Aincrad's End

832 19 1

November 7th, 2024...

Floor 75...


Within the Main Settlement of floor 75, right at the teleport gate, over sixty players were currently waiting for the commander of the Knights of Blood Oath to arrive. Within the crowd of players, a certain player dressed head to toe in black with two swords on his back, now sporting a purple scarf was sitting against a pillar, playing with a piece of "jewelry" that was wrapped around his neck as well. The moment Heathcliff would arrive, everyone present would be facing the next milestone boss.

Kirito would let go of the small tear-shaped piece of jewelry that was <<Yui's Heart>>, before tucking it under his scarf, keeping his daughter safe and warm, as he looked up to see the crowd of players. Amongst the group of players, only four of them caught his attention. He would see that Klein was talking with Agil, while Asuna was with Sachi. Kirito would look around to see if Keita or the other Moonlit Black Cats were around, only to see that Sachi was the only one present. Just as Kirito got up from the ground, the teleport gate glowed blue, as three silhouettes walked out of the blue sphere.

Heathcliff has arrived.

Everyone watched the man with white hair and in crimson-red armor walk forward, as he held a crystal out.

"Corridor, open!" Heathcliff said as a blue portal appeared in front of the commander.

"Everyone ready? The Knights of the Blood Oath will be out in front distracting the boss and blocking its attacks. In the meantime, the rest of you have to stay sharp and try to figure out its attack patterns. I won't lie, this battle will be hard. But I have faith that we can and will prevail. For our day of liberation!" Commander Heathcliff said out loud, causing everyone in the teleport gate plaza to cheer.

One by one, everyone entered the portal, that led them toward the the boss room of floor 75. Everyone would unsheathe their weapons, as Heathcliff and Asuna walked forward toward the boss room doors, slowly pushing them open. Kirito breathed in, and then out, as he pulled both his swords out of their scabbards while pulling his scarf up to cover his mouth.

Watch over me Yui...

Once the boss room doors were open, every player that was there would run into the dark room, where they saw the room was empty, no boss spotted. Just as someone was about to speak up, the doors would close behind them, while the sound of something crawling was heard around them.

"Up there!" a player shouted, causing everyone to look up toward the ceiling of the room, where they saw a large boss, that resembled a skeletal centipede with an elongated skull for a head and red shining eyes.

"...<<The Skull Reaper>>..." Kirito mumbled to himself, out loud, as the bosses named and HP gauges appeared next to its head.

"Stay away from it! Spread out!" Heathcliff ordered as the boss launched itself off the ceiling. The moment the skeletal boss landed on the ground, it would slash down two players that were in its range, killing them in one slash.

"....That was one hit?" Klein asked, eyes wide open.

"Man, we are so dead," Agil said to himself.

"Here it comes!" a player shouted, as the boss targeted the next closest players, charging toward them. Without even thinking straight, Kirito would charge forward toward the boss and player.

"Kirito!" Klein yelled, following the Black Swordsman into battle, Agil, Asuna, and Sachi following behind the man. Just as the Samurai had caught up, both he and Kirito blocked the Skull Reaper's large scythe-like claw from striking the player down, as Agil threw his axe down on its arm, followed by a two slash combo by Sachi, and Asuna pierced the boss a few times with her rapier.

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