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Somewhere in CT (1 month later)
"You sure you're okay about this? We don't have to stay the weekend if you don't want to" My mother told me as we left the airport. I was having mixed emotions about being around my pops and his family, it's not like I want to be here but I have to.

"Nah it's good ma, just gotta be back before Monday for work. I took over time so I can do this little studio session I'm tryna get into" I told her. These songs I have are just in my notepad, collecting dust when it could be playing in someone's ears hopefully.

"I forgot you said you were going to start taking it seriously. Even though you should've been took that step but -" She started to say.

"Better late than never, right?" I asked her and she chuckled and nodded her head. We were waiting to get on the bus to drop us off at the hotel we staying at.

"So how are you? I feel like we haven't spoken in person in so long" My mother asked.

"I'm good ma, same ole stuff just a different day. This job is paying way better than my last one so I have no complaints right now" I told her, checking my phone.

"That's good to hear.. how's your love life? Am I going to get grandchildren anytime soon?" She asked bluntly. I damn near spit out my coffee, it was cold as hell up here.

"Yeah.. someday, and that's still a very small possibility " I told her and she started laughing.

"What happened to that Talia girl from like two years ago I believe you told me? You know I be all over the place I'm sorry son" She said as she started drinking her naked juice or smoothie if you'd prefer.

"I don't have one of those. I'm just chillin right now, Talia is old news. She's been old news for a really long time but she can't understand that" I explained. She raised her eye brows but nodded at what I said. The bus came and we got onto it. I went in the middle section and put our bags underneath us.

"Well I hope one day you can bring a nice young women to my house, but in the mean time I'm taking my ass to sleep" She said as she pulled out her over the eye sleep mask. I chuckled and started listening over to the song I did a rough draft too.

"Auntie Kiki I want some ice cream, can we get some?" Connor asked me as we went to the third park today since I've had him. Ryan and Tyson are held up at work so I had to pick Connor up from school and keep him entertained after he finished his homework.

"Yeah we gotta find a truck first, it should be one further down this block" I told him as I held his hand and we crossed the street together. He nodded his head and led her into the playground, the ice cream truck was at the corner.

"Can I get 2 half and half's ? Half vanilla with rainbow sprinkles and the other with chocolate sprinkles for both" I told the man . He started making them and a few seconds later gave them to us out the window. I gave him a 10 dollar bill with it to leave him a tip. He thanked me as we walked deeper inside the park, enjoying our ice cream. As we walked further in, I seen a familiar face. It was Jonah pushing toddler niece inside of the baby swing. He looked over at me and instantly smiled, I walked over to them as Connor ran to sit on the top of the slide.

"She's so beautiful" I told her, she started smiling and kicking her little feet.

"Thank you babygirl, Connor got big as hell. It's been hella long since I seen him" He said as he took her out the swing and held her in his arms.

"Yeah he really is, he's gonna be 9 this Saturday" I told him and his eyes got wide.

"Im definitely getting old, last time I seen him he was like 4 or 5, around there" He said as we walked to the other side of the park. We stayed and talked for about 20 minutes before he put her inside her stroller.

Misunderstood *DISCONTINUED* Where stories live. Discover now