternity?"

"I do." The hero said, not missing a space between the question. He gently squeezes Izuku's hand, noticing the greenette's legs were shaking. Izuku said before their wedding he had a surprise, but something like this was not the one he had been expecting.

"And you, Izuku Midoriya, take this man to be your husband? Through life and death? Through perils and misfortune? To love and care for him for all eternity?"

Izuku didn't hesitate to say "I do" with the brightest smile. Katsuki's heart melted at the sight of his strong, getting healthier sunshine. Izuku Midoriya was truly a fighter.

"Then with these final words I give you..."

"You may kiss the groo-"

Izuku had already dropped his cane and had his arms wrapped around Katsuki before the officiator could finish. Katsuki had to do everything in his power to hold back a laugh, but kissed his husband back with just as much passion and love. They both hoped to never break it, whether it had been hours or even days they'd been standing there.


So what exactly saved Izuku Midoriya? Easy answer. He found his gem, his jewel, his everything, his meaning. Ironically enough, Izuku's heart was the true reason he lived. There was no way he could let go of Katsuki. Never in a million years.

Even though Izuku still had an ongoing fight with cancer, he knew he wouldn't and couldn't let go.

So... He'll make the most of it.

And its starts with a ringed finger turning the page of an All Might comic, two strong arms sneaking behind him in an embrace whispering words of goodbye before he went to save the city, and a cold breeze to offset the burning sunrise in the background.


The End.


Written by: BlissfulliWrites

Inspired by: 'Cancer' - My Chemical Romance

Thanks to:


For being super sweet and supportive to me. Your comments made my day!

Wow... I can't believe it. All this time, work, and effort... I met so many new people during the process of this book.

I mean, it happens in every story. I always find new friends and new ideas. That's what I love about what I do here.

Thank you so, so much for reading, the support is always appreciated, and hopefully, you'll enjoy another one of my stories too!

My most popular at this point and time is 'DOMINANCE' but my personal favorite is 'DETONATION'.

Either way, you might enjoy both!

Thanks again reader & enjoy the rest of your day/night!

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