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"Can you please explain to me why we are watching this?" The young girl asked.

"Yes. It's tradition for all of y'all to watch this. You're the youngest so it's your turn" The young girl's father said. He's a very old fashioned, traditional person. He's not religious but he knows that their is a god and he makes sure he lets him know his appreciation for him as often as possible. Kiandra Chanay Moore, third child out of 3. She lives with her father in Columbus,Maryland. She's been living out here with him for about 3 years now while her two other siblings stayed in Memphis with their mother.

"Dad I wanna cook something for us, may I?" The eager girl stood to her feet from sitting down. He chuckled at his daughter and did a hand motion assuring her that she may.

"Go ahead. Just be careful and use the stool to find things! We don't need you falling again" He said trying not to laugh at the funny memory. Kiandra has a habit of thinking she could do everything herself even her being only 12. Her characteristics and looks, she got from her mother. Everything else in between? She's a carbon copy of her father but in a good way. Her father, Travis was a good guy. He didn't cheat or anything on their mother, they simply just out grew each other for various of reasons. It all boiled down to the lack of communication and their mother being overly dominant when it came to situations that he tried his hardest to avoid at all costs. It doesn't mean that Kiandra doesn't love her mother any less, she just gets along better with her father to say the least.

Kiandra began taking out everything that she needed to begin cooking the two breakfast since it was still 11 in the morning. She was making pancakes, eggs and sausages. She learned at a young age with her older brother, Jeremy. After about 20 minutes, everything was finished. She turned around and seen that her father wasn't sitting on the couch in the living room anymore. She bent down to retrieve two plates from the stack, while doing so she heard her dad's muffled voice raising from his room down the hallway. She was tempted to go see if she could hear anything but that was too much of a risk, her legs are small so she'll most likely get caught. She washed off a serving spoon as she stood over the plates putting the portions. A few moments later, her father emerged into the living room again while putting his hand over his head.

"Let me help you out with that, I'm sorry baby" He said as he took the spoon politely out her hand to serve them both.

"Sorry for what dad? You didn't do anything" She told her father as they sat down at the dining room table. He smiled a bit before speaking again.

"I know you heard me raise my voice.. not saying you're nosey but I know you're smart" He told his daughter. She smiled a little and started to eat her food. Truth is, she always hear her father and mother going at it with each other. They try not to as much as they can while the kids are around but sometimes things just happen and it's uncontrollable. The two were quiet for about 5 minutes as they are their food.

"This taste so good by the way" Her father said to her, holding up the ok sign with his hand.

"Thanks dad, on a scale of 1-10?" She asked

"10" He replied as he finished the last scraps that he had left on the plate. He collected both their plates and put them into the dishwasher.

"Dad.. why don't you and mommy like each other?" Kiandra asked. This question caught her father off guard, none of his kids ever asked that question before. How does he tell his last born, who's been around him literally all of her life.. that him and her mother aren't a good fit for each other?

"Well.. we like each other. It's just when you're an adult and you have a child with another adult.. sometimes the two parents don't always get along with each other. I love mom" He explained to her with a small smile.

"How did you guys have me if you guys yell at each other all the time?" She asked her father. He chuckled and put his head down. He has a very observant and questioned filled child.

"Kiki, at that time we did like each other. A lot, but sometimes different things happen that aren't in our hands anymore. You'll learn that when you get older but I hope you experience it better than what I did" Her father spoke. Kiandra nodded her head once up and down. She stretched out her arms and yawned.

"I love you guys, but dad may I take a nap? I feel really tired" She asked as she stood up.

"You don't ask me when you can and can't sleep Kiki, what the hell you've been watching?" He asked his daughter as she started to laugh and proceed to her bedroom. She closed it and locked it behind her and quickly laid back down underneath her covers and pillows. She snuggled them both for about 5 minutes, then she was out like a light after that.

About 1 hour later, Kiandra was awakened by her father tapping her shoulder gently. She moved a bit and removed her sleep eye mask

"Kiki, Toni is here for you. Want me to tell her come back later?" He asked in a low tone for only his daughter to hear. She nodded her head up and down before drifting back off to sleep. He chuckled as he exited out the door and locked it behind him. She drifted off back to sleep and got back comfortable.

Meet Kiandra y'all ☺️ next chapter will officially kick off this book. Thank y'all for staying patient 💕

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