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1 month later

"If you're not willing to even speak, how are we going to move fast this?" She asked her daughter. She just stood there and looked at her, trying to figure out what went wrong with their relationship after so many years of self blame.

"Well for starters we barely ever speak so its kind of new to just start up conversation" Kiandra said back to her mother. They were so similar in features but so opposite on the inside. Her mother sighed and took a sip of her wine. Kiandra was accompanied by her two older brothers, they were cooking with their father in the kitchen while the ladies were downstairs.

"So.. how have you been? Fill me in" She asked her daughter.

"Same ole, working as usual. I don't work at the faxing office anymore. I'm a bartender" She filled her mother in. She nodded her head and sat back more further in the seat she was in. She can visibly see that her mother wasn't all the way approving of her statement just now but she didn't care.

"Are you happy with that transition? Seems like a downgrade to me but maybe that's poor judgement" She spoke with a petty tone. She knew what to say to get under her children's skin, Kiandra more so out of all of them.

"That is your poor judgement.. because I'm very satisfied with the quote on quote downgrade I've received, the money is better and I'm with people more in my age range" She explained to her mother. As they spoke, Kiandra's brother Giovanni walked in with a glass of white wine for his two ladies.

"Thank you son.. did you know about your sister's half naked ass job? And if so, why am I just now hearing about it?" She asked with attitude to her son. He turned around with confusion on his face, looking between the two.

"Half naked is a bit of a stretch ma don't you think? Besides, she's a grown ass woman what I look like controlling where she can and can't work?" He asked her back in retaliation. His mothers eyes widened and she took a deep breath before looking back at Kiandra.

"Thank you Gio, I'm not half naked first of all and second of all, if it's paying my bills and keeping me stable what's the problem? You want me to pass up this opportunity because YOU don't want me doing it? Out of all people, you?" I asked getting frustrated. She really has the nerve to waltz her ass briefly back into my life like nothing ever happened that caused this huge emotional gap.. and then on top of that you want to try to dictate my life and how I earn my money? It must be something I'm missing here.

"What the hell is that suppose to mean? You trying to throw jabs when I could throw some too. You wanna be spending all types of nights and days without contacting your own family. All for some boy that ended up cheating on you like I said he was going to do" She spoke with emphasis on every word. I can tell she's been wanting to let the cat out the bag for a long ass time.

"You took it as a jab and now you're trying to find ways under my skin and it won't work. So.. on that note I'm going to excuse myself" I said as I stood up from the table we were sitting at.

"Our conversation isn't finished Kiandra, don't be rude" She said looking over her shoulder at me.

"Yes it is. There's nothing else to talk about, you don't accept what I do and it's fine. The feeling is neutral" I said, putting on my jacket as my brother palmed his head. I hate that we can't move past this little spat or whatever you wanna call it, but it is what it is.

"Ima hit you later sis, be safe" My brother Gio said as we gave each other a hug.

"Okay I will. Love you" I said as we let go of each other.

"Love sis. Always" He responded. My mother and I didn't look at each other as I walked past her and out the door. When I walked down to my car and got inside, I started crying without any self warning.

Misunderstood *DISCONTINUED* Where stories live. Discover now