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"So... about that little "project" I had you guys do..." Aizawa started, knowing that he would be harassed by the loud clamour of his students when he told them the purpose. 

"It wasn't for a grade."

...And the clamour began. 

Many shouts of anger circled throughout the classroom, a few students standing up from their seats in protest and annoyance. A few debated on being angry, it was kind of actually worth not getting a grade. However, was it enough not to get a diploma after graduation?

You see, Aizawa had said before to the class that they would "actually" graduate. What he really meant is that they would actually get to touch and hold and take home their diplomas. 

Oh sure, they got to hold it and admire it during the graduation ceremony, but Aizawa had all of them snatched away from each kid. He had one more thing he needed to do before he set off his c̶h̶i̶l̶d̶r̶e̶n̶  students into the world alone. 

"Do any of you incompetent problem children get it? Sit down." The tired teacher rolled his eyes, and the third-years all sat down. It would be worth it if Aizawa had a reason. 

"I told you that I would be taking your diplomas after graduation. Being third-years you all know that UA has a freestyle teaching method, and this is me putting that into act again, just like when you were first-years." He continued. 

"I had you go to the hospital for a reason. Can anyone tell me why?" 

Katsuki thought about it for a minute while a couple students - obviously being Tenya Iida and Momo Yaoyorozu - raised their hands. 

"You wanted to show us how fortunate we are, right? That we shouldn't take advantage of what we have, and we shouldn't be ungrateful. We've all been given such a great opportunity at UA and in general to be accepted into this hero course." The raven-haired girl spoke. 

"Close, and correct, but there was something a little different I was trying to point out." The teacher spoke, and it was evidently clear that Yaoyorozu was a little discouraged because she thought her answer was on the money as she sat back down.

"...Heroism isn't just saving some extras who are in danger at the moment, it could be something totally different." Katsuki muttered, and all eyes were on him. "What? Was it really that hard extras?" He asked, placing his feet on top of his desk. Class 3-A's students blinked a couple times. Without all of them knowing, even Aizawa was quite amused by his most problematic child. 

"Go on, Bakugo." The underground hero ordered. The blonde sighed in slight annoyance as he was never one to talk in class or enjoy it. 

"I met another extra," the class rolled their eyes, expecting an answer like that. "He was... interesting to say the least. Suffering from cancer. He made it clear to me that his time was almost up, and I thought about that, okay? He trusted me, even though I'm shit with words, and I tried to think of what I really was doing or wanted to say, 'cause believe it or not extras, I didn't know what to say. The only thing I could do was pray, hope, and be there for him." 

Everyone in 3-A was shocked that something like this could come from the Class Hothead. 

"But... In the end, just being there, just staying by him, just trying to tell him it would be okay... It actually made him want to fucking live. He didn't want to give up, and he's still fighting."

The classroom was quiet. 

"So what did you learn from this, Bakugo?" Aizawa asked, smirking the tiniest bit. If anyone could get it, of course it was going to be the most unlikely child to understand. 

"I'm not repeating it you damn penci-" The blonde met eyes with the teacher, the only person he would actually listen to... other than Izuku. He rolled his eyes. 

"Being a hero doesn't mean you just rescue people on the streets or some bullshit like that, you can save someone in a different way, LIKE I ALREADY SAID." Katsuki huffed, glancing at the clock. it was almost time to leave. 

"I knew I gave you the right room. Congrats, Katsuki Bakugo, or Dynamight should I say, get up here and get your diploma. You've now officially graduated from Class 3-A. Rest of you can get your diplomas after him; I'm tired." Aizawa set a Tupperware box on the front desk while he said his final words to his soon-to-be former students. Katsuki didn't waste a second to grab his things and shuffle through the box full of students' certificates to find his own. 

After he heard the scuffling feet and yells from Iida for everyone to get in a single-file line, he dashed out, saying goodbye to UA for good. Oh and the extras? He'll be working with him, so it's not like they can't bother him at work or by phone. 

However, as much as he wouldn't like to admit it, he may have whispered a "see ya later, extras" before leaving to confirm he did say farewell to his now former classmates. 

But after that, there was only one thing on the blonde's mind: Izuku Midoriya.



Wooo a break from the angst! You see I'm not heartless :)

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