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"You're telling me about something I can't do anything about ma, I tell you this everyday that these girls be trippin too much over nothing" The young man spoke to his mother.

"Brent I don't know what to tell you.. you can't keep having girl after girl fighting and carrying on like that for you." His mother told him. Brent was an only child, he was only 13 at this time and already experiencing a lot of girl issues and drama, she blames his father.

"I get what you're saying ma, I really do. I'm only 13, I just be sitting with different girls every lunch period, it's nothing wrong with that" He explained respectfully. Brent didn't see anything wrong. He was raised to treat women with respect, honor and love them all while staying loyal. Well, he was too young to have a girlfriend so all he knew was how to keep a girl happy and satisfied while they were his friend.

"I know that baby but you're so young and already having these issues with these little girls arguing and stuff over you. I just don't want things getting ahead of you being a normal kid" His mother tried to explain. He chuckled a little bit before adding new rubber bands to the ends of his braids.

"Alright ma, I'll work on it. It's not my fault I'm a nice guy,right?" He asked her as he turned around meeting his mother's talker frame. She kneeled down with a smile on her face and cupped his face in her hands.

"Of course not, you're an amazing little guy and I'm grateful to have such a kind hearted son. Just stay focused for me, okay? And for yourself most importantly" She told him one last time. He nodded his head and smiled.

"I love you ma" He said with a cheesy smile. She chuckled and kissed his forehead.

"Now, you finished your homework? You're sitting here like you're about to go somewhere" She asked him as she stood up right, with her arms folded. He walked to his room with his mother trailing him slowly as he went inside his bookbag and pulled out a few folders. After a few rummaging through them, he picked up 4 sheets of paper, showing her the work he did already. She looked it over all of them separately and nodded her head.

"Don't even know why you asked that but, there you go" He said with a little smirk to his mom because she was about to give him a look.

"Mmmm alright. You can hang out with your friends but-" She was about to say.

"Be home for dinner by 8:30, and no running in my new sneakers" He cut her off with a smile.

"You know what, you remind me so much of your father" She said with a small laugh but quickly faded. He walked over to his mother after putting on his puma sneakers and rubbed her back.

"I'm learning everything from you though. So, y'all sharing " He said in attempt to make his mother laugh and it did. That's all Brent cared about since a baby, food and his mother. Those were the only two things he knew while growing up, aside from her singing to and with him throughout his life too.

"Go ahead, where y'all going?" She asked as he held onto the front door knob.

"To the arcade, two blocks down by IHOP" He told her as he opened the door and walked out. He walked down the hallway then put the lobby with his headphones in his ears. Brent Armani Faiyaz. Born September 19th as the only child. It wasn't always like that though. When he was 7, his mother got pregnant with his soon to be baby sister. He was so excited, his mother couldn't calm him down about it, but one day she started feeling really sick and more nauseous than usual. From nauseousness, it went to pain and from then she knew that something was very wrong. Throughout the first few weeks of her pregnancy, Tiana was finding random women's panties inside of the little cracks of the drawers in her room. She even found a condom not all the way flushed down the toilet, all of this was starting to get to her, her body and obviously her unborn baby girl. The worst part of it all, she hid all of this hurt away from her son and "husband", which made it even worse on her. She drove herself to the hospital while Brent was in school and called her best friend and no good ass husband. Her father lived too far and her and her mother isn't with us anymore. She had a miscarriage and for months after that she was very depressed in every way possible. This didn't sit well with Brent seeing his mother losing weight rapidly right before his eyes, turning to alcohol and drugs here and there. At 8 years old, he seen the definition of what women should stay away from in a man. He witnessed his father leave him and his mother in their desperate time of need to go be with his new girlfriend and her two kids. He had to be the man, he had to grow up even if that means putting his childhood on hold. He'd do anything for his mother. He started learning how to cook breakfast just the way she's cooked for them all the years before. He watched YouTube on the TV and followed the person step by step to make the perfect cheese eggs, sausages and toast with a side of apple juice. He started making that for her every single morning and after a while this motivated Tiana to snap out of it. It's okay to be sad about a tragic accident and trauma that she entered, but she has someone else to live for still. She slowly began to regularly eat again and gain her appetite and weight back, all of this came from her 8 year old son. This broke her down more regularly than usual because how does that even sound? Your 8 year old son basically has to step up and be the man you thought was suppose to love and honor you through sickness and health? That's not the life a 8 year old child should be living. Ever!

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